Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#31: I've have a therapy session with all the NEMESIS, from ALPHA-ONE and the EVEs, it has proven quite informative for the progress of not only the NEMESIS Project, but also my own personal research. The Barrow's Marking Experiment, may have ended in success even with the large amount of casualties, but I and Gallen have sealed records of BETA, until we can have some results, but in a positive results my request for the transfer of Nina Douma, Jullia Anderson, Rohanna Blaike, Jane McCarron, and Tina Runner, for my own Marking Experiment, has been approved and some of those girls are being secured for transfer, as I speak. Regardless the end results will proof to be quite a benefit. This is Dr. Lunara signing off.


Registry: Runi Doe

Identity: Ruu the Slime

Alias: The Chemist, The Adult Reaper, The Terror of Mc.Kaine Factory.

Profession: Self-Chemist. Weapons-1.Slime. 2.Chemicles. Appearance-Has Syndrom X so she appears much younger than she actually is, she is a slime girl now is possible she was a white skinned young lady before, but now she is a blue slime made woman with jade-green colored eyes with elongated ears that dripping slime off her ears, and her "hair" a bit droppy as three large tentacles one at the top, with two large tentacles at the lower back of her "hair", said tentacles have a color gradient starting from blue to green and ending in yellow tips, as the bones of her former self were relocated into her fingers and toes being shown slightly through the slime form and these bones are sharp, and deadly claws, Ruu wears a slightly withered hooded raincoat with a blue one-piece swimsuit with a blood and slime painted happy skull with some drippage, hands are slightly wrapped in dirty bandages, and a pair of rain-boots.

Registered Mutation & Abilities-1.Body is able to transform into a secondary state that is composed of viscous substance, which is primarily composed of "slime". 2.Full elasticity, morphing, and liquid capabilities, along with also solidification manipulation, and size alteration. 3.Capable of shooting and blasting slime made projectiles, from her hands and mouth, the amount of the overall slime substance is completely dependent on her. 4.She is capable of consuming human flesh and tissue either through oral, or desolving the victim, this allows her to have temporary access to recent memories of the prey. 5.Through consumption she is capable to temporarily assimilate the properties of the substance, she consumes-examples: Glue=Sticky Slime, Poison=Venomous Slime ect. 6.By absorbing large quantities of water, she can increase the amount of her slime she'd able to generate from her body. 7.Immunity to all chemical substances, while in her slime state. Background: ALPHA_EVE-EIGHT is a special case, as her origins are practically unknown for she is a nameless, street-kid, that was born on the streets and lost her parents at birth. She managed to survive and a thrive alone in the streets of New York, stealing and scavenging to survive but she was a very unique girl, for she was a barer of rare genetical condition known as Syndrom X, were person stops physically aging in a cellular disfunction, but in ALPHA_EVE-EIGHT case she reached teenage state before her Syndrom X trigger and thus added to her underdeveloped mentality and maturity, as she believed that she was child forever. This lead to a life of extreme complications, one being CPS or "adults" constantly hunted and harassed her for a long-time, so she's been on the run for years, until she found herself an a abandoned chemical plant, called the "Mc.Kaine Chemical Plant", which became her home and playground. It was paradise were she played and hide from all the adults and people that are trying to take away her freedom, and make grow up, but in the chemical plant she was always safe and after sometime living there she'd memorized the entirety of the plant, which lead to horrible aftermath, when a woman from CPS name Amber Keene who has tried desperately to not only take as she was eventually named Runi Doe and the other kid that she'd started to foster and provide shelter in her plant. One day Keene, she brought police assistance to collect all the kids with Runi being the priority target, never had the adults have tried going inside her "playground", and they took all her friend into the cars, taking the away forever, in truth those kids were her only family, and emotional support that Runi ever had since being born, her weak psyche and immature brain wasn't handling the stress and shock she was experiencing at the moment, then that bad woman, Keene refused to leave without her and kept chasing her deeper into the chemical plant, until while Keene chased after her through a suspension bridge, it gave way to Keene's weight and while Runi was safe in the other side of the bridge, Keene fell. Keene fell into a empty container, breaking her legs and possibly her back as well, as she laid there helpless and weezing from the pain, she saw Runi above looking down at her, she pleaded to the girl to help her but Runi only looked at her, with many, many dark thoughts swarming in her head. All her suffering was because of the "adults" and trying to make her one as well, then she turned to the control panel that was next to her, during her "playtimes" she'd tinkered and played with the various buttons and levers of the plant, so she know exactly what these levers and buttons did in this control panel, which activated another container in the assembly line to dump chemicals onto the lower containers for disposal...chemicals that were properly disposed of and much of it still remained around the plant, and as Keene called her, Runi operated the chemical systems and once the upper-container dump the hazardous chemical over Keene that scream for help and mercy as the chemical not only drowned by melted her away in pure agony, as she was murder, all the while Runi laughed cause to her childish, and broken brain she found it hilarious. Since that her first murder, she started to murder adults from cops, homeless, and many other adults, especially those that try to take her home playground or mess with her friends, Runi then became the local boogeyman which tale says, "that protected children by taking them from their homes, and taking their parents into the dark" but in the truth she was feared serial killer, that forcibly fosters kids and if they are ungrateful they might end in the container. Eventually after some years those kids grew up, and she "dealth with them" saying that she let them go, but in truth she'd murdered them and she started to use those remains to feed the other kids. An one day while getting rid of the bones of the "bad adults" she meet a boy, a demon that played and talked to her in the shadows, she felt soo happy when she is with him, as the kid saw Runi dance and play with her boyfriend which allowed the older kids a chance to escape, only for the darkness to take them back to the chemical plant, and to Runi grasp. These murders, cannibalistic actions, and other atrocities continued for a couple of years, and her bond with her boyfriend and lover, but this happiness and growing love with Laharl, allowed some of the older kids to contact the police to come and rescue them from Runi. This lead to the largest police raid in recent years, and cops surrounded Mc.Kaine Chemical Plant, but Laharl and Runi already murder all the kids inside for the betrayal, bodies barely intact were tosses around the plant, along with old bones of long missing people, as the police continued to investigate and uncover body upon body of over hundreds of victims, and a huge bat of slime was found with the dirty clothing of the Runi Doe the truth she became Ruu and left with Laharl.

