Chapter 225: Jiang Ting Curses Lu Chengye into a Daze

"That sentence 'Dad, who did you say you want to teach a lesson to?' was said by Lu Jingyan."

At this moment, Lu Jingyan's complexion was ashen, and he looked at Lu Chengye with visible irritation, the oppressive feeling almost reaching its peak.

It was from Fu Chen that Lu Chengye heard, after Lu Sheng got injured, Lu Youming directly carried her off from the horse field.

So he made a phone call and heard from Lu Youming on the other end, saying that Lu Sheng's injury had been taken care of and she was ready to come home.

He naturally assumed that only Lu Youming and Lu Sheng would be returning home.

Lu Chengye couldn't have imagined that not only the fourth son accompanied Lu Sheng to the hospital, but all his five sons went to the hospital, even his wife made the trip.

"Such a serious matter as Shengsheng's injury, of course, we all dropped what we were doing and rushed to the hospital as soon as we heard the news."