Spider Web

While flying high in the air like a plane was undoubtedly cool, realization quickly hit Eric as his heart rate began to speed up.

His ascent was done, so now it was time to fall.

The feeling of falling was a horror few things could hope to match.

"Alright, think logically," he muttered under his breath, trying to stay calm.

"Falling from such a height would kill me for sure, so is there some way to break my momentum before hitting the ground?"

This was the dire question that he had to figure out, fast, as he wasn't going to remain in the air for much longer.

"I have to avoid water at all costs, maybe aim for softer ground or branches of trees that could potentially break my fall."

While in theory these options gave him better chances of survival, he didn't feel hopeful…

Until something caught his attention.

"Is that a monster?!" he spoke in disbelief as his eyes widened in awe.