Chapter 3: Looting Spree


I really wish I had more space in my backpack for all this loot, but there is just way too much stuff for me to bring every little bit of it along. Looks like I'm going to need to locate some SDUs (Storage Deck Upgrades) if I want to carry a ton of equipment and loot for and from my adventures. But in the meantime, I suppose I should set up a temporary base somewhere here in the Headstone Mines to store all my crap... at least till I'm ready to begin my mission of relinquishing Sledge of his precious vault key fragment.

Changing up my plans a bit, I briefly looked over the haul I collected thus far before making my way to the metal stairs that led both upward to the higher levels and downward into the depths of the mines below. The moment I came upon them, I stared off into the darkness below the lengthy set of stairs led into and came to a decision.

Yeah, I'll clear the upper levels first before I go investigate the mines below. God only knows what's lying in wait down there.

Preferring to put off exploring what appeared to be abandoned mines that may or may not have creatures lying in wait for me, I stepped onto the stairs that covered many, many levels and climbed them till I reached the next floor. From there I got right to work, opening up one locker and storage container after the next and sifting through the plentiful piles of junk and scrap lying about the floor.

Due to my experience on the second floor, I completed my scavenging and organizing on the 3rd floor in record. And once I was good and ready, I ascended another floor and repeated what I did on the previous two floors. Not long after I began rummaging through the 5th floor, I made a surprising find.

"That's not a SDU, is it?"

Not believing what I was seeing, I picked up the blocky darkish matte gray object.

[ Ding! ]

[ Backpack Storage Deck Upgrade Acquired ]

[ +3 Backspace ]

[ Ding! ]

[ New Badass Rank Stats Unlocked ]

[ Backpack Space: +0 ]

[ Bank Space: +0 ]

[ Ammunition Space: +0 ]

[ Grenade Space: +0 ]

Those bonuses will certainly come in hand in the not so distant future.

Although I was surprised to acquire a backpack SDU during my looting spree, I was happy nonetheless. With a bit more pep in my step, I returned to scouring the place with renewed vigor, intent on finding more valuables that will assist me in my efforts. Minutes after my last find, I came across a grenade mod although not the type I was searching for.

I wasn't looking for a shock transfusion grenade mod, but I'll take what I can get. I mean, it's not like I can go wrong with a grenade mod that's super effective against shields thanks to its elemental effect and can drain health from the enemies and give it to me. Now how do I work this mod.

Fumbling with the small piece of technology for a minute, I was unable to figure it out, so I revisited the ECHOnet to find the information I was seeking.

Ohh, that's how it works.

Sticking my ECHO communication device back where it belongs in my back pocket, I took the grenade mod and pressed a sequence of buttons on it, causing a metal plug to pop out from its rectangular cuboid shape. I then retrieved one of the ten grenades I had stowed in my large cargo pants pockets and plugged it in a hidden port on the grenade once I revealed it.

"Okay, that should do it."

I thought aloud after I uploaded the grenade mods data to the grenade, which immediately began changing in appearance once I removed the device thanks to the ever powerful Digistruct tech.

From there, I used the inbuilt feature on the grenades and duped the effect to the other 9 I was carrying on my person. When all was said and done, I had 10 transfusion grenades that possessed a cross symbol on their midsections along with a faintly glowing blue ring wrapped around both the top and the bottom of them, signifying that they were of the shocking element.

Plenty satisfied, I kept to it and a while later I finished that floor as well, hence I moved onward to the next and then the final floor when I was done with the 6th. Stepping onto the topmost floor, I took a cursory look around and discovered a door that led elsewhere at the back of the floor. Interested in where it went, I strode over to it and on my way to it I noticed it went out to some sort of balcony through the dusty windows beside it.

Continuing my stride I arrived in front of it and attempted to open it however, the thing was locked up tight.

Hmm, what to do...

Taking a step away from the solid door, I examined the walls around it and spotted a wire running from the keypad beside the door. Tracing the electrical wire to see where it went, I followed it along and eventually found it ended at an old electrical box that was beyond a collapsed section of the floor.

That's going to be a pain to get to as a nearly 400 pound man, but I have to see what's locked behind that door.

Unwilling to let an obvious spot for a loot chest go unchecked, I examined my surroundings carefully in search of a way to reach that electrical box. My investigation eventually led me to some pipes that ran along the walls of the floor and those below.

