Date: FEB-13, 2002/8:00 PM HAVN Facility-The Lowest Level: Shuttle Crashsite As 2X, Pig, Husk, and Uncle, were freeing Grinder, while bring as careful as they can, as to not hurt the unconscious and wounded man. All the while Muse, K, Lill, and Brick, were trying to find a way out the wrecked shuttle, Brick providing them strength to move all the junk in the way. And they thought the crash was bad, and Brick grabbed a bented strap-table, and grunting as he managed to move the obstruction. As he did this K was admiring and liking what she saw, Muse and Lill looked at the Latina, and shuke their head, as they couldn't belive she'd act this way, on such a dangerous situation.
With Grinder freed from his restrains with Uncle and Pig supporting his head, while Husk and 2X supported the rest of his body. Uncle lead them as they carried the unconscious Grinder, over to the rest of their group. 2X called out to them, "Hey guys! Found a way out yet!?" Muse responded back, "No! This thing is a mess, be careful!" 2X sighed as he heard Uncle grumble, "Ohh that just fucking great." taking a short pause, before yelling, "Keep moving we need to get out of here, quick less we want to blow up!" Just as the old man said that, a small explosion happened behind them, pushing them and barely able to keep standing. As a small fire started. K said what they all were thinking, "That just what we, fucking need, right now!"
With that they scramble to escape the death trap, that they stuck on. Meanwhile in the above levels, more bloodshed and screaming of terror, was happening.
Date: FEB-13, 2002/8:25 PM HAVN Facility-Upper Level/Research Area: Observatory Level; Hallway With only twenty-four Korean soldiers, still alive, as well as two of them wounded. One with a gunshot to the shoulder, the other having bruised and pierced neck from a lasher attack. Under Hyun-woo Dae's command, they left the office and continued their assigned mission.
Now with some information on how to take down one of the creatures that they've encountered, they were a bit more calmed and focused. Speaking of those mutates, they were found by more creepers, the pale skinned creatures screeched and roared at them. With clear weakspot known, the soldiers focus their shots to the upper half of the mutates, and not waste ammo trying to pierce the metal plates on these creepers. Blasting bullets through the heads, and upper chest of the hostile creatures.
Gunshots echoed the "quiet" hallway, while gunfire light the dark. Now Hyun-woo Dae's team was able to fight back, and eliminate the enemy. As the creepers, kept on charging forward, when loud stomping was reverberating through the dark hallway. Coming from down the hall, apart from a couple more creepers, came with a Brute right behind them. Hyun-woo, seeing the larger threat that was coming, he yelled, "지금 당장 가장 큰 적에게 초점을 맞춘 중화기를 사용하세요!/Jigeum dangjang gajang keun jeog-ege chojeom-eul majchun junghwagileul sayonghaseyo! (Heavy weapons, focused on the largest hostile, now!)" and just as he commanded, those in his team with more powerful firearms, started to target the brute.
But as they were focused on the enemies in the front, some more Mutates, were heading to their location from behind. More Creepers and another brute were coming for them. Before they could strike against the enemy behind them, one creeper managed to get close to the closest soldier, and attack him. Slashing and stabbing him in the back, as his screams and the yelling of the creeper, alerted the rest of the team. Chong-gyeog reacting first, shoulder tackle the monster off his ally, and spray some bullet across the creeper's chest killing it.
As their "medic" rushed to treat the wounded soldier, Chong-gyeog yelled out, "적 접촉! 뒤에서!/Jeog jeobchog! Dwieseo! (Enemy contact! From the rear!)" immediately the other soldiers, turned around to engage the other hostiles incoming. Hyun-woo, gave another order, "반은 앞쪽에, 나머지 반은 뒤쪽에! 지금 발사하세요!/Ban-eun apjjog-e, nameoji ban-eun dwijjog-e! Jigeum balsahaseyo! (Half engage the front, other half rear! Fire, now!)" Obeying his comand, twelve remained focused on the front, while the rest started firing at the rear. As more mutates, were converging at their location, and getting closer to them.
Date: FEB-13, 2002/8:55 PM HAVN Facility-Upper Level/Research Area: Observatory Level; Dr. Lunara's Private Office Lunara she was still trapt in her office. Using her knowledge in psychology to calmly obsess the situation. She was trapped, currently cut off from communication, and reserve power was dwindling, which meant another grave issue was about to happen at any moment. Which was the final security systems that kept ALPHA-ONE, contained were close to shutting down, and let him loose.
With this threat in mind, she rushed to her desk, and turned up the backup power system in her office. Turning on her compute, as went on to try type-in the sequences to activate the few private systems, installed in her office. Which includes a access to another surveillance camera system, installed allover the facility, and with it own power source, not connected to the HAVN's power-grid. To activate that along with the Com-system, will take some time. As she was sitting in front hee computer monitor, typing all the code sequences to activate, basically her eyes, ears, and mouth in HAVN.
