The Second Facility: HAVN After the discovery and creation of the WARRIOR-N. & NECTAR Formulas has greatly benefited Barrow and PROMETHEUS. With the old facility buried and forgotten, Barrow move its operations and testing to the northwest into the depths of the Mohave Desert, only Barrow staff and PROMETHEUS agents know of the new facility's exact location. This facility dwafts in everyway the previous facility, a multi-level facility with advance tech all connected to a control-pannel in the upper observation level, over the Subjects' resting/recreation commute-area, several special elevators that lead to testing areas that are also crudely called the "Haunting Grounds" by the Subjects. Many veteran military trained, soldiers, were recruited and employed by Barrow, under PROMETHEUS recommendations, to act as security for the facility. A large medical wing, located in the comnute-area and divides into a second section, one is for the treating of Subjects to maintain alive and in passable health conditions to take part of the test-trails, and the other to perform needed surgical actions on Subjects, Mutates, and NEMESIS for further experimentation and examination. The therapy chamber, a special reinforced room with a two-way mirror where the therapist, can interview the Subjects and restrained ALPHAs in a total security. Thus vastly improving what once was the former facility, both in terms of effectintcy and security.

Test Trail Regulations 1.All Subjects must be low-risk people, that won't be noticed after accepting being apart of the project, and disappears permanently or for long periods of time.

2.Subjects will be provided with necessities, in exchange for participating in a certain amount of trails, divided by two levels.

3.Subjects must have a certain level of health to allow participation of in the tests.

4.Trails and test are divided into various types, mainly two known as the Psychological Tests to condition Subjects to be obedient, should they achieve NEMESIS transformations, or at least be more subservient instruments for the tests.

5.To maximize the impact of the trails, and conditioning of the Subjects, rest and willingly enter the trails through a main-desk, allowing the Subjects to have greater impact having to survive the trails of NEMESIS Project.

6.All bodies of dead Subjects, outside the Haunting Grounds, are desposed of after all organs are retrieved from the corpses and sold for more profit, they're dump down the disposal shaft for mass cremation.

People of Importance to the NEMESIS Project

Head of the Board, and CEO of Barrow Name: James Middle-name: Gallen Lastname: Barrows Jr. Age: 41. Sex: M. Skin: White. Haircolor: Blackish Brown Hairstyle: Brushback in stylish form. Clearance Level: A-5/Full Clearance. Background: The CEO of Barrow Corp. the main connection between the Corporation and PROMETHEUS. While many believe he is a incompetent man, PROMETHEUS personally chose place him in charge after the last Barrow passed in his sleep. He is the face and spokesperson of the Corporation, selling products to various other companies and people, for the betterment of the NEMESIS Project. James is a grade A asshole that actually enjoys the twisted acts done in HAVN, so he is seen most on the time in the main office of the HAVN Facility, and he has a sick love for everything that happening in that place.

Chief of the HAVN Facility/Head of the Psychological Department of Barrow Corp. Name: Annabeth Lastname: Lunara Age: 34. Sex: F. Skin: White. Haircolor: Blonde Hairstyle: Wavy, vibrant, and tied in a top, short bun. Clearance Level: A-1.

Background: Dr. Lunara, Chief Psychologict and Barrow Agent of Project NEMESIS, and quite possibly the only psychologist able to "communicate" let alone interact with the ALPHAs in the entirety of the Barrow Staff. A beautiful, and highly intellectual woman, who has been able to not only get a university degree in psychology, and science, but also did it at a young age. Using her intellect, sensuality, and psychological manipulation to establish herself above all other in her field, but also cement her power and position, many consider her a devil under the flesh of a woman. All she thinks of those comparison is amusement, Annabeth is a cold, calculating, and borderline obsessive in her pursue of unlocking the secrets of the human psyche, even trying some borderline inhumane methods to achieve these goal. Because of this and her well gathered connections to [REDACTED], she was recruited by Barrow Corp. under the recombination of PROMETHEUS. It didn't take much to convince her to be apart of the NEMESIS Project, and truthfully she was the only psychologist, that was able to "connect" with the ALPHAs and even made improvements on the special therapy sessions with the NEMESIS. Thus earning her the highest position of the Research Division, and practically the main manager of the HAVN Facility.

Dr. Lunara NEMESIS ALPHAs Reports

ALPHA-ONE Name: Laharl Dante Crowley

Alias: The Demon, The First NEMESIS, The Monster in the Dark, The Darkspawn of the Torture Room.

