Shoji infused Rei into his leg, before violently kicking the surface. The ground shuttered apart, reaching all the Tama-Artists that were in the distance, revealing to Shoji what was an illusion, and what was real.
"So, this Tama of yours allowed you to show me things that were far away as if they were close. I can't judge whether it's good or not. Well, any sort of judging from the human mouth is wrong," Shoji said with a smirk, his red-eyes landing on the group around him - most of them were dead, nothing special.
His gaze landed on Chie, but he felt no hatred for him whatsoever. Being honest, he wanted to let things between her, and him end in peace. He was after peace, if he wasn't thrown into an illusion with them, he would have never fought with them in the first place - stretching his bones was nice, but being the one to bring death onto innocent souls wasn't: the judge was already sitting on his thrown, watching all things go by.