The uncle deliberately lowered his voice at the end, with a slightly somber expression.
After hearing his introduction, everyone shifted from initial amazement at his vast collection to focus on the incident itself.
All the swords and knives rusted overnight; indeed, it sounded bizarre.
[Some of these swords and knives look ancient, could it be poor maintenance?]
[I heard that rust can spread, could one sick sword have infected the others?]
[Do you think it's some kind of contagious disease? Didn't you see they are all on separate shelves, isolated?]
[That's funny, with that much wealth to collect so many swords, how could they not maintain them?]
Evidently seeing the barrage of comments in the live stream, the uncle explained each one patiently,
"Regular maintenance of the collection is always done, basically hiring a professional Maintenance Master periodically."
"Like this Arabian Scimitar, which I've had for ten years, has always been in good condition."