Profession: Unemployed/Serial Killer. Weapon-Claws: Massive Left, Finger Right. Appearance-His cellular and vitality is in a perpetual prime state, basically remaining in a psychical state of age 18-22, red eyed male with dark purple and black colored hair in a spiky style, possesses elongated pointed ear, sharp fangs, claws, and a long thin tail that resembles a chain with a curved razor-sharp blade for a tip, he can transform his left arm into a large limb with greater and longer sharp-claw, as for his choice of clothes he wears a sleeveless hooded vest, has his left arm wrapped completely in bandages, has orange slacks resembling that worn by inmates but with multiple restraining straps on them, and barefooted. Registered Mutation & Abilities-1.Enhanced Physical Abilities: Strength, Stamina, Agility, Endurance, Resistance, and Healing. 2.Constant State of Cellular Adaptation and Regeneration, shown to preserve the body in its prime and vitality. 3.Tail appendage resembling a long chain attached to his body, with a razor-sharp, curved blade tip tail capable of cutting through the strongest material, his tail is also capable of extreme flexibility, extendibility while still being very strong and durable. 4.Some shape-shifting capabilities, transforming his left arm into a massive biological claw, changes his mouth into a monstrous like filled with sharp-teeth, this ability also explains the change to the tail. 5.Possesses Umbrakenisis, meaning he is able to control and use the darkness around him, as a weapon as well, and can even tamper with the lights of anyplace almost as in killing them to expand his power's reach. Background: The original and first successful NEMESIS, a natural-born throught the crimes of Thompson Krieg, sexually assaulting miss [REDACTED] and causing a pregnancy that resulted in his birth. Originally his designation was ALPHA-ONE, but after [REDACTED] escaped the original facility, with him she'd named him Laharl which means "Shadowed Angel" and lived in hiding for some years. With his enhanced physical and mental abilities he grew stronger, smarter, and more dependent to his mother, and protecting her. Until her murder, that triggered a psychotic break in the young Laharl, and sparked a intense hatred towards men, hence starting a brutal killing spree unlike anything North America has seen and will never learn thanks to Barrow and PROMETHEUS' intervention. But this lost of his only familial figure, also triggered a protective nature towards women, Barrow purposely hid that majority of his murders were in the defense of a mother or woman, these killings lead Laharl in fully naming himself taking the names of some victims, to make his own. During these years of murdering, he came into contact with eight women, all of them were horrific victims of life and bad situations, he observed them, comfort them, and care for them all, making them fall inlove with and in the apex of their fall from sanity and morality transforming them into NEMESIS. Together they reign horror and bloodshed across North America for several years, until Barrow managed to capture them in California, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, during a huge orgy between them. This operation resulted in many dead and several more injured but in the end ALPHA-ONE, and what are known as ALPHA_EVEs were captured and contained. Currently Laharl aka ALPHA-ONE is being held in the most secure, and deepest chamber in HAVN, were only Clearance Level A-1 or above can access and they must be female. He is restless, eager to be with his beloveds, and to kill, extremely dangerous to males, akin to a beast hungry for prey, he is cool, and dark all that brings him joy is his beloved, and talking about some entity called the "Dark Mother" for the safety of the Project, he is to be kept under lock and watch, 24-7 until another NEMESIS can be successfully produced.

Laharl's famous quotes-1."At the end of darkness, is oblivion."

2."Your life. Your soul. Your everything is mine forever."

3."The screams of the damned. Forever singing in the dark. And now you're apart of them."

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#1: I believe that ALPHA-ONE aka Laharl, natural hatred and psychotic desire to exterminate men cause of all the traumas once suffered by his mother, throughout his raising, has guided his need to only turn women...victims, that suffer greatly and are in the edge or already suffering a psychotic break. His need to protect victimized, and broken women and love them, has lead me to theorize that we should bring women with extreme psychotic traumas, and states that could attract ALPHA-ONE's attention and we can finally uncover the mystery of creating a successful NEMESIS.

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#4: After several sections with the EVEs I think I've uncovered the source of ALPHA-ONE transformation of other people. These women all mention, several times of a "marking" of sorts that Laharl aka ALPHA-ONE has done to them, and how it was the greatest gift of love that they could ever receive. Suspicious of this I therelly investigate this so called "marking" they speak of, through the symbolism and madness I finally discovered their meaning. Marking has two meanings for these women and ALPHA-ONE, marking means being chosen by ALPHA-ONE as a potential lover and future NEMESIS, and I believe the other meaning being "biting", I think that the NEMESIS transformation from ALPHA-ONE must derives from a bite. I need more testing and observation to prove my theory.

