Date: FEB-18, 2002/4:00 AM HAVN Facility: Subject: 00128-A Private Squatters The subject designated, 00128-A is about to be apart of a the most difficult and dangerous "test trail" that he has ever participated since, his reason for this is because he was caught before he could expose the Barrow Corporation and all their illegal activities to the masses. Using his skills and knowledge about Barrow's workings and rules, so he can survive as long as he done, since he was placed in the test trails, he used his ingenuity and abilities to survive several lesser trails only involving Mutates. Currently said Subject: 00128-A was in his personal quarters, resting up before he has to take part of a upcoming trail which will have ten with him included, to participate in a large scale trail.

On his bed a average physique man, with short brown hair in a messy, unkept, and rugged short beard. Wearing a laurel colored long sleeved uniform, he looked tired, as he tossed and turned on his white sheet bed, his barren quarters with only a bolted small table in the corner of the room. On top of said table was a heavy, old audio recorded, he just finished a large set of audio logs, involving the horrors he had to face in this underground facility. Barrow provided these audio-recorders to every Subject, in the trails and encourages the use of them, and have some records of their experiences for some reason, 00128-A at first rejected the use of those audio-logs, but with some encouragement from the other Peons, he used them to relief stress and pain bottling up in his being.

He was called 2X, cause of his number register the decimal was in the twenties, he like every other poor soul in this place, are part of shadow government experiment. And how does he know that?

Because he was once employed by the people that run this hellhole. 2X was a average joe once, just looking for a job to pat the bills, and support himself, and he found a add for anyone with some experience in handling computers, even in the basic level. Since he has some ability in handling computers, he went to apply and started working for the Barrow Corporation. 2X proved his computer-skills that eventually he was "promoted" and transfered to a another location, but it more akin to a government blacksite like conspiracy theories claim. There or better said here, he worked in HAVN, at first he was clueless of what Barrow Corp. was really up to, just working on his desk, typing away at his keyboard, until he saw behind the curtains in a way.

One by one all of Barrow's atrocities were revealed to him both live and on his computer screen, Barrow was trying to create super-soldiers basically by experimenting on people. From homeless to addicts all were easy victims for Barrow to exploit and use on these soo called "Tests", after some subtle digging, he learned the name of this project, "NEMESIS". And so he dedicated his life, to expose Barrow Corp. crimes, downloading data, removing old files, and more all evidence to bring down Barrow, and in the moment that he was close to achieving this and blowing the whistle on this entire inhuman operation, he was caught and he was place into the NEMESIS Project. Quite honestly he sometimes thinks it would have been more preferable being killed then, than being apart of this horrorshow.

2X was walking to the mess hall of the Commute-area, to meet his "teammates" in the upcoming trial. In the chrome like tables aligned in three rows, sitting on a table at the back of the mess hall some ways from the kitchen, were nine other Subjects wearing the same laurel uniform, as him were waiting for quite possibly the same trial as him. Walking over to the other Subjects, that are quite possibly be my teammates, sitting down all the other Peons turn go look at him, and with that the team began to inspect one another...

One by one they introduced themselves, to 2X, starting with the biggest among them, his designation number on his right peck area. Saying "Subject: 01024-D" in black colored numbers, 01024-D is a strong, muscular, black man, called Brick cause he is literally built like one, but he is by far a dumb brute. Brick he is quite a cultured man, who enjoys reading and learning...cause he was took his father's words of "You can achieve anything, with knowledge and dedication." so Brick has modeled his life after that quote. But he lived in a world that is difficult for people of his agnicity but he never gave up and thrived for a better life.

But in the end racism and unfairness to people in color, cost him his job and home, which Barrow Corp. took advantage of his desperation and when he signed up, he was put here and became like a big guardian to many of the weaker Peons. He took trials for them, and used his wit and strength to survive and pass them all. Which made him quite a popular and admired in the Peon "community", he was a really big guy, sitting at the end of the table, reading a aqua green cover book. He spoke with a clear cultured sounding voice, as well as sounding like a friendly man, his large muscular left arm pointed over a girl that appears to be at her teenage age.

Subject: 02330-L or as she is known by the Peon, a blonde tied, semi-wavy haired teenage girl. She looked completely uninterested and tired...clear signs from a Subject being a long-time survivor/veteran of the test trials of Barrow. To 2X and other Peons it was surprising seeing one, at her age being apart of these horrors, in truth it was the only choice she had at the time.

