Mysterious Silhouette

"Whoaah," Jung exclaimed.

He was still in darkness.

Almost all of his senses were numb, but he was getting them back.

"I missed quests, but hot dangit, I wasn't expecting that."

The situation didn't look too good.

Four entire years went by in the real world.

It meant he had lost important time to better progress himself, and only one year remained.

Thinking about his parents and Elara, Jung realized something.

'She was older than me?'

He was reminded of his sister.

According to Lilia, Elara was older than him, which meant that maybe the same thing had happened to her.

"What if she was here, in this realm, before arriving at the academy, but time flowed differently? Is that even possible?"

He asked the system.

[Very much so,] she answered.