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#7: This Dark Mother, that ALPHA-ONE keeps mentioning in our sessions, has lead me to believe it isn't a delusion made in the broken mind of Laharl. The way he describes her, as shadowy entity that comes to him and sings, let me think that it might be another A_EVE that we've haven't captured or heard of. But the true reason I believe in this theory that the "Dark Mother" is a real entity, is because in my interviews and sessions with the EVEs they mentioned and describe the exact entity, visiting them. Unless conditioned no more than one mind, can have the exact delusion, especially without those individuals having contact, the NEMESIS have been kept separate ever since their capture, so my final thought is..."Who is the Dark Mother?"

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#11: A long while of researching, I believe I've found some worthy candidates for not only the NEMESIS Project, but also future A_EVEs. I presented my report to the Board, and they've approved of my request, now I must wait for Barrow to collect these women, so I can finally prove my theory involving the "Marking" the NEMESIS speak of.

Potential Candidates for NEMESIS Marking 1-Name: Nina Douma Alias: The Smiling Killer-A victim of extreme bullying and near murder, caused her to break and her scars added to the trauma, in a campaign of revenge, she murdered many victims leaving behind a smile on the murder site or on the victims themselves, cause of her most wicket scar. CK: 27 Victims Status: Institutionized.

2-Name: Jullia Anderson Alias: Cassette Killer-Known to film and edit her murders before giving them to several sources news stations, and video stores to show her work to those lucky enough to catch her tapes. CK: 9 Victims Status: Imprisoned.

3-Name: Rohanna Blaike Alias: The Red Clown-Once a beloved kid-show star, acting as the clown "Miss Ruby" through some traumatic event she took and twisted the persona of her clown, and murdered several people in the Miss Ruby Happy Time Show, studio and was found laughing over the corpses of the show cast, and was taken into custody. CK: 34 Victims Status: Institutionized.

4-Name: Jane Mary McCarron Alias: Sweetsman's Victim-A poor victim of the late serial killer, called the Sweetsman, that leaves candy and treats on dead victims and force-feed only "special candy" to torture victims until death, she'd survived and killed not only the Sweetsman/Michael Young, but also some of the officers that came to rescue her. CK: 4 Victims Status: Institutionized.

5-Name: Tina "Tai Tai" Runner Alias: The Feral-Active killer in the woods of Maine, becoming a local legend or cryptic for her victims resembling more animal attacks, but in truth PROMETHEUS agents, have confirmed that the legend is true and a girl is responsible for these killing. CK: 12 Victims SK: 23 Victims Status: Active.

Haunting Grounds: These test trail areas, or as the Subjects, have come to call them on a crude manner, the Haunting Grounds are areas or great importance for not only the progress of the NEMESIS Project, but also the psychological conditioning of Subjects. They're eight in total, each exclusively modeled and owned by one of the A_EVEs. These level are designed and modeled after locations of extreme importance to the ALPHA_EVEs, also acting as hunting stage that the A_EVEs are set loose and hunt down Subjects. The only access to these levels is a elevator with a special key that only Subjects have knowledge of their location in the "Haunting Ground" only through completing the assigned trail, and surviving the A_EVE in the trail as well.

Haunting Ground Significance-These Haunting Grounds, not only trigger great emotional responses from the A_EVEs making them more aggressively dangerous to the Subjects. While all the gore, horrors, imagery, and more will traumatize and provoke extreme fear and in turn survival instincts in the Subjects, that in order to survive and escape will perform all the tasks that Barrow orders of them, which psychologically conditions them into obedience. Hence the dedication to perfectly replicated and immulate these locations in the EVEs backstories is high priority in the progress of the NEMESIS Project.

The Eight Haunting Grounds 1.Bloody Golden Manor of Exsanguine Owner: Cassandra Exsanguine Background: A special American summer manor, that once belong to the Exsanguine family of Eastern lands. It was a beautiful mix of Gothic Russian design, mix with modern style architecture that own it plot of land, clearly a fine building filled with elegance, wealth, and horrific secrets, as this was once the home of Cassandra Exsanguine, a modern and genuine princess and currently A_EVE-FIVE. As the three floor manor, plus a large front and backyard, covered blood and chaos even before Barrow Corp. took to replicate the once beautiful place, into a place of horrors. When Cassandra's mind shattered and she'd murdered several dozen people, she took to using the gold that was in abundance in the manor to create horrific things, mixing gore and gold and adorning the places of most importance and emotional significance to her, her Mother's Room, the Ball Room and the Secret Basement, Barrow collected these works of horrors and placed them in the exact location, as in the previous manor. Another room of great importance that was replicated is the secret spot between the eastern walls of the second floor, where she hid and preserve the body of her mother, a small room for her it was also replicated and use on the trail, anything disturbed from said room and body triggers Cassandra into extreme psychotic violence, and in order to obtain the key to exit the Ground, which involves Cassandra Mother's necklace to a statue that opens a way to the Secret Basement, where some important documents of Barrow are held there and must be destroyed to open the main study which has the exit key of the Ground.

