Ernest continued his gaze sweeping over the crowed. '' you will be tested in all three categories Magic, Strength and Spirt arts sequentially. The first portion will be your magic affinity. I expect each one of you to demonstrate at least a basic level of power. Step forward when called.''

The first candidate, a young woman with striking blonde hair , steeped forward. She raised her hand , and within moments a flicker of green light danced on her finger tips . a spark of pure magic she was a wind mage .''Next,'' sir Ernest called and the process continued. One by one the applicants demonstrated their magical abilities. Some were impressive while others faltered under the pressure

Kassemi watched unfazed , it was finally his turn and he stepped on the marked area , his feet steady on the ground, his heart racing with purpose but he remained calm

"Name?" Sir Ernest asked, with a gaze piercing the boy standing before him.

"Kassemi khan,"he replied firmly.

"Show us your magic," Sir Ernest commanded .

Kassemi took a deep breath, feeling the familiar warmth of a fire welling up inside him, he centered himself and summoned a flame.

Sir Ernest observed and told kassemi to proceed to using spirit arts. Kassemi focused reaching for his power hidden deep within him his spirit arts. His magic power was nothing compared to the raw power of his spirit arts .

The air around him became dense as he extended his hand outward channeling his spirit energy. The earth beneath him responded to the incredible power surged

From the shadows was a voice speaking to sir Ernest "In this world people manifest spirit arts a power that changes the structure of magic and can be used as a type of special magic as per it's unique properties, some are blessed with light magic as a spirit art some dark magic in very rare cases both , where as some are blessed with a curse CHAOS MAGIC "

"Let's just watch" sir Ernest said to the man in the shadows.

The man in the shadows opened his eyes with a slight smirk on his face " I haven't seen such raw Chaos energy from a mage let alone a boy, do you think he's the reincarnation of the mad god Chaos ?" Sir Ernest nodded his head and replied" that's just speculation on your part plus chaos got seal not killed so he can't reincarnate, the boy has obviously gone through rigorous training in order to display such power."

The crowd gasped at his power, a low murmur spread like wild fire .

Kassemi's eyes remained closed but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips he knew it was his moment, his spirit arts were unparalleled in strength. He opened his eyes and the glow of his power shimmed in the air around him. He wasn't just a boy from the slums , he was kassemi khan and nothing could stop him now

"You've met the requirements, you may proceed" Sir Ernest said in his voice carrying the weight of approval. Kassemi stepped back with a sense of triumph welling inside him, this was only the beginning.

" Looks like this kid may just be as strong as me" Hugo laughed with sinister like laugh

"I guess he can share the spot light with me " said Shiro after witnessing kassemi's power

"Now for our last applicant, Nagasaki it's your turn!" Sir Ernest shouted.

"Understood " young prince Hiro walked up to the marked area and closed his eyes.

Hugo broke into laughter "what is Mr pretty boy going to do suduce the female instructors with his looks so he can pass?" He said.

"Mr rich boy you are not cut out of this I can't even sense a drop of mana from you , the other kid might have managed to pass but it's due to his chaos spirit arts something you don't have" said Clara

Shirozen held hiro's shoulder and said" look kid you may be a royal from a big shot family like house Naga but that doesn't mean you can fight."

"We've been friends since kindergarten you were never big on fighting Hiro so just turn back." Jessy said out of concern, while kassemi's fingers started to tremble" I guess they saved the best for last ."

"What are you blabbering about?" Hugo glared at kassemi.

"You can't feel it?"kassemi could not understand why he couldn't stop shaking.

Shirozen smiled and said " kassemi, you are over exaggerating because you are the strongest and you clearly don't want the spot light I totally get it."

"Nagasaki here you can let loose you don't have to mask your presence, " said sir Ernest suprisingly with a smile.

"Masking his presence my foot , there trying to make him a big deal just because his from a big shot family" said Hugo as he looked away with disappointment

"If u say so , step aside and don't get in my way ."

Hiro closed his eyes and took a deep breath , the area was surrounded by a dark chilling vibe. " Is it just me or did the temperature just drop" said Clara as she began to shiver. " Now that you mention it ,it's getting a lil bit chilly out her," said Shirozenas he looked at Hugo . " Don't tell me he is the one changing the weather?" Hugo said with disbelief printed on his face

Hiro's mana alone changed the weather as his affinity was ice , he opened his eyes and said " I'm done here "

"His a monster, guess his my rival " kassemi smiled with excitement .

Sir Ernest smiled " you pass " he said it with a lot of confidence in his voice.

Shirozen laughs as he looks at Hiro with disbelief "Hugo remind me to never get on his bad side "

"Guess this year is going to be interesting after all," replied Hugo.