Chapter 206: Don't Miss Me Too Much

The door opened, and there was Fu Yanci with an imported fruit basket in one hand and a new toy in the other.

Behind him was a little one hiding.

His gaze glided over the girl glaring at him in anger, but Fu Yanci pretended not to notice the huffiness on her face. With a gentle expression, he turned to Li Xueqing, "Aunt Ye, I'm so sorry for troubling you!"

"No trouble at all, come in quickly..."

Li Xueqing greeted them warmly, busily placing fruit plates, drinks, and chocolates on the coffee table, while shouting back to Aunt Lan, "I remember we have toys in the storage for entertaining the kids during New Year, hurry, get some out for the child to play with!"


Aunt Lan went off smiling to the storage room.

When Ye Li moved back to the living room, Fu Yanci was already sipping the Pu'er tea that Li Xueqing had prepared.