Chapter 126: Were the ashes switched?

Lin Qi's heart grew more and more astonished; she knew that Momo enjoyed reading, but she didn't expect that he would have read this kind of book.

Lin Qi asked, "Which book did you see that in?"

Momo replied, "It's mentioned in Catherine Dauti's 'Smoke Clouding Your Eyes.'"

Huo Tingdong walked over, glanced at the ash on the tip of Momo's finger, and indeed, it looked like a mixture of magnesite powder and concrete.

"This is certainly not ashes." He had seen real ashes before, and they were nothing like this.

Lin Qi couldn't respond at the moment, "Then where did the ashes go?"

Momo speculated, "Could they have been switched?" He immediately dismissed this suspicion.

What use would there be for ashes?

During the incineration of the body, all organic matter is completely burnt up.

What's left is a bunch of inorganic materials, mainly composed of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and carbon, etc.