2.Trummen's Wax Museum Owner: Ray Trummen/Halloween Background: A local tourist attraction on a obscured little town, a wax statue museum that belong and run by the Trummen family for a couple generations. Showing various artwork of different statues, and Rachel or how she prefers Ray was born to the family and loved creepy things, having tried several times to not only display her "monster" statues, but was only meet with distain, rejection, and torment by peers, which lead to her eventually suffering a deep psychotic break, and the birth of Halloween naming herself after the legend of Samhain, and massacreing the entire town. Barrow replicated the entire town to last horrific detail, along with the twisted "horror decorations" that Halloween constantly makes which are made from body parts, bones, and halloween decor, but the main focal point is the recreation of the Trummen's Wax Museum. All of Halloween's victims were recovered and placed back in their spots as wax-statues of horrific faction, and themes, Halloween normally roams and spends her time in the wax-room working on another body, or making a horror based atrocity. To gain the key to exit this never ending, freakshow of body storage, is to find the bone-parts of her most hated victims, and placed into a amalgamation statue with the weight opening a hatch to the key to leave this horrorshow.

3.Mc.Kaine Chemical Plant Owner: Runi Doe/Ruu Background: The infamous abandoned Chemical Plant, that once was own by Henry Mc.Kaine, before a terrible accident of a chemical spill cost the lives of twenty people, forced the chemical plant to shut down and be abandoned for years. Then after years of abandoned, a nameless "street-kid" with a fragile mind, managed to make the plant her home and playground, eventually using the facility as her murderground exclusive to adults, as she sees as her greatest tormentors so many bodies were hidden and disposed of allover the facility, Barrow recovered a large number of old bones with chemical burns, and added them to their Haunting Ground replica of the Mc.Kaine Chemical Plant, with vats of deadly chemicals filled and full with dead Subjects. While having a withered appearance, all the systems of the plant are functional and continue to work making and managing the various chemical held inside the trail area. The A_EVE name Ruu, has her own room on the top level only accessible to her, being the Director Office that overlooks the entire facility, only through the suspending grate-bridges can one traverse the different levels of this Haunting Ground. To access the trail key of the Chemical Plant, Subjects have to collect and mix three massive batches of deadly chemicals, and once combined each of the mixes must be dumped on vat of people, once all "pests" are dealt with in the Control Room, a locker is open with the key waiting.

4.Redlight District; Naughty Bunny Club Owner: Barbi Krystal/Lust Blakroze Background: Infamous stripper joint, in the Redlight District of Leeve, Chicago. This is famous for the theme of the girls being called "bunnies", also it was was the workplace of Barbi Krystal, who was the greatest dancer and seductress of that entire club. Which resulted in various shady things, occurring in the club, one of the most common was theft of valuable done by a certain "bunny" but eventually the strip club was shut down for murders done by the "Succubus". They replicated this the birthplace of Lust the Succubus, also known as the Whore-marker, with her female victims being mutilated, or worse if they are strippers or prostitutes, these the most brutal victims were replicated from dummies and mannequins scattered and posed around the Haunting Ground. The Naughty Bunny Club, being the main focal point and the powered up, in neon colors and sensual music as fake-strippers or actual bodies are wrapped around the poles, constantly spinning on the poles. Porcelain bunny masks and torn-off faces, hanging around the streets and inside the club. The key is accessible after the "gentlemen" are satisfied with services, ranging from booze, music, and even gore done bound victims in dance-cages, once all gentlemen are sastified the "Boss" of the club hand the key over.

