One moment he was a cheeky brat bargaining with bright eyes, and the next, he looked like a frostbitten eggplant.
With a milk mustache on his lips, Xiao Bao slowly bit into a slice of egg white, frowned, and reluctantly put it back on the plate, with a "I'm not hungry" attitude.
Following Yanci's gaze, his eyes suddenly brightened.
As if he just realized Ye Li had returned.
But the brightness only lasted for a moment.
Ye Li, I feel so awful!
Looking pitifully at Ye Li, Xiao Bao's shoulders drooped, and his face clearly spelled out four words: weak and helpless!
Visibly, the girl's face swept from doubt to full compassion.
"Still feverish?"
Touching Xiao Bao's forehead and then his cheek, Ye Li affectionately ruffled his hair. "It's okay, being sick means we're growing taller and boosting our immunity! Can you be brave?"