Calling herself "Lill" she was a simple American girl, that wanted a good life. Friends, glamors, fun and much more...but the only thing standing in her way was her damn strict, dad that put extreme pressure and forbidding her from enjoying her life, Lill, she finally had enough and ran away from her home. Now homeless and struggling to live she found a flier of Barrow's assistance to people like her, so she applied and was caught in the horrors that Barrow Corp. had in stored for her.

Despite Lill being young, she is quite crafty and good on thinking on the fly, these traits help her survive and pass several trials, so despite her young age, Lill is still a veteran of all the atrocities that Barrow gas locked in HAVN. Lill, responded in a cheery, typical American girl, "Hey. Names Lill. I'll try to help, but don't expect me to risk my ass, for you in the trials." the others in the table, could tell that Lill has seen a lot of terrible things, during her stay in HAVN, and most likely witnessed the deaths of Peons that she might had gotten close to.

But regardless of Lill's attitude, they continue the introductions, with the oldest one in the table. This is Subject: 10000-M an older man, with a clear showing of experience and a survivor, with some strong features in his greyish hair and beard, plus he one of the few Subjects that was permitted a personal item, from his life outside of HAVN. That item is a dog-tag with his name and information scratched off, of course, Barrow wouldn't be so generous. He is called Uncle, by the more younger Peons, and that nickname stucked. Clearly he has a lot of experience and wisdom surviving various horror in HAVN and outside of it. He has a tired, and matured sounding voice as he introduced himself, not eating any shit just saying his designation and going quiet. It was Brick that said that they can call him "Uncle", which said Uncle only responded with a grunt, resting his chin onto his right hand.

With Uncle's introduction out of the way, they can continue next was Subject: 00038-Y is a balding dark haired man, with glasses on, often called Specs cause of his round glasses. Clearly a man that has a lot of education, and kinda of jumpy, all 2X and some of the other could only think, "How the Hell has this guy, survived so long?".

He introduced himself as Specs, for his glasses obviously, as he talked about being a researcher, more specifically a geologist, which Lill commented on him being a "Rock Nerd" and laughed, but it didn't bother Specs, cause those same skills from his profession were the reason he'd survived the test trials. Being smart, observant, and having a keen sense for detail have proven quite valuable for his survival. And the reason he was in HAVN, is quite simple...he is a gambling addict, and it pretty much destroyed his life and career. Desperate he found a flier for Barrow's support system, and he applied which resulted in his current state.

Next was a young woman with the designation Subject: 01010-J, she is a girl of short, black colored hair with some round, cracked glasses over her slightly fleckly face, and some bandages stuck to her face. She has a quiet tone, and she'd introduced herself as J3 or as many came to call her Muse, cause of her painting hobby. In fact many of the Commute-area has some of her art painted on various surface, and since it didn't obstruct Barrow's projects the guards and researchers from above allow her to do her paintings.

Muse is or was a teacher, in fact a science teacher of high-school level. Who has a artistic soul and talent, but was kinda of a introvert hence she never showed her paintings, until now as it became a reliable stress reliever. Muse sounded like a kind, and capable woman, but with her introvercy and social issues, which caused her to lose her job.

Needing more financial aid, she tried to search for any other job in teaching, but Muse had no luck in that and her only way to support herself, she needed aid and applied to Barrow's supposed aid. And such Muse was caught in this hell, using her quiet nature she became quite stealthy in the trials, and survive.

2X admitted that Muse was quite a lovely woman, then the next Peon introduce himself, he is Subject: 00990-M who was sitting next to Muse, he is a short brown haired man, with some scarring on his face, obvious sign of him once being a veteran of a dangerous profession. And they guessed right, he is called Grinder, cause he was a construction worker with some skill in welding as well. He is strong, crude, and blunt man, that once had a good job and family but lost it all one at the time, which resulted in a bad divorce, he lost custody of his baby girls, the light in his life. Struggling to support them, Grinder tried everything to gain as much money for them, but he had no such luck...

One day while working on a site, Barrow Corp. came to hire for some work, of course he accepted and gain a big paycheck that he immediately gave to his daughters. Since then he has worked on various jobs for truth he was among the people that had a hand in building some of the underground levels of HAVN, but he originally didn't know of the purpose behind Barrow's goals in this place and he needed the money, so he stayed quiet and didn't questioned the "methods" they demanded in working on HAVN. From blind transport, and more, but once the construction was finished Barrow wanted to throw them away. Afraid that he can't keep supporting his girls, he begged Barrow for more work, which they manipulate him and he ended as a Subject of a hell he helped to build.

Now all he can do is survive, and send all that "agreed" payment to his girls...he is quite a controversial man, Grinder needed to survive these trials to support his girls, but he also needed to remain in HAVN to do so. Using his knowledge of HAVN's structure, bravery, and stubbornness to survive the horrors in HAVN, all that push him forward is his baby girls.

