Yurei vs. the Atsuki Clan

It was like mist rising into the air as the subordinates of the Atsuki Clan closed in. In the eyes of ordinary men, it looked like a giant snow creature advancing from all angles, but to the three Yurei members, they could see clearly that it was a group of people dressed in blue armor.

A bulky man leading the group of Tama-Artists from the East, rushed over to Ichino yelling, "Daimyo-sama! We saw the floating pagoda collapse! Are you okay?!"

Ichino wiped the blood on her lips, asking, "Do I look okay to you?"

Sosuke shook his head, ordering the group behind him, "Hurry up and tend to the Daimyo-sama's injuries. The healing Shinsei Tama-Artists get in front."

"I won't let you: it's better for us if we cut this short. It will be troublesome if that woman continues to live," Mikino said, using her Nanato Tama to make water surround the two, but before she could trap them, the water turned into mist.