He's Ashamed Of Himself

"Yes, I know you will prefer soft drinks because you don't like expensive drinks like wine or alcoholic drinks. Hey, lady. Just help yourself over there, okay?"

[Miss Anna walks straight to the refrigerator and brings out some mango juice from the refrigerator and pours some mango juice into the glass cup and starts drinking.]

"So, tell me Anna. How are my boys doing? And I thought you would even come here with them."

"Hey, they're good. But I told you earlier that they weren't home by then. And didn't I tell you, Sophia? They were nowhere to be found when I was leaving home. Ever since they started playing, they have always run early in the morning to train. "

"Wow, I can see how serious they are. Very good to hear they're doing well out there, Anna."

"Yeah, they're Sophia. "

"Okay fine."

"And what about you, lazy lady? How is work going please? "

"Hey, did you just call me work-shy?"

"Yeah, and you heard me right Sophia."

"Hey, but it's just today I'm home, Miss. And what will make you think I'm a work-shy Anna?"

"Okay Miss. How is work going? That's the most important question I ask you, Sophia."

"Okay, it is good. And this reminds me, Anna."

"What's that, Miss Sophia?"

"Hey, why were you disturbing our fun moment the last time my boys came and visited me at my workplace? Huh?"

"Disturbing really? Hey, that's not what you're thinking, Sophia. Those boys gave me time to return home, and I didn't give them that time. So, I was expecting them to come back home at the exact time they gave me when leaving home. I was an hour late, and I didn't see their faces at home, or even for them to call and tell me something, and you also didn't even call me or to pick up my calls. So, what were you guys expecting me to do, Sophia?"

[Sophia sighs] "Yeah, we are sorry about that, and you did nothing wrong because you're their mother. But hey, Anna, don't you think those boys are not comfortable with that? I mean being overprotective or something, my love."

"Hey, I don't care about that, Sophia. Just trying to protect them, nothing else, my dear. Whether they're comfortable or not. I am their mother. And I have the right to protect my boys. Please."

"Hm, I remember how effective your protection was. You know, back in college. You are doing the right thing, Anna. Because what you did for me back in college really helps me a lot. Like you never allowed me to attend parties, have fun with other friends. You know, that was crazy, but it really helped me, Anna. So, I am not against you protecting those boys."

"Hey, shut up Sophia. Um, you know, back in college, those girls you called your friends weren't good friends and you and I really know that. That's why I never allowed you to go out with them, even to have fun with them. Okay?"

"Yeah, I know, and I really appreciate you, Anna."

"So, what else, Sophia?"

"Hey, nothing else, mother. But don't you think they're big enough now, and they can choose to fly away anywhere they want?"

"Oh, of course, Sophia. You are right, and I never stop them flying anywhere they want. Don't misunderstand me, my dear."

"Okay, but hey, I am not misunderstanding this, Anna. But I definitely replied to your words, Miss Anna. This reminds me of the first time we met. About what you told me, hey, don't tell me you're still afraid of it."

[Miss Anna sighs] "Hey, I am really afraid, Sophia. You know I never lied to you, but I'm really nervous about my son's irresponsible father. Nobody knows where he's now. What if he comes back, maybe to do something stupid? Who knows Sophia?"

"Hey, I know you're stronger than this, Anna. So, stop thinking about it overnight. What are you really afraid of at the age of your son, Anna?"

"Hey, about everything Sophia."

"Then you shouldn't be afraid about anything because our son is a big boy now and once he's old, he can decide for himself without his parents saying a word. Just understand that, Anna."

"Hm, okay fine. But what if his father comes back as a killer? Because he was once a gangster, causing problems on the street. Sophia?"

"Hell, no Anna. He can't even try that stupid act for what he did to you guy's years back. You really sound crazy sometimes, Anna. Upon living, you guys all alone in the dark for all these number of years till you fight this alone in the dark. Please stop it, Anna. Mr. Lucas can never try it, my love. By now, he's ashamed of himself wherever he is now. That's why he can't come back home, or maybe he's dead. Trust me."

"Hey, stop it, dead like how. Don't say that please."

"Oh, I see. Hey, don't tell me you still love that stupid man, Anna."

"Hell, no Sophia. But wishing him death is not a good thing, my sister. Just allow him to live his life but never come back. That's what I want, but not his death, Sophia."

"Oh, whatever. He deserves it. Okay fine."

"But hey, you're right. You know, those boys think I'm being difficult and over-protective, but they don't know anything about this whole thing, Sophia."

"Yes, because you never tell them the truth and you're not ready to tell them more about Lefah's real father and always lie about it. They need to know. More especially, your son."

"But I did it when he was 5 years old. That was long ago, but I think he still remembers it, Sophia."

"Yes, that's what you think, Anna. You told him years ago, but Lefah was too kidding to hear such things about his real father. He's grown up now. This is the right time for you to tell him more about his real father, Mr. Lucas."

"And you really know it won't be easy just to stand up one day and tell him such a thing, Sophia."