Date: FEB-13, 2002/12:17 AM HAVN Facility-Descending Lift Hyun-woo Dae's team, has taken control of the lift, and their currently doing final check-ups on their gear, as they were descending to the actual underground Barrow facility, HAVN. Hyun-woo, was standing in the front of his team, with his K2 assault riffle, prime and ready. He checked his wristwatch, checking the time and guessing the amount of time that the lift will take to reach their target. Hyun-woo told his team, "준비하세요. 목표까지 2분 남았습니다./Junbihaseyo. Mogpyokkaji 2bun nam-assseubnida. (Get ready. 2-minutes till target.)" his team all responded, "복사. 2분 남았습니다, 사령관님. 알았다./Bogsa. 2bun nam-assseubnida, salyeong-gwannim. Al-assda. (Copy. 2-minutes, Commander. Roger.) with that they were ready, to commence the mission.

Date: FEB-13, 2002/12:23 AM HAVN Facility-The Shuttle Station The makeshift team of ten Subjects, for the largest test trial not involving the "Haunting Grounds", which all ten of them have done all in their power to not be apart of those trials. Called Haunting Grounds, cause of the few survivors that manage to come back from those horrible places, call them the "real" monsters' playgrounds. Aside from those levels in HAVN, they have to use the same transport called the Shuttle to access those trial areas, and escape them once said trials are finished.

The Shuttle is the name of a small cart in a special railway/lift elevator, that transports the Peons to underground areas to be apart of the test trials. The ten of them were standing in front of said Shuttle, is a white, and smooth cart with tinted windows around the sides, 2X and the others were in two lines of five, side by side, waiting for the Shuttle door to open, while guards are watching and escorting them. After a few minutes, a feminine voice in speakers spoke, "Shuttle, door is opening. All Subjects, please make your way into the shuttle." as the shuttle door slide open, 2X, Brick, Lill, Uncle, Specs, Muse, Grinder, Pig, K, and Husk, starting make inside the shuttle, with the guard following closely behind. Inside the shuttle, several strap-tables connected to the roof of the shuttle, design this way to prevent the Subjects any form of escape, as their strapped to these vertical tables, as their transported to the trials.

One by one the guards, strapped them to each tables, and once secured the guards left the shuttle, as the door closed behind them. Again they were in the shuttle, as they heard the cart powering up, K cursed in Spanish, "¡Aqui vamos con la misma mierda, de esta maldita jodienda! (Here we go with the same shit, of this damn shit!) " while no one else understood her exactly, they had a feeling that she might just said what they're all feeling at the same moment. With that the shuttle began to move, heading to whatever underground chamber below, where this big test trial is going to be held.

Date: FEB-13, 2002/12:28 AM HAVN Facility-Main Hanger Room Hyun-woo and his men have reached main level of HAVN, as a massive hanger filled with shipping containers, and crates, obviously the area also acting as a storage area, for the needed resources to support HAVN. Hyun-woo ordered his men to take position among the containers and crates, cause he knew from previous obtained reports, from Agent Woo, HAVN gets a supply shipment every three months. Because of this the main entrance/drop-off area would have little to no security, while not in the delivery date, but since the lift was used, Hyun-woo expected there to soon be some company to investigate why the lift was used without authorization. Before that Hyun-woo order the sabotage experts of the team, to disable the light of the hanger.

After a couple of wire cutting, and tampering with the electric source of the hanger, completely disabling them, the two saboteurs were done, they rush to hide behind a nearby container. Under the cover of darkeness, they wait for their enemy, and as soon as the enemy come into the hanger, they'll strike and eliminate all that come in the room. In a couple of moments later, on top of the massive hanger door, light up, and blare warning signs, as they illuminate the dark room, two large door separated slowly. Once it was fourth of the way separated, several flashlight, shun onto the dark.