After a few minutes, she imputed the final activation sequence. In a short ding, telling her that the hidden surveillance system was activated now. With that on her screen, was live-feed on one of the areas, in HAVN. Switching to another feed, she saw the intruders, still fighting against some Creepers, and she also spotted the corpses of said mutates, and also Brutes around them. Lunara was impressed that not only they've survived this long, but also managed to kill this meager amount of mutates.
Thats when she spotted on her own security feed, showing in another area, on the screen is one of the more dangerous, varient of mutate, was heading towards the intruders, it a Hunter, like Subject: 00128-A, has dubbed this varient. It is a very dangerous, Mutate varient. Hunters are very territorial and loners by instinct, for a long time, no scientist or researcher could understand this behavior of these mutates. Their highly mutated, with no human trait remaining, resembling a great predatorial lizarad with a hunched over stance, and very powerful, reptilian like legs, and head filled with razor-sharp fangs. A Hunter's arms are very large, but loses a couple of digits, which are replaced with three, long claws on each hand. Lunara has stated that these subject that ended up becoming Hunters, "Is as if, their cellural DNA, reverted to a more ancient design. To create a deadly, and powerful beast." Despite their anti-social, and loner behaviors, the Hunter varient, doesn't kill other mutates, regardless of the varient or close contact with them, as they prefer to be alone and wander around the area they are.
The Hunter show of aggression is a loud roar. The method of attack is to lower themselves to the ground, and blast forward in a fast dash to they catch the victim they spotted, tearing into the person. And similar to the great predators of animal kingdom they aim for the throat, which more than likely ends in decapitation.
Lunara sees that one of these Hunters, has captured the scent and trail of the soldiers. It was only a matter of time, before the Hunter finds, and savage tears them apart. While she originally wanted to contact any remaining guards, it was clear from the camera feed, that their are very few people, still alive in HAVN. Should she want to escape, before the last remnants of power that keep ALPHA-ONE, contained empty, she needs to use what resources, she still has left. Which means she has to help and save these intruders, hurrying to activate the com-systems in her office, she watched as the Hunter, rushed through the hallways, on a hunt.
Date: FEB-13, 2002/9:09 PM HAVN Facility-Upper Level/Research Area: Observatory Level; Hallway As the team, was recovering from their latest clash against the creatures. Reloading their gun, and taking a short break. During the fire fight, they lost two more of their comrades, including the wounded from before, and another was crushed by a Brute that managed to reach them. Hyun-woo look at one of his men, was torn in half, and was in the grasp of the dead brute. Hyun-woo was angry, he lost a couple more men, but then the sound of growling, echoed across the black, quiet hallway.
Hyun-woo immediately took aim with his K2 assault riffle, and his flashlight, lighting through the dark. Seeing him taking aim, his team followed his action and taking aim, trying to spot whatever made those sound from before. But they saw nothing, so Hyun-woo looked at Chong-gyeog, and ordered him, "총격. 빠른 정찰. 경계하고 경계하세요./Chong-gyeog. Ppaleun jeongchal. Gyeong-gyehago gyeong-gyehaseyo. (Fireshot. Quick recon. Stay alart, and on guard.)" Chong-gyeog, nodded at Hyun-woo. Having his K2, ready, he started walking down the hallway.
Chong-gyeog, walked down on the hallway, looking around with his flashlight. Only spotting bodies of the creatures that they, took down, all the bodies riddled in bullet holes. But apart from the gore and blood, he didn't spotted anything, stopping he reached for his radio and reported to his Commander, that he hasn't spotted anything and the area is secure for now. Confirming him, Hyun-woo, ordered him to return, as he copied his orders, Chong-gyeog was about to turn around.
When he caught the glimpse of something in the dark with his flashlight. This caused him to lift his gun and flashlight, and saw a creature rushing towards him. It looked like a large bipedal reptile, that was baring its claws and fang at him. Before he could fire his gun, the hunter already leaped at him, and sunk it claws and jaw onto his body.
All Hyun-woo and the rest of team heard from the dark hallway, was screaming. And then complete silence, they started calling out to Chong-gyeog, but no respond was heard back. Then a low growling was heard from the dark, followed by some creature burst out of dark.
Some large creature, resembling a large bipedal reptile, covered in blood and gore attacked them. The hunter, took down one of Hyun-woo Dae's men, ripping into them, as blood splashed everywhere and he screamed out pain. Getting over the sudden shock, they started to fire at the monster. Their bullets only graced the hide of the creature, as the hunter, bit down the head of it the victim, bitting down hard and thrashing around, as a sick snap and wet tearing was heard by them all.
