The Journey of The First Tama-Artist

The Shojo sneered, dismissing Shinji's kind gesture, "Do you think I'll join your pitiful Righteous Faction?"

Shinji laughed in disdain, "I'm not doing this for you!"

His brown eyes turned to the samurai behind him, "I'm doing this for them. I don't care about you."

The Shojo's anger intensified, "What do you mean, you're doing this for those samurai? They won't even breathe without my command! They're nothing without me."

Shinji chuckled and looked at the samurai behind her, "Is that true?"

The group murmured inaudible words, prompting the Shojo to laugh, "You see that? They can't do anything without me?"

Seizing the opportunity, the Shojo grabbed a katana from one of her companions and stabbed Shinji's heart, "This is what happens when you preach nonsense about peace!"