Then twelve guards came into the room, looking around, as the laurel camouflage pattern soldiers/guards, started to separate. Hyun-woo and five of his team were close to him, waiting for the two guards walking closer. Once one got close, Hyun-woo struck the back of the right knee of his target, grunting in pain, as he fell, when the other guard check on his companion. But at that moment two of the Korean soldiers struck one grabbing him, from the back of the neck, while the other stab the guard, over and over, until he drop dead. Hyun-woo, heard as his teammates were taking down the other pulled out his Type 70 sidearm, and shot his target on the back of the head.

Now with the twelve soldiers were eliminated, Hyun-woo Dae called his team to regroup. It was time to finally time to storm into HAVN. Hyun-woo was leading the team, divided into six smaller strike groups of six soldiers.

Date: FEB-13, 2002/12:43 AM HAVN Facility-Upper Level/Research Area: Observatory Level The upper level, it one of the most important areas of the HAVN facility, aside from the "Haunting Grounds", and the personal containment cell of the Mutates and more importantly the ALPHAs. This level is right above the Commute-area of the Subjects, allowing all science staff, from doctors to researchers, to observe and study not only the status of the Subjects, but also the ALPHAs as the cells were in the most secured place of the Observatory Level. It was full with advance technology procured by the important bankers of Barrow Corp., as well as having a pristine and futuristic look.

Hundreds of researchers and military trained guards, constantly working around the area, unsuspecting of the intruders, sneaking around the place. Hyun-woo and his five teammates under his squad, headed to the surveillance room on HAVN. With the other five teams, eliminating any and all threat, cutting and stabbing guards that were easy targets, in blind spots of the facility away from cameras. Hiding the bodies of the guards, even a poor tech-worker, typing away on his work station, was a unfortunate man, as one of the squads just killed a guard outside his work room. The sound of the guard's body slamming against the wall, beside the door, as he was just slashed across the throat by one of the Korean soldiers. So the said tech-worker hearing the sound, went to check and came across six black gear covered, masked soldiers. Without a chance to make any sound, he was struck in the face, forced back into the baren room with a computer, where he was silenced by a hand to mouth and stabbed three times on the back, deeply and with accuracy, as his limp and lifeless body dropped to the floor.

Hyun-woo and his squa finally reached the surveillance room, as they split into two groups of three, waiting either side of the door to the surveillance room. As the awaited for Hyun-woo Dae's order to breach the surveillance room and take control of all the cameras and security alarms of the facility. Hyun-woo, quickly checked with the other teams, "진행 상황을 보고합니다./Jinhaeng sanghwang-eul bogohabnida. (Report progress.)" in a couple seconds later, the other squad leader responded " 분대 2/3/4/5/6. 공습 경보 신호./I bundae 2/3/4/5/6. Gongseub Gyeongbo sinho. (This squad 2/3/4/5/6. All clear.)" cutting the radio Hyun-woo, turned to his squad and gave a hand sign to the one soldier next to door handle, which meant breach. Nodding to his commander, he slowly reach the doorknob and in a swift moment the door open, and with their guns drawn and aimed, shooting down five people in the surveillance room.

Walking into the room, with the only light source being multiple television screens, displaying various spots that the cameras were viewing. Hyun-woo threw the dead, bullet ridden body of the main guard, to the ground, as he stationed one of his men to take command of the cameras. One of his men said "네, 선생님/Ne, seonsaengnim. (Yes, sir!)", he sat down on the swivel-chair, and with the surveillance under their control, the mission was made easier. Hyun-woo, left another of his men, to provide some backup for any possible threat. Hyun-woo and four of his squad, left the room and continued the breach.

