Buzz-cut man was speaking while planning to head up from the basement, suddenly Scarface called out to him with a cautious face: "...wait."
"We agreed on forty minutes, but it's only been twenty. The difference is too big," Scarface frowned and said, "You first take a weapon and go up to check, in case there is an accident."
After hearing that, the buzz-cut man casually picked up a submachine gun from a box in the corner, then he stealthily went upstairs.
However, to buzz-cut man's surprise, when he came up, he found the bar upstairs was still pitch black and deserted.
The rolling shutter outside the front door was also closed.
— Could it have been an auditory hallucination?
To be safe, he walked over to the front door to check the situation.
Just as he approached the door, a muffled sound of a silenced gun suddenly came from nowhere, and his right elbow was instantly hit by a bullet.