5.The Biachi Apartment Building Owner: Cynthia Costello-Graves/Wink Background: The Biachi Building it was a infamous location where mobsters would gather, to discuss plans and even contract assassinations with the tendents of the building, personally funded by the various crime families to have direct contact, and know their location at all times. Among those that once live in that place was the infamous, Cynthia Costello-Graves a hitwoman that was known as the Winking Death, for her twisted calling card of living a closed eye belonging to her last victim on the new one. Her apartment was a horror show, among the apartments raided long ago, using all those crime scenes reports and photos the insides of the apartment building was perfectly replicated into the large five floored Haunting Ground. Since Wink as she is known, has greatly "customized" the Ground with blood paintings of eyeballs, and the corpses have all her calling call with the "Winking Eye" of her previous victims. The apartment are filled with jars of eyes, and old new ardicals of mod related news. In the various apartments, there are files of evidence of various crimes involving mod families, in order to gain access to key locked inside the elevator-lift all evidence must be destroyed, gaining a token from the fake-Don in the lobby, and once twelve tokens are collected the key is accessible.

6.Abandoned Mountain Lodge; Heavenpeak Owner: Michelle Dumarias/Lillian Nyx Background: Heavenpeak once a beautiful grand, cabin lodge, deep in the forest until one of it most prolific clients a novelist name Michelle Dumarias, ruined it calm majesty. It was a place to get away from the world, and enjoy the peaceful wilderness, which provided Michelle with some needed respite to write in a ironic sense her vampire themed novels. The lodge was build over a cliff surrounded by wilderness, and the night she became Lillian Nyx the once quiet woods became a horror tale. Bodies of guests and staff members of the Lodge were mutilated and drain of almost all their blood, these murders were replicated both with fake mannequins by Barrow in this Haunting Ground, and by Lillian with her latest victims hanging blood-drained bodies from the fake pines around the Lodge which was fully replicated down to the last detail. Since this trail area is kept dark to emulate eternal night, the workers of Barrow have provided numerous candles that Lillian at times tends and replaces, so Barrow has taken to leaving crates of candles for her to adorn and lite the fake "woods" around the Lodge. Multiple books and dirty pages are scattered and trashed around the inside of the Lodge which has three floors which includes a basement. The trail key is hidden within one of the "brides" that Lillian made, locked behind one of the rooms in order to open these rooms various challenges around of Lodge, but in truth the "Bride" that holds the key isn't dead, just drugged and the key is in her innards.

7.Ignited Downtown Block Owner: Cinis Tramontovatore/Cinder Background: Dock/Fishing area a close community of Italian Fishers, that place is were Cinis was born, rised, and became a terrifying arsonist/painters setting fires all over the area. When she became Cinder, her murders were centralized in that area for a while, burning victims in various ways which were replicated in this Haunting Ground. From building burning all throughout the night, barrel fires, spires with bound victims and more all around the area as well as various paintings that Cinder has made all over the place, cause of the emotional connection these painting make Barrow has left them untampered with. The main focal points of this Haunting Ground, is her childhood home almost completely burned down, Cinder burned immediately after seeing that place and she mostly spends time in the attic painting fires or burned victims, and the second focal point is the peirs were first fires and victims were made and the shipping boat fire is still ignited. For the trail exit key, it involves burning the first "art-pieces" of Cinder in fire of importance to her, which always trigger violent, angry reactions of her, at the last fire in the boat furnace inside the ashes the key will be set free from the "art-piece" and passing the trail.

8.Bloodstained Florence Hospital Owner: Karin Nightingale/Scalpel Bleedinhart Background: The hospital the both created and modeled the killer know as the Devil Nurse. Her name was Karin Nightingale, a last living descendant of the famed mother of nurses, Florence Nightingale, a young, beautiful, and talented woman that was almost destined to become nurse like her pristine bloodline in a hospital dedicated to her formother. But instead became a sadistic, crazed killer, and this Haunting Ground is modeled after her first kills or better said massacre. Over dozens of victims, sparing none and even performing surgeries on the gravely ill, this once facility of healing and hope, became a den of blood and despair, the hospital level was completely replicated from crime-scene photos to the letter, and has sustained extensive damages and degradation from countless trails, and "creative" kills of Scalpel's victims. Replicas of "surgical rooms" of Scalpel were placed in observation rooms with two-way mirrors, and a hallway that only she can access and recreate her more vicious "operations" on Subjects she captured, instead of straight killing. The entire Haunting Grounds, has five floors, accessible via stairs, ramps, and small openings from damages. The key of this Haunting Ground, is only accessible after performing eight "live" surgeries on captives, that are scattered around the hospital, and once eight organs are delived to the Florence Nightingale Statue in the entrance of the Haunting Ground, the Statue secret compartment opens and reveals the exit key.