Date: FEB-13, 2002/1:00 AM HAVN Facility-Inside the Shuttle 2X and the others were still riding on the shuttle, waiting for it to arrive on the test trial. 2X noticed in front of him, is Pig was looking around, must be his investigator nature, but then they heard mature sounding laughing, turning to the right, they saw Uncle the war veteran, when he stopped laughing, Uncle said, "Give it up, Pig. They strap us up, and tint the windows to prevent any hope to escape. Just wait for this dumb, thing to reach it's stop." Pig understood what Uncle, was talking about. But he'll not refuse to give up, he then turned to the man strapped to his right side, Grinder. When they spoke before he mentioned, he was a construction worker, Pig believes that it will be a great help, finding any weakspot in the trial grounds to escape. So he calmed down, and like the rest of his "team" they waited for the shuttle, to arrive to its destination. All the while they have no idea what was happening above.

Date: FEB-13, 2002/1:12 AM HAVN Facility-Upper Level/Research Area: Observatory Level The Koreans were storming all over the Research Area, no longer needing stealth with them controlling the surveillance and alarm systems, so Hyun-woo team has been shooting down everyone that they come across of. They did come across some resistance from the HAVN guards, firing back at them, but Hyun-woo Dae's team has the advantage with the cameras working for them.

In a medical room, Hyun-woo and some of his men were in the middle of a fire-fight. Shooting at each other, thus pinning one another down, that's when Hyun-woo contacted the surveillance room, "총격! 경비병들에 맞서 유리한 지점을 제게 주세요!/Chong-gyeog! I gyeongbibyeongdeul-e majseo yulihan jijeom-eul jege juseyo! (Fireshot! Give me, a vantage point against these guards!)" back on the surveillance room, Chong-gyeog, heard the order and rapidly looked through the tv-screens, and flipping through various cameras. Until he saw a camera next to the medical room, which has a backdoor that lead to a hallway, behind the enemy. Using his radio to inform the Commander, Hyun-woo hearing everything through his radio, he responded, "복사!/Bogsa! (Copy!)" turning to another squad, and gave them the order to go around the enemy, and take them all down.

As Hyun-woo and his squad, provide a distraction by keep on shooting the guards, keeping them pin in place. Another squad was rushing to the room next to the medical room, passing through the backdoor, and rushing into the hallway, once they were behind the enemy, they contacted the Commander, to alert him and await the command to strike. Hearing this Hyun-woo gave them, the order to attack, and like that they kicked the door behind the guards of the medical room open, and fired. While at the Hyun-woo Dae's open fire as well, riddling the guard with bullets, tearing their bodies and bloody gore, splashed allover the room.

Hyun-woo and his team got of cover, and searching the guards' bodies they took anything useful for them. Hyun-woo, search a guard with most of his head blown off, and found a grey colored keycard, with a silver colored B on it, which meant this man had B-rank Clearance, while not the highest rank clearance, it will provide some access to more areas. Hyun-woo, order his men to continue killing all guards, and anyone that resist against them, nodding to him they left the room. Meanwhile, on a hidden and very secured room in the center, above the Commute-area...

Date: FEB-13, 2002/2:00 AM Dr. Lunara's Private Office Dr. Annabeth Lunara, is the head of the psychological department, and has the highest authority over HAVN. She is a beautiful, blonde haired mature woman with glasses on, and her hair tied in a bun, wearing a open long sleeved lab-coat, and a red dress that reaches, above her sensual thighs. In her elegant office, sitting on her mahogany desk, watching through her computer screen, with private access to majority of HAVN system.

Lunara sighed tiredly, as she was already knows that HAVN was under attack, watching these Asian soldiers, as she reasons from the language that she'd caught in the live-recordings. They were butchering majority of the security staff, currently in the facility, the only thing flowing through mind was...disappointment. Lunara was promised effective guards, to secure the facility and be able to handle "anything" and here she was watching them, dying in quick succession. And currently the soldiers, have gathered the remaining staff of the research division, executing people, not that mattered to her.

Using a device under her desk, she sent a hidden SOS-signal, requesting more reinforcements to reclaim the facility from this unknown enemy. But she was also curious on what could be their target, for it means there was a mole in the Corporation. It was logical, but in truth, Lunara saw this as a opportunity, to have a depth observations on the "special" subjects, still locked behind their containment cells. She was eager to see these men, face the monsters of HAVN, but then she saw something that actually worried her.