Ruu's famous quotes-1."Aww you broke already? Ohh well, I hope you taste better, than you were entertaining."

2."Hahahhahahaha!!!! That was soo much fun, the way you'd die, was soo funny!!! How I'd wished I had on camera."

3."There's nothing as fun, than killing a bad adult."

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#24: A_EVE-EIGHT is a very interesting case. A Jane Doe, that called herself Ruu a brivatiation of her former name. Ruu shows signs of Syndrom X, or simply she'd stopped aging once she reached her teenage stage, a rare case of a rare case, but this also affected her psychologically as well. With no paternal guidance, or structure she stayed in a preteen like mentality, and later suffered a psychotic break making a dangerous killer, I've yet to gain enough insight on her background to find if her cannabilism originated before or after becoming a NEMESIS. This coupled along with immature mentality, psychotic tendencies, and twisted view of "fun" makes her a great and interesting psyche to study and observe. As stated many times, before in my reports, but now I'm stereolly convinced that mental status of the subject, is key in the development of a NEMESIS one needs to transcend the shackles of human limitations, and embrace the madness, I believe A_EVE-EIGHT is a prime example of this theory.

A_EVE-ZERO Name: N/A Identity: The Dark Mother Proffesion: N/A Appearance-A ethereal feminine entity, composed from shadow, from descriptions of the NEMESIS, they claim she is beautiful, motherly, and larger the size of a average human, while no sighting have made but Dr. Lunara suspects to be actual entity.

Registered Mutation & Abilities-1.Displayed Umbrakenisis that can quite possibly rival if not surpass, that demonstrated by ALPHA-ONE. 2.Possible mutation involving stealth, being completely undetected, since all the NEMESIS, have sworn that they've spoken and seen her, several times in their cells. 3.Her connection to a possible "alter-world", that only by being exposed to AEROS gas, for no other form to contact her has been so it possible her mutation has developed interdimensional travel, interaction, and traversing. Analyze: From all the previous therapy sessions with the ALPHAs, and all records recovered of the fabled "Dark Mother", entity have proven to be very inconclusive. Half of the Board believe it to be delusion through of sick, twisted mind, while the other half truly believes that it was quite possibly another ALPHA_EVE that was never contained, so the case of the Dark Mother, wasn't deem a immediate, priority and was even given the codename ALPHA_EVE-ZERO. All further research, and documents of the "Dark Mother" were still accepted and recorded, but the top priority was the progress of the NEMESIS Project. Until one incident involving the NEMESIS Agent Varient AEROS, all Subjects that were exposed to the gaseous agent, started to suffer visions that corolate with visuals of the Dark Mother. Majority of these visions, were motherly, but to the Subjects that used violence and harmed the EVEs during trails were attacked and badly injured in vivid visions. This incident turned ALPHA_EVE-ZERO, into a top priority, and has been reclassified as a clearance A, and all documentation of this entity is to be immediately reported to the Board and A-leveled clearance members of the NEMESIS Project.

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#2; THE DARK MOTHER: After the incident involving N-Agent: AEROS, multiple subjects suffered what I dubbed "Visits" from the Dark Mother. All shared a visit from the same entity, that the NEMESIS ALPHAs have described and have contact with, these visits I have divided them into two categories. One is "Motherly" which is non-aggressive and these infected Subjects, swear she meet them with singing which lulls them into a sense of security and calm, and also from what has been observed by myself and my...colleagues...while in this state, Subjects are completely susceptible to commands. Seems that AEROS, while a failure for another superhuman agent, it can serves in other applications, I'll explain the second category of the Dark Mother's visits shall be record on another time...this is Dr. Lunara signing off...

