Few minutes earlier
Inside his office, Alexander sat behind his desk, going through some files that, to anyone else, would seem nonsensical—except for him and his butler. The file contained names like Subway, Auntie Anne's Pretzels, Cinnabon, Baskin-Robbins, Dunkin', and others, including The Cheesecake Factory and Arby's.
To most, seeing the world's richest man reviewing such a file with deep concentration would be confusing—'why is he reading about Cheesecake Factories?' would probably go through their mind—but to Alexander, these names represented the future. They were the backbone of all his plans. As he pondered this, a knock sounded at the door.
He didn't lift his eyes from the file. "Yes," he said.
A middle-aged voice from the door responded, "Master Blackwell."
"Come in."