Congratulations to you

Coach Larry Wilson left the head office with his contact details. But with the physical looks on Coach Wilson's face, we can see a lot is in his mind, but he can't say it.

[Door opens and closed]

"Congratulations to you guys and I hope you're happy now." [Miss Madison continued immediately after Coach Wilson left them.]

"Yes Miss. Madison. We're more than happy and thanks to you and Miss. Mia for talking to Mr. Wilson to sing to us." [Garriso]

Miss. Mia continues by saying," I think I have a lot to do in my office, so I'll leave you people alone."

"Okay and thank you once again Miss. Mia for your time. " [Lefah]

"Okay, see you guys later bye. And I will be in my office if anything please." [Miss. Mia]

"Okay Mia" [Miss. Madison]

[Door opens and closed]

[Both laughing and cheering]

[The next day]

[Coach Larry Wilson introduced Lefah and Garriso to the Rigby High School football team and his assistant manager in their dressing room.]

"Let me officially introduce these two new running back players to you guys. Hey, guys, this is Lefah and Garriso."

[The team cheers and says congratulations to their newcomers, Lefah and Garriso.]

[Team cheers] "Congratulations"

[After introducing Lefah and Garriso to the team, Coach Wilson called his assistant manager outside the dressing room to talk about Lefah and Garriso.]

[Opens and closed]

"So this must be Lefah and Garriso, our new running backs players, right?" [Coach Theodore]

[Coach Theodore is the assistant manager who has experience of training running backs in their football team.]

Yeah Theodore. I think you had a lot of work to do because Miss Madison and her Vice, Miss Mia, made me sing them for the team. And aside from that, you know we need running backs urgently and the team doesn't have enough to sign the best running backs this season. These boys have never played football before, and it's your job to train them so that they will become professional footballers. Just that I have never worked with you before, but I believe that you can train them for me.

"Hmm, you shouldn't worry about that and if they can become the best after training, it depends on their abilities and their hard work." [Coach Theodore]

"Mm hmm" and the way these boys are willing to play football. I think they are capable of playing football. Just that they don't have a trainer to help them build their dream, but I know you can help them shine in the sky like a small star trying to cover all the big ones among them."

"Don't worry, because I have 26 years' experience of training running back players and, with their physical looks, I mean looking at their shoulders, body moves and more on them. " I think they can play, so let's give them a try, manager." [Coach Theodore]

"Yeah and that's why they're here, Coach Theodore. I have been doing this work for years, and I have never signed such beginner players before, but I believe those boys are naturally born to play football. So help me train them, Coach."

"Okay master. And I'm ready to support you as your assistant manager, so why don't we start now, because the league season is just starting next month, which means we have less than three weeks training them and the other players. And I forgot to ask about the injured players." [Coach Theodore]

"They're still under care. Hey, let's forget about them in our starting lineups because they have more months for healing."

"Okay master, please let's get to work. " The league's days are numbered manager." [Coach Theodore]

[After the chat between both the coaches. Coach Theodore called Lefah and Garriso and talked to them about playing football.]

[Door opens and closed]

"Hey! Our newcomers, may I see you for seconds please." [Coach Theodore]

[Door opens and closes again]

"Hey, I'm Coach Theodore and the running backs' trainer. Yeah, I train all the running backs in this team and I'll be training you guys. Very happy to meet you once again boys."

[Both] "Thank you Coach Theodore."

"We're also going to follow all your rules so that we will become perfect, like your injured running backs." [Lefah]

"Coach Theodore smiled at them and said "My master and I have no rules for our players, but there are some things you have to follow, accordingly, and it's a must, but we won't go there now, boys." [Coach Theodore]

[Both] "Okay Coach Theodore"

Coach Wilson told me you guys have never played football before, but I told him it's good he signed for you guys because I believe in your presence. We all don't know how to play, and we are training so that one day we will become professional footballers just like those legends. Who can mention one legend in NFL history?

As Lefah answered by saying "Me Coach"

"Mm--hmm" tell me Lefah, which legend, my boy?" [Coach Theodore]

"Please, Legends Barry Sanders."

"Wow, very good Lefah. And why did you mention Barry Sanders as a legend? Because our head coach, Larry Wilson, is also a legend in NFL history and myself too." [Coach Theodore]

[Lefah] When I was 5 years old, I told my ma'am that I want to play football just like Barry Sanders when my ma'am, and I were watching Barry Sanders football match on our television. I just want to play football one day, just like Barry Sanders and that's what I told my ma'am when I was 5 years old. Mommy told me more about Barry Sanders, and she told me Barry Sanders was always a game-changer and his incredible ability to make defenders always miss his quick cuts, spins, and bursts of speed. All these made me feel like just playing like Barry Sanders. And he's the one who keeps me going."

"Wow, that's a great idea Lefah. I remember in the 90s when my team and Barry Sanders' team, the Detroit Lions. That very match made me feel the reality of Barry Sanders playing. " You know his incredible ability to make defenders always miss his quick cuts, spins, and more, like you said."