Lunara stood up, from her chair as she watched, as these men heading into the breaker room, if they cut the power to HAVN, all the systems will be down, including the security measures against the ALPHAs and Mutates counter escape-measures. This meant that HAVN was officially going to go dark, she rushed to the private elevator of her office, when the power was cutoff. Locking her in her private office, and soon all of HAVN is going to start crash!!

Date: FEB-13, 2002/1:36 AM HAVN Facility-Upper Level/Research Area: Observatory Level With the upper level secured, majority of the guards were eliminated, and the scientists, researchers, and other non-combatant staff of HAVN and brought them to the mess hall of the Observatory Level. All thirty-six of the Hyun-woo Dae's men were, gathered and watching over dozens of Barrow employees, searched and identified. Hyun-woo capable of not only understanding but also speak English, demanded the location of their main server room, and also where Dr. Annabeth Lunara was?

All frightened and at the mercy of Hyun-woo, they stayed quiet until he turned to one of his men, and said in Korean so he wasn't understood, "군인! 다른 바보들 앞에서 이 바보 중 한 명을 죽여라. 이것은 그들을 더욱 협조적으로 만들 것입니다./Gun-in! Daleun babodeul ap-eseo i babo jung han myeong-eul jug-yeola. Igeos-eun geudeul-eul deoug hyeobjojeog-eulo mandeul geos-ibnida. (Soldier! Kill one of these fools, in front of the others. This will make them, more cooperative.)" nodding to him, he took a older man, and dragged him to the front the others. Forcing on his knees, he drew his Type 70 pistol, and shot him on the back of the head. Making the other scream in terror, as their old college, drop face first dead, and Hyun-woo looked uninterested, as he spoke in English, "I'll make this simple and clear. For every time you, refuse to answer my question, one of you dies. Lie, to me. You die." taking a pause, as he looks at the more frightened researchers. As he asked again, the previous questions of the location of Dr. Lunara and the server room. Just when he was about to order the execution of a another of the captives, when a black haired woman spoke up.

Immediately, Hyun-woo Dae's men, aimed their guns at her, as Hyun-woo commanded them to stand down, and allow the woman to speak. She is called Susan, and she explained that both Dr. Lunara and the data server are in the same place, a separate office with it own access, and the hiding spot of the servers, in case of attack or mayor accidents. Hyun-woo, admit it was a smart strategic decision to place both main targets, together and secured. He thanked her, for her honesty, and asked how to access the doctor and those hidden servers?

She then seemed to be reluctant to answer him, which Hyun-woo noticed. Closing his eyes, lowering his head and sighing, he ordered for another of the captives to be executed. And Hyun-woo commanded, another one of his men, took a captive a woman this time, and shot like last victim. Which shocked Susan, as Hyun-woo asked again, when she quiet again, another of her colleges was shot and killed. When, they were about to execute a fourth captive, she yelled for them to wait, as Hyun-woo asked, "Yes, Ms. Susan? How do we access, this private office?" Susan, explained that A-rank Clearance onto a elevator in the lower level of Subjects, or severing the energy breakers.

Susan tried to convince them to try to find a A Clearance Keycard, but Hyun-woo silenced her and commanded half his team to remain watching over the captives. Deciding that it will be more beneficial for the mission, to cutoff the main power, and break into the doctor's private elevator. Along with temporarily locking out, any possible escape or enemy reinforcements to come to HAVN. So using the information he just obtained, Hyun-woo lead the rest of his team to the breaker room. After a few minutes, they arrived to a metal door, breaking through it and entered the small but advanced breaker room, Hyun-woo ordered his men to disable everything, and they went to work.

Sometime later, they managed to cut the main power of the facility. Only the back-up power, keeping basic necessities on, but many doors were opening, especially the heavily reinforced containment cells, for the creatures created by the NEMESIS Project.