"what kind of deal is it?"
"Sure I'll tell you all about it but first, you need to bring your set of table here"
"You're the master of this world, you can do everything you can imagine"
I don't understand what he mean by that but I'll try
i start imagining that the table is right in front of me.
I opened my eye and found out that it's really work, the table is right in front of me. I goes to the chair and sat down, as i wait for Beelzebub to tell his deal.
"Now that you has sat down let me tell the deal, let me get a test of your body"
Looking at Xavier questioned look Beelzebub quickly picked up something from his left side.
Its a paper a few old looking paper, Beelzebub handed the paper to Xavier hoping that he will understand after reading the paper.Looking down at the paper Xavier start reading the titles.
{The Lantern Bearer}
It's a paper about what does a Lantern Bearer does, when Xavier put down the paper suddenly it got suck in by his book. Panicked Xavier quickly search for the paper.
He goes through the page, but after turning a lot of page he still not managed to find it, knowing that Xavier has get a trouble Beelzebub tried to help him.
"That book is connected to your class, if you asked the book with a sincere feeling it shall answer you"
Hearing Beelzebub word Xavier quickly closes his eye and ask the book.
Which one is the page that mentioning about the Lantern Bearer.
A voice came through his mind answering his questions.
「page 122,665,089」
Hearing the answer Xavier quickly goes through the page, Beelzebub seeing how much of a dumbass Xavier is, Beelzebub tries his best to correct Xavier.
"Like i just said, the book is connected to you. You can just think of a certain page and it shall turned by itself"
Like what Beelzebub said it's really does work, i quickly read all the thing inside the page. After turning a lot of page i finnaly grasped what is Lantern Bearer and what is the job.
I closed the book and turn my heard towards Beelzebub, he seems kind of bored. Knowing that i has done reading, Beelzebub quickly turn himself into a humanoid look.
"Can you summoned a chair for me?"
I lift my hand and tries to summoned a chair inside the cage, a chair suddenly arises from the ground, making the water like ground splashing water everywhere.
Beelzebub sat down and crosses his leg, in this form the only thing that made him humanoid is his body structures. He still has a lot of mouth and eye everywhere around his body.
"Okay let me tell you everything about the deal..."
His explanation is really long, it's not like i can't understand what his saying right now. But to be exact, he sounded like he tries to be smart.
I've been living for such a long time, but this is the first time I've ever came across someone as arrogance as him.
Throwing all the useless part this is the main point that he says.
The deal:
1. I can receive any power that i can think of from him.
Price: he can eat any body part that i offer him, and he needs to tell me how many body part that is needed.
(He says that my body is a very rare and taste very good)
2. I can give him my skill and exchange it for another skill.
3. If somehow i get beheaded, he will take over my body. And the only way for me to take my body back, is by crushing my body until there is no remaining left.
4. He can watch my journey, and bring the other with him.
5. I need to stay alive no matter what is the situation.
"So what do you think?"
After hearing all the offers he have, i don't have a reason for not accepting.
From inside the cage one of Beelzebub hand reached out to me, after your normal handshake, The hand that has come out from the cage is deleted out of existence in a blink of an eye.
The deal has been made and the only thing left is to wait.
Waiting for what exactly? you may ask, the one that i waiting for is the World Traveler. A World Traveler is exactly what it means.
World Traveler is they who come across another world and lost its way back to their own world, and the only place that they can come to, is this world.
This world is called the nowhere, there is no other place than this cage and my table. And without the help of a Lantern Bearer one cannot go back to one world.
But is it really worth waiting for a World Traveler, knowing that it has been over a hundred billion of years and no one has came across this world.
It is...
Well in the mean time, i can just sit here and read the Book Of Record while waiting for the traveler.
A year has passed, and there is no sign of a traveler.
5 year has passed, and sometimes i can hear a step of something but there's really nothing in here.
10 year has passed, i can hear a sound of a rift opened. Is someone finnaly found a way to go to another world?.
Another 10 year has passed, i can hear 21 more sound of a rift opened. It seems that there's has been lot of world traveling activity lately.
3 years has passed, i closes my book and start to talk with Beelzebub, he seems happy talking to me.
2 years has passed, Beelzebub still has many story to tell me about. And lately after hearing his story, i have been craving for a food knowing that it has been a long time since i ate something.
Time passes, and suddenly one day.
I hear a sound of a failed rift, the sound echoes throughout the whole world. I can hear a number of one person that has arrived to this world.
I walk towards the sound, and start my journey as the Lantern Bearer.
To be continued.