Xiao Lao's hand rested on his forehead, and after a heavy cough, he slowly rose from the sickbed with his wife's support.
He bowed to the elders of the Tang Family, with a face full of guilt, "Sichen has been spoiled by us, I'm so sorry."
"Young people take some time to adjust; we can understand that. There's no need for you both to be upset," Mrs. Tang said with a smile, a master of acting the innocent.
Now, as Xiao Sichen was resistant, they couldn't forcefully make him marry, but warming him up slowly to the idea was still feasible.
"I've also told Siqi that how adults feel isn't important, the key issue is the child. The child without his biological parents by his side is truly pitiable, just look at Yaoyao for proof," Mrs. Tang cunningly struck at the Xiao Family's sore spot.
Indeed, Mrs. Xiao burst into tears upon hearing this, "Yaoyao is the child I feel most sorry for."