Looks like that's my best way over unless I want to give leaping across a try.

Taking a look at the broken rebar jutting up from the collapsed rubble below, I made the wise choice of not doing that, especially since my speed wasn't anything to write home about, given my current massive weight and my legs not really being proportional to my very developed upper body.

These legs of mine are going to need some serious training when I reach somewhere safe. I can't afford to be slow if I want to survive this shithole of a planet with innumerable bandits and creatures roaming about that are both dangerous and bizarre.

Done finding a path forward, I approached the thick metal pipes and tested them out to see how sturdy they were. They appeared sturdy enough to my judgment, so I grabbed hold of one of the several pipes running along above and got a footing on the pipes that ran along near the floor.

Putting a bit of weight on it, they strained and creaked noticeably under my heft, but held strong regardless.

Looks like they'll hold out long enough.

As ready as I could be, I started shuffling across the pipes and began making my way across slowly but surely, much to the discomfort of the pipes. Unfortunately for me, the old pipes I was using as footing began to give way, so I made an instantaneous decision to make a jump for the ledge. Putting as much power into my legs as possible, I jumped with monstrous force whilst simultaneously using my powerful arms to give me that extra bit of boost to propel me to the ledge.

Rotating in midair, I grabbed hold of the ledge like my life depended on and held onto it with a death grip while dangling above the broken and jagged steel rebar below. Not wanting to meet my end, I utilized my built upper body to pull myself up and before I knew it; I was sitting on the concrete floor of this disconnected section of the mine shaft with my heart pulsing both fast and extremely hard.

Fuck, that got my adrenaline pumping.

Having successfully avoided a near death encounter, I calmed down and steadied my heart rate. The second I was back to normal and had my body under control again, I picked myself off the floor and moseyed on over to the electrical panel and opened it up, finding a large handle and a bunch of switches inside.

Not knowing what I was looking at really, I began studying the panel and discovered the large handle the power for the door, so I grabbed hold of it and flipped it to the on position. Looking over at the keypad beside the door back over yonder, I found it lit up.

Looks like that did the trick.

Closing the panel door, I transitioned over to the ledge and found a safe way down that was by the large opening in the core that ran through all the floors and into the earth. With a safe way found, I approached the edge and lowered myself down as much as I could before letting go and dropping down a few feet. Back on the 6th floor, I quickly returned to the top level and sped to the door that I risked my life for.

This better be worth it.

Pressing the door's green activator button on the keypad, the lock disengaged and clicked into place a split second later. As soon as the metal door swung out of the way and I stepped forth, an expansive scene came into view.

Fuck this a massive place... It's literally going to take me forever to locate that vault key fragment.

I thought as I stood on a steel crisscrossing balcony of sorts that led up to the roof of this towering structure.

Taking in the impressive view of the bandit base and the surrounding Arid Badlands, I surveyed the area from my high up position. I observed uncountable bandits moving about the Headstone Mine going about their daily lives and after watching them for a short few minutes; I transitioned to see if I couldn't identify where the bastard Sledge may be residing. It took a minute of meticulous searching of the zone, but I eventually located a number of structures that looked remarkably similar to their game counterpart.

So once I found those, I estimated where his personal hideout should be from my memory in relation to the structures and, low and behold, found it exactly where I expected it to be positioned.

Well, that was a hell of a lot easier to locate than I expected. That said, it's all the way on the other side of the mining facility, so it appears I'll be extending my stay at the Headstone Mine since I doubt I'll be accomplishing my objective today. Haa, that's a bummer.

[ Loot Acquired ]

Weapons: | Common || Generic | Basic Combat Rifles (15) - | Common || Generic | Basic Pistols (21) - | Common || Generic | Basic Shotguns (4) - | Uncommon || Hyperion | RD Incendiary Crimson Stinger Submachine Gun

Grenade Mods: | Rare || Anshin | Shocking Transfusion

Shields: | Common || Generic | Basic Shields (7)

Meds: Minor Healing Kits (32) - Minor Insta-Health Vials (35) - Light Healing Kits (14) - Light Insta-Health Vials (15) - Healing Kits (3) - Insta-Health Vials (9) - Greater Insta-Health Vials (5)

Ammunition: 14,199

Grenades: 48

Dollars: 20,015