Letting go of the blood covered and mutilated head of the dead soldier, and roaring out loud. Hyun-woo and his team kept on firing at the hunter, only for the monster to attack another one among their team. It's claw swiped across the chest of the man, blood gushed out the three large and deep lacerations on the man's chest. Hitting the wall from the strength of hunter's attack, he slid down the wall, as blood soak the gear of the dying soldier.
The hunter turned at to the rest with clear intent to kill. Hyun-woo still firing his K2, as he team were also shooting at the monster, noticed that their not causing any damage to the hunter. Not wanting to lose more men, Hyun-woo yelled, "후퇴! 후퇴! 후퇴!/Hutoe! Hutoe! Hutoe! (Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!)" over and over, as he kept firing, as he backed up from creature. Following his command the twenty-one other soldiers, were backing out to the hallway.
The team was retreating and firing at the mutate. But the hunter growled aggressively and it lowered his body, close to the grown, and in a powerful kick-off it dashed after its prey. The team ran, as the hunter chased after them, catching up to one of the soldiers that was lagging behind, the Hunter leaped onto it's prey and bit down at the back of the neck of the prey. It's weight slamming down onto soldier, as the mutate's jaws, crushed onto the neck of the man.
In a burst of blood, and wet crushing sound of crushing skull, was heard. Another dead and the hunter wasn't satisfied, as fresh blood, strand of flesh, and bits of helmet stained the jaws of the Hunter. After taking a quick moment, to track the fleeing prey, and once it locked onto the scent, it once again, lowered it body, and dashed after it prey. Leaving behind the dead soldier with a crushed head and blood covered soldier.
Date: FEB-13, 2002/10:00 PM HAVN Facility-The Lowest Level: Shuttle Crashsite The team are trying to escape the shuttle, from the wrecked shuttle, which was now also catching on fire. One more spark or the shuttle getting loose from what it was hanging from and their dead. Brick and K were the first to reach the main door of the shuttle, but even the two of them working together couldn't praie it open. 2X turned to Muse telling her, "Hey Muse. Switch with Uncle, and let them try to open the door." both her and Uncle nodded to his suggestion.
Uncle waited for the girl to reach him, and after a slight shift of weight, Muse was holding onto the unconscious Grinder, alongside 2X, Pig, and Husk. Now the three people combine their strength to open the door. After a bit of straining against the door, it finally gave way, and started to slide open. The sound of scrapping echoed, as they finally open, and revealed more of their current situation...
They were hanging some distance from the actual ground. K looking down at the darkness below them, and said, "Chinga, tu puta madre. (Screw your, whore mom.)" It was clear that can't leave through the door, then Husk, suggested they break a window and climb out the other side. With no other choice, they listened to sick kid, and turn to one of the tinted window, to finally escape the shuttle.
Date: FEB-13, 2002/10:38 PM HAVN Facility-Upper Level/Research Area: Observatory Level; Hallway Hyun-woo and his team was literally being hunted down, as they ran, he heard another of his men, let out a death scream. Thus lowering their number to nineteen in total, the frustration and anger, as they were being killed. Fortunately they hadn't run into any other of the creatures, that they've encountered before.
As they reached a cross road, trying to decided which direction to take next, before the monster reaches them. When a female voice was hear over the comms, "Take of right, and head straight until the next, left." Hyun-woo responded in English, "Who are you? Where are you!?" as the same woman responded in a calm tone, "Instead of wondering who I am. Just should hear my advise, and keep moving." then another scream, as the Hunter reached another one of his team, tearing into the men. Scratching, slashing, and ripping into the back of soldier, spraying blood everywhere, as the man struggle under the claws and fangs of the hunter killing him.
Some of his companions, were trying to save him, and shot at the hunter. With no affect, until one shot manage to hit the right eye of the mutate. The eye burst in gore and blood, causing great pain to the Hunter, and back off from it mutilated victim on the ground. Seeing their comrade was covered in blood, his back completely lacerated and mutilated, it was clear he won't make it. As the hunter, scratched the wound it suffered, as thick blood poured down, the side of the head of the monster. It was clear it was angry, as it aggressively growled at the other soldiers, they started to shot at the mutate again, as the Hunter, roared and rush at them.
The sound of their guns firing, and soon follow by their screaming. More and more were being brutally killed by the Hunter alone. Hearing this Hyun-woo had no other choice but to listened to whoever was talking to them, over the comms. He yelled out, "남은 모든 병력. 후퇴하라! 적대세력, 교전하지 마라. 지금 당장 나를 따라와!/Nam-eun modeun byeonglyeog. Hutoehala! Jeogdaeselyeog, gyojeonhaji mala. Jigeum dangjang naleul ttalawa! (All remaining troops. Retreat! Do not engage, the hostile. Follow me, now!)" Hearing their Commander's, orders through their radios, they rushed over to his position, and started following him through the hallways, and corridors of this facility, all the while their still being hunted by the creature.