The Truth?

After following the string of light, we end up in front of a door. A white door with a name carved on it.

I walk closer to the door so i can read the carved word, 'I Am The Father Of The Main Character'.

It's that a title, no more importantly where do i hear that title before.

After a few minutes of thinking a memory strikes the back of my head, back in my world "Xavier" has read a comic with the same title.

So how does this world is another fiction world, do all the world in this world is came from a fiction made by human in my world?

「"that's not how it work, DUMBASS!"」

"What do you mean by that Beelzebub"

Is that guy has become insane, or he just talking with another person?

Levi with his doubtful expression start to stroking his hair and tap Lan shoulder.

"Sir.Lan what do i need to do now?"

Lan a bit startled by Levi sudden question, and make him forgetting all the question that he has for Beelzebub in his head.

Lan grab Levi shoulder and bring Levi closer to him, he stared Levi dead in the eye while he tighten his grip.

"Before i tell you your command i will ask you one last time, DO YOU KNOW YOUR PLACE?"

"YES SIR!!!"

Lan release his girl from Levi shoulder, he take a few step back and summoned another round white table.

from the ground the perfect white table has arises, complete with the tea set and two fancy wooden chair.

Lan approaches the table and sat at one of the chair, he picked up the tea pot and pour the tea into the cup.

"What are you doing sit There!"


Levi slowly approach the table and nervously sat on the chair across Lan, Lan hand the tea to Levi while he put down the lantern.

Im capable of doing anything in this world, should i test my theory.

"Levi Roan, [PAUSE]"

In just a second Levi has stopped moving nor breathing, he still alive but right now i cannot call him dead or alive, because he only being paused after all.

"Bring me to Beelzebub!"

I was sunken to the ground and then arises infront of Beelzebub jail, checking my body i found out that this ground thingy is water like.

But this is not a water.

I sat down and crosses my legs, i took out the Book of Record and start to writing using the pen that Beelzebub gave to me.

"Continue with your explanation about the door before"


Is he become a bit more human like, or is it just me.

His body is still changing in random, but his body part start to add more, he now has legs and a nose.

He only has five nose's and 15 legs, but with that number of body part it's making me curious with the question.

can he use all that body part?

"So you might has a suspicion about how the other world works, but it's actually quite simple."

The pen start to write the words that Beelzebub has told to Lan, it moved really fast that it seem like Lan is using a typewriter.

Beelzebub continued with his explanation...

"Every story has its own universe, you know the thing called multiverse right?"

"Yeah..." Lan answer Beelzebub while his hand still writing.

"Multiverse is infinite, and so that means there is an infinite amount of possibilities that a story that has been made is coincidentally copying the stories of another universe, And the game you played before is on of the few example."

The record has done in a flash and all Beelzebub explanation has been recorded in the book, i stared at the book and then at Beelzebub.

"So there is a different Lantern Bearer in another universes"

The answer is obvious but i still want to know.


"Wait wha-"

Beelzebub cut Lan word before he finished and proceed with his explanation.

"You cannot handle the truth for now, more importantly you need to take care of that world traveler you just meet"


Lan turn his back and silently command the world to sent him back to where Levi is, while the ground is slowly sinking Lan deeper into itself Lan with his trembling hand swiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"You sure is a strong man "Xavier" to think yo can handle one of the truth of live"


Arises from the ground i sat down and calm my self from all the thing that has just happened.


Second after i said my command, Levi immediately came back to 'live" again, his body showed no change, and the flow of time between him and me slowly become equal.

"What is it Sir. Lan?"

Huh? Oh yeah didn't i just call his name before i paused him.

"Hmmm... Oh yeah, Mr Levi about the contract that i mentioned before. Are you ready with the price that you might need to pay?"

"Wait but i never agreed to form a contract with you, aren't you just going to tell me about the offer you have?"

I blinked in realization.

I did say that...

"Who do you think am i, i know what's the thing you need the most right now, so shut up and just hear the term of the contract!"

"Yes sir!"

As expected, i know that this guy is some sort of an outer god. He know about my circumstances and offer me a help

To be continued