He advised caution

"I really like asking questions. So, I asked my coach how I could play under his control, because I didn't get him right by saying I should play under his control. My coach smiled at me and responded back immediately, "If I ask you to score, you have to do that immediately in the next seconds and never score if I didn't ask you to score Wilson. But remember I will always ask you to score."

[All the players were touched by Coach Wilson's voice, so they all started clapping to cheer for Coach Wilson.]

[Team cheer and laughing]

"It's okay, players. You can stop clapping for Coach and listening to me please."

[As they stopped the clapping immediately just to hear more of Coach Wilson's voice.]

"When I was playing in the 90s, I never accepted defeats, which made me a legend. If one player makes us lose a game, that player will be out of the team. And that's my new rules for this team."

Lefah put up his hands in the air, just wanted to ask a question, so, Coach Wilson saw his hand and asked.

" What's the problem, Lefah? Speak to me, because I believe in your words."

"Thank you, Coach, my question is, what if we all play together and lose the game, are you going to fire all of us from the team?"

Coach Wilson smiled at Lefah and said,

"Prefect question, Lefah. The thing is, one man can never make a team stand, no matter what. But many men can fight and make a team stronger, and why am I saying all this?"

"I can only ask one or five players to leave the team, and we can still play, but we can never play when I ask all of you to leave the team and go home. That day will be the end of this team. Just be extremely smart. I am talking about team spirits. As a team, we always have to play together just like one family."

"The only way which can make my team, your team, our team a successful football team ever, is to build a strong foundation by effective communication when playing on the pitch. We should believe in each other and respect each other because we are a team but not enemies. And this can make us a strong team. Nothing else, boys. I mean we shouldn't bully one another but love one another."

"I know we are more than this, so where are the rest of the players captain?"

"Don't really know Coach, but we had two injured." [Henry responded immediately to Coach Wilson]

"Yeah, I know. So, forget about the injured players, that's why Lefah and Garriso are here to fix on the injured ones."

"Okay Coach." [Henry]

"So, you have to treat Lefah and Garriso the same as you do others as a captain. Am I clear Henry?"

"Okay Coach." [Henry]

[Lefah wanted to say something, but Garriso held his hand down. Just guess what lefah wanted to say to Coach Wilson at that moment.]

"Okay captain, you have to talk to your boys to come to training next time, just if they want to play."

"Okay Coach." [Henry]

"Okay that's fine. Hey, I even forgot to tell you about Coach Theodore. I asked him to send some notes to the heads about this coming season's league. So, he won't come here today. But our next training day."

"Okay Coach." [Team]

"So, let's get to work now, because I am done talking boys. Stand up and run back to position, boys."

[Team cheers and laughing.] [Training took over for hours]

[After training today]

Garriso and Lefah closed from training, and they were on their way going back home.

"Hey, why did you allow that fool to play with me that way, Garriso?"

"Hmm, hey Henry is our team captain and if I allow you to fight him, it's going to be a different thing bro. We just joined the high school's football team, so let's at least manage his crazy attitude bro. Hey, I am sorry that I didn't support your words, but I was just trying to, you know. Make the story look more interesting just like those movies shown on weekends. Hey, let's keep a good face just like we always do bro. And aside from that, I don't think Miss Anna would be happy with us if she heard we fought in school or?"

You're right bro. That fool was just pushing me to the wall, which was terrible, and you know that. I never support bullying, and I really dislike it when someone is trying to bully me bro. By the way, thanks for not allowing me to fight, bro."

"Hey, I always got your back but not supporting you to fight people like Henry. Next time he tries that, just allow him to do whatever he wants to do, bro."

"Okay master planner. So, what's next, Garriso? Because of the way I am stressed, I don't think I can work on any other difficult thing at the moment bro."

"Hey, I even have no plan this time and not only you who is stressed bro. I am really stressed, my man. So, let's run home fast and plan for tomorrow's class bro."

"Okay Garriso. That's great and the more we walk slowly, the more tautness we become with the pains' bro. So, I think we should run faster, master planner."

"Yes, you're right. Bro."

[Garriso's voice] "Yeah, I know you have been hurt and that was yesterday. I know you wanted it well, but you didn't get it how you wanted it and that was yesterday. I know how you cry and scream all your voice out of anger, which shows how you were in pain all alone in the dark and that was yesterday."

"You have to know that, with each new day in this world of human life, it always comes with a new thing, which is called a new day.

You can only enjoy your new day by looking up at the skies making a loud noise;" yesterday was a bad moment and it's dead and gone forever, and it's a new day with a new start." " Let's hope for better because the next round is a win."