Mom's Favorite Tricks

"Please, I'm good. How may I help you, Miss?"

"Aw, you're Mia, right?"

"Yeah, Mia is my name and what about you, Miss? And how do you even know me?" And why are you here?"

"Okay, fine, my name is Miss Anna. And you can call me Anna. That's all about me."

"Okay, Anna. But you're too old, you know, just like my mother, for me to call you Anna, just like those crazy friends I had in school."

[Miss Anna laughs]

[Miss Sophia shouted from inside, asking Mia who was at the door knocking.]

"Hey! Mia." [Miss Sophia]

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Who is knocking on the door, kid?"

[Miss Anna asked Sophia's daughter, Mia, to keep quiet and shouldn't respond back to Miss Sophia because Miss Anna wanted to surprise Miss Sophia inside.]

"Hey, shut up little girl."

"Why Anna? Or are you a bad person or something like a wolf? Hey, why are you here, Anna? Or I will shout."

"Hey, will you shut up? Okay fine. I'm here to see your mother. Just trust me and show me where your mother is, Mia."

"Okay fine, my ma'am is in the kitchen preparing something because she said a best friend would be visiting her any moment from now. And I don't know whether you're our visitor."

"So, you understand it now? I'm the visitor, so let me in, please, Mia."

"Okay fine. Just come in, Anna. By the way, I'm really sorry and nice meeting you, Anna."

"Sure, hey, shut up and show me the kitchen now little girl?"

[Mia let Miss Anna inside and closed the door and showed her the kitchen and also guided Miss Anna into the kitchen.]

[Sophia shouted again from the kitchen] "Hey! Mia."

Mia stopped Miss Anna and said, "Hey, Anna. I think I should respond to my ma'am before she starts yelling at me. I really know my ma'am, Anna."

"And I also know your ma'am more than you do, pretty girl. So, shut up and show me where your mother is. "

"Okay fine. Let's go now, Anna."

"Yeah sure. Let's walk slowly before she notices our footsteps, pretty kid. "

[Immediately they arrive in the kitchen. Miss Sophia was busy in the kitchen preparing something and nothing showed she wasn't feeling well. Everything shows she just wanted a friend to come and visit her home, so she surely pretended to Miss Anna that she wasn't feeling well. Miss Anna shouted from Sophia's back at the door immediately, the reach inside the kitchen when Miss Sophia didn't know Miss Anna was in the house.]

"Hey, young lady!" [Miss Anna shouted]

Miss Sophia turned her face to Miss Anna and Mia, looking surprised, and said, "Oh, my goodness Anna."

"Hey, can somebody explain to me what's really happening or going on here, Sophia?"

[Sophia takes a deep breath] "What the hell Anna. Hey, you really scared me lady. What's wrong with you, Anna?"

"What's wrong with me? I wanted to scare you more than I just did to you, Sophia. Yeah, because you really scared me more than that when you called me that you were not feeling well, Sophia. "

Mia laughed and said, "Oh, no. Ma'am lied to you, right? Actually, that's what my mom usually does to us anytime she needs us immediately. This is really one of her favorite tricks sometimes. "

[Both laugh]

"Hey, don't mind that little girl. Actually, that was just by the way, Anna."

"So, this is nothing right? Hey, is that what you mean? Oh, I see. So, you actually wanted to lie to me just because you wanted me to come and see you at home or what, Sophia?"

"Hey, not that Anna and you're misunderstanding this please. I wasn't feeling well earlier in the morning, but hey, I'm good, better and stronger now. Trust me, my love."

"Okay fine. So, why didn't you call me when running all the way from home and tell me that you're much stronger now, Sophia? I had work to attend this morning, but because of you I didn't. Just look at you, Sophia. Why did you do this to me, Sophia?"

"Hey, I'm sorry and stop making me feel like a bad person here, young lady. I wanted to call or text you later, and I realized that you have never visited me at home ever since I came back to the city."

"Oh, I see, you really sound crazy, Sophia. Hey, this is not fun, and you know that, Sophia. And you really know how crazy my boss is, Sophia. "

Mia smiled at Miss Anna and said, "So, ma'am really wanted you to visit her home because she really missed you a lot. Nothing really."

[Both laugh]

"Yeah, Mia is right, Anna. I wanted you to come and see me at home because I really missed you darling. "

"Oh, whatever, Sophia. But at least call or text me about this. I thought my sister was moribund because of how you sounded to me when you called, but that was your trick. So, tell me, when will you change Sophia? "

"Hey, stop it, Anna. Okay fine, I'm sorry about this darling. That was a mistake, and it won't happen again. "

"Hey, don't worry about it, Sophia. I'm good, but you really scared me when you called. Don't try this again, Sophia. "

"Yes, Miss Anna. I won't please. "

"Okay fine. Sophia."

"So, are we cool now, Miss?"

"Hey, this was just by the way, and I am good, Sophia, so what's next once I'm already in your apartment, young lady? "

"Okay, and you're welcome to our home, Miss. Hey, Mia. This is my favorite and craziest sister I ever had back in college. I mean your stepmother."

Mia smiled at her mother, Miss Sophia, and said, "Don't worry mommy. I already know Anna and I think we're friends already, ma'am. "

"Hell no, little girl. How did you guys get to know each other?"

"We just got to know each other. And where is she? I mean Amelia, Sophia?"

Mia smiled at Miss Anna and said, "You know, my elder sister is not home but at mom's workplace. Just trying to help her around anytime mommy is stressed."