The group were almost done with the introductions, next was Subject: 20202-A is a bald man, with lean physique, and torn off sleeves on his uniform, he is called "Pig" cause he was a cop. Which made him quite unpopular by many Peons, cause many of the people in HAVN are homeless, addicts, and scums of society that have experience with police. Pig, was a good cop, that tried to investigate Barrow Corp. having a gut feeling that Barrow was up to something illegal activities, which resulted in him being fired by his bosses without explanation. He suspected that Barrow's having a hand on his dismissal, so he investigated on his own...until some men, kidnapped him and he awoke in HAVN. He swears that he'll bring down Barrow Corp. and save everyone.

Meeting Pig, really impressed 2X, he was a like minded individual. Almost wished he had meet before and maybe together they could have brought down Barrow. Next was the last woman among them, she had the designation of Subject: 00300-K, preferring just K when addressed, she is clearly of Latino agnicity. A tough, rough, woman, with a clear angered expression and also seems that she didn't wanted to be with them or in this place.

K, was a inmate, a criminal, a violent thief. Performing these crimes to feed her big family, and while robbing a gas station, when she and her gang were arrested. She was sentenced for five years in prison, she raged and hated it, cause she was the only one that could provide for family and when she got out, things got worse. When she heard that Pig was a cop, she was clearly pissed and hostile.

If she could K, would probably beat or even kill the former cop, but she wasn't stupid one less person in this upcoming trial, could mean a higher chance of her death. So for now she'd bark but didn't bite, telling everyone to "fuck-off", and "stay out of her way" with that K was now introduced to her "teammate"

Lastly they turn to the last Subject selected on this trial, who was on the floor, sitting cross-legged, was Subject: 01600-H, some call him Husk, cause he was a messy black haired, pale young man. Some kid calling him a "ghoul" and he is very quiet, and a loner. Since he came to HAVN he has mostly remained in his squatters, and only taken small trials to survive and get his medication, for he is sick and hasn't enough money to treat his disease. Hence through desperation and necessity he had little choice but to apply to the Barrow program, and now Husk is a literal constant life and death situation, more than the other Peons.

Barrow promised to triple the amount of medication to him, should he survive this trial, so again without any other choice he offered his designation, and was selected. Husk despite his weak physical condition, he was born with HSAM/Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory, which is a condition where people can recall past events in great detail, which has greatly helped him on the trials, and memorizing layouts for better survival. Husk promised that if they keep him alive, then he'll do the same for them, which others thought it was highly unlikely...

Once all the introductions were out of the way, they heard the typical alarm that signal that the final moments before the trial begins, so this makeshift team of Peons, started making their way to reception desk at the other side of the Commute-area. There is were Ashley Lane, known as the Receptionist by the Subjects worked in HAVN. Ashley is a wonderful woman, and actually interacted and cared for the Peons, even provided some smuggled goods for them, like Muse's drawing supplies, and Brick's rarer books to read. She's loved and trusted by all in the Commute-area, as she was sitting on her chair behind protective glass, in her white office like dress, and blonde hair, Ashley, she noticed the ten of them approaching her desk, and a look of worry and concern for she knows all these Subjects well, and hope they can survive this upcoming trial...

Date: FEB-18, 2002/6:32 PM Outside HAVN Mohave Desert

In a hidden entrance, camouflage with the desert landscape. The main, guarded entrance of HAVN was located in the middle of the Mohave Desert, with only Barrow Corp., PROMETHEUS, and some selected individuals have knowledge of it. Some armed guards, employed by Barrow were near the hidden grand-lift hidden between rocks of a canyon area. One of the guards holding a M16, was scouting the area, when he spotted a flash in the distance and radiod in, "This is LG6-11 Bravo. I spotted some possible disturbance, on my way to investigate. Over." a couple seconds later, his radio responded, "Copy. LG6. Proceed with caution, maintain radio contact. Over." he responded one last time, "Roger, copy. Over." and with his assault riffle ready started making his way to the flash.

As he did so, the other guards were alerted and were keeping an eye on LG6. Meanwhile after several steps, LG6 was in the deeper area of the canyon, constantly soveign his surroundings, but found nothing. Believe it might have been a sun-flash reflecting on something he, lower his riffle and was about to head back to the others, as he reported a false alarm.

When some camouflaged, fully armed men jumped himagging him so he couldn't alert his fellow guards, and stabbed him several time with military issue blades. Gently dropping him to the ground, a group of more a dozen armed soldiers were getting ready to strike, at the entrance lift.