Shinji's Rebirth

Shinji felt his skin tearing apart as the woman pulled him out of her mouth and threw him onto the scorching desert sand.

The woman laughed in joy, "I did it! I'm finally free from this curse!"

The young man, battered and bruised, lay on the ground, his brown eyes fixed intently on the figures wearing Guy Fawkes masks that floated in the air.

His body was bloodied and barely recognizable as if he had just passed through a meat grinder. He couldn't scream anymore; instead, he silently cursed in his mind.

'Just kill me already! You've already done your worst. Stop hiding behind those masks and end it! I'm done living this pathetic life. Hurry up and take me!'

It was almost comical how a man who had been begging for his life just minutes before now wished for it to be taken away. However, contrary to his expectations, his body began to levitate off the ground.

The ghostly figure with chains for hands wrapped its chains around him, and Shinji's thoughts took a drastic turn.

'Please don't kill me! I was just joking! I love my life! Even in this state, I'll find a way to survive!'

Unaware of Shinji's thoughts, the creature asked in a sweet, melodious voice that starkly contrasted with her intimidating figure;

"Do you desire power?"

Shinji nodded, and the voice posed another question, "Will you do anything to acquire power?"

Despite his nodding in fright, Shinji thought to himself, 'As long as you don't make me impotent!'

The voice remained silent as the mask on the creature peeled off, floating through the air to perfectly fit onto Shinji's face.

Mesmerized, Shinji gazed at the stunning face before him – it was the same face as the girl who had brutally assaulted him, yet it appeared even more beautiful as if enhanced by artificial intelligence.

The girl leaned in, her lips brushing against Shinji's mask in a gentle kiss.

She whispered into his ear, "For the next seven years, you will betray those you meet. When you kill them, wear this mask. Never utter the name 'God' from your lips again. If you die within these seven years, you will belong to me. But if you survive, I will set you free, and you will possess unparalleled power for the rest of your days."

Shinji, still entranced by the voice, could only nod his head, and at that moment, he found himself teleported back to the bottom of the well where the villagers had thrown him.

Holding his breath, he sensed a presence in his primordial space, and he let his consciousness enter it.

The place was dark, illuminated by his blood-red Rei which glowed like a moon. Its light rested on a wooden pavement adorned with iron statues dressed in traditional Japanese attire.

The statues seemed to worship the moon in various poses.

Shinji was unimpressed; to him, this primordial space was naturally formed and unremarkable, just like all of them.

His consciousness drew him to his Rei, where three Tama floated: a light red phoenix, a pink raindrop, and a dark red cat.

With no guidance on what these Tama did, Shinji poured all his Rei into them.

Strange phenomena began to unfold outside the primordial space.

His body started regenerating, and he felt rejuvenated. His shadow transformed into a human form, swimming him away from the well. Dark clouds gathered in the sky, shrouding the entire village.

As the drizzle turned into a downpour, Shinji received a gentle nudge from the miniature figure formed from his shadow.

Coughing up the water from his lungs, his gaze remained fixed on the dark clouds. Crossing his arm, he muttered, "It should be fire instead."

As Shinji finished speaking, the clouds transformed into a bright yellow, shrouding the village in a daylight glow.

However, the drizzle soon turned into a torrent of fire, raining down upon the village.

Shinji stood up, awestruck, as the flames engulfed him. However, his body healed instantly, and a maniacal laugh escaped his lip;

"Haha! Hahaha!"

He rushed downhill, his shadow trailing behind. Shinji's bones broke, but they were instantly reassembled.

Upon reaching the village center, Shinji found everything in ruins. The villagers' agonized screams fueled his malevolence, intensifying the fire drizzle into a raging storm.

He bellowed, "Die, you ungrateful bastards! The hero you sacrificed for this village is now burning you! Isn't that ironic? As they say, do unto others as you would have them do unto you! This is my way of repaying the bitter-sweet memories we shared! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be like this! Hahaha!"

In mere minutes, the village was reduced to nothing but ashes, leaving no ruins behind.

Shinji's laughter continued unabated as his flames began to break through the ground's surface. The village would soon sink into the earth.

Fortunately for Toshiro Island, a small clicking sound dispelled the yellow clouds in the sky.

Shinji halted his laughter, his brown eyes fixed on the giant eagle approaching from the setting moon's position.

Removing the V for Vendetta Guy Fawkes mask, he handed it to his humanoid shadow, which dissolved into the ground. At that moment he stopped pouring his Rei into his Tama.

'I will kill that girl with my bare hands.'

Gritting his teeth in frustration, he forced a smile onto his face, walking towards the eagle as it landed.