Chapter 15

Somewhere around the lake

The prince could be seen walking around

the lake side. The last time he came here was when he saw the Jewel and he had to confess that he felt attracted to her, infact, that was the main reason he came back to

the lake side again, he had the hope of seeing her again but arriving at the lake, he was disappointed for not seeing there. He had this urge to wait some more but he

turned back to go when he heard her voice which made him feel some tingling sensation and he was really happy within, he felt like turning around instantly but no he

had to put up an act. "We met again" the Jewel said coming to stand in front of him and he felt that unknown feeling again.

"Hmm yes, so what? The prince said and continued moving around with the Jewel beside him walking side by side. "Can you

now reveal your face to me? The Jewel said "why should I? The prince asked back "cause I want to see what is behind that mask you're putting on" the Jewel said "I'm

afraid I can't show you just yet" the prince said " why is that? The Jewel asked "we are just strangers you get" the prince said "hmm what's your name then? The Jewel asked "I

don't say it out loud so bring your ear closer" he said and she did as he said, then he brought his lips closer and closer and she felt a slight pain on her ear. It seems he bite

her ear. "What the... how could you" she said and he took to his heels. She chased him around the lake till she mistakenly slipped

and held him tightly, that way, they fell into the water and his mask went off instantly and her eyes widened at what she saw.