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#3; THE DARK MOTHER: Continuation of my previous notes, involving the "Visits" of the Dark Mother entity. The second category is more violent, only happening to the Subjects that were exposed to AEROS, but also during the Haunting Ground Trails, those Subjects use violent methods to escape the EVEs and thus when they were visited by the Dark Mother, the aftermath of that "Visit" the Subjects were brutally attacked. Even in their dream like state, they suffered gravious injuries, and no one were able to awaken from this sleep-state, so they suffered unimaginable level of damage. While AEROS, failed it's original purpose, it proven to be a better uses for the NEMESIS Project, and quite possibly allow us to observe the Subjects that are visited by the Dark Mother, and provide us a opportunity to locate and capture this still vaege entity.

AEROS Gas Systems AEROS is a red gas, a aerosol varient of the NEMESIS agents, originally meant to accomplish the desired result of creating superhumans but instead causes those that inhale the gas to enter a dream like state, almost to the level of a hallucinogenic, which through interviews with Subjects, describe entering another world and during these "dreams" they are able to see the DARK MOTHER. Seeing the potential of AEROS, to be used not only as a weaponrized gas for interogations sold to the CIA, but also a an opportunity in the Haunting Grounds, several gas pumps are scattered on those grounds, only able to affect Subjects, and allow to observe and record interactions with the DARK MOTHER.

CURE Aerosal Cans CURE was created as a counteractive to AEROS, for possibly accidental exposure of AEROS on the Barrow Staff, but also to limit the casualties in trails for those Subjects under the exposure of AEROS in the trails. This green gas, is put into small spray canisters for quick dosages, easy transport and convenience, plus mass manufacturing for the benefit of the NEMESIS Project.

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#4; THE DARK MOTHER: With the addition of the new AEROS gas system into the Haunting Grounds, have provided constant new data on various "visits" from the Dark Mother. We even started to form a clear picture of the Dark Mother, many saying she is beautiful in a ethereal way, compose of shadows like fog, twice the size of average human and her songs has proven through reports to cause a state of absolute relaxation, which has lead to several death from Subjects exposed to AEROS during a trail. Along with the constant production of AEROS, the counteractive of CURE was created to cut down the casualties, and risk of exposure. Because of this I have several canisters of CURE, cause I'm very intrigued in the AEROS effects and personally encountering the Dark Mother, but I have my reservations against this...I still desire to dove deeper into the reaches of the human psyche, and this might help me but my self-restraints and preservation has stopped me...this is Dr. Lunara signing off.

The Barrow Marking Experiment Report#2 SEALED-Continuing Report...we suspect that Barrow Corp. little experiment might have been a success...when the Subject:01330-J tried to escape HAVN by letting ALPHA-ONE loose, which lead to [REDACTED] number of casualties, ALPHA-ONE wrecked havoc in the top-level of HAVN, even managing to break into the lab.This cause ALPHA-ONE to be exposed to several chemicals and pharmaceuticals which induced a berserk state, butchering every male victim in his path, as he was on a direct path to the elevator and possibly release the EVEs, when a guard by the name of Simon Beckham stood against ALPHA-ONE. ALPHA-ONE was attacking and slashing Mr. Beckham like a wild beast, only cause of Beckham great strength from his upbringing, along with the special training that he received in HAVN, did he managed to survive with several injuries, and keep ALPHA-ONE in place for the rest of the security squad managed to detain ALPHA-ONE. Lunara and Gallen noticed the bite on Beckham's right hand, since there is a possibility that Simon Beckham can be infected with whatever NEMESIS strain that ALPHA-ONE passes on through bites. To not risk failure or termination of the "Marking Experiments" so this report shall be seal along with all future reports until the observations on Mr. Beckham either provides a positive or negative results.

Possible ALPHA-TWO

Name: Simon Lastname: Beckham Codename: BETA Age: 36. Sex: M. Skin: White. Haircolor: Black Hairstyle: Shaved Low. Clearance Level: C-1. Status: Possible NEMESIS, under constant observation. Background: Simon Beckham, is average security guard under the employment of the Barrow Corp. stationed in HAVN. His background is not extremely important until the "Marking Experiment" that Simon might have been bitten by ALPHA-ONE, and survived. Dr. Lunara under the support of Gallen Barrow, did a deeper dive into Mr. Beckham background and uncovered many interesting things that caught her and Gallen's interest. Simon is the younger of two siblings, brothers, raised by a WW2 veteran name Jackcob Beckham, after their father returned from the war to them he changed and started to verbally and physically abuse him and his brother Marcus for years. Simon was the obedient and smarter brother, while Marcus is the more rebellious and a fighter, a troublemaker that Simon desperately tried to protect from his brother from their father's wrath but in the end he couldn't, and his father killed his brother, Marcus, and the trauma left a deep, impactful mark in Simon psyche, that forced him to "Honor thy Father" to it's most extreme of levels. Was it fear, trauma, or misplaced love? Whatever the reason Simon life was now shackled to his father, and his dead brother, leading him to several...unethical support his father, and eventually be employed by Barrow Corp. there far more to this story but at least that is the focal point of Simon Beckham's psyche and trauma, until therapy sessions with Dr. Lunara can uncover more about BETA.