1- Officer John: A young officer chosen to continue the legacy over protecting great power and protecting everyone that lives on this realm, officer john is the leader of the angelic alliance!
Powers obtained: flight, see through walls, super hearing, invisibility, super speed, charge up/power up, blast beams out of his hands, teleport, read minds, super strength, angelic wings, angelic sword wielding, grow to any size, shapeshift, abilities of a wolf, tail of a wolf, ears of a wolf, (more powers coming soon in the future chapters)
Ancient names: leader of the angelic alliance, master, (more names coming soon)
Religious: Christian
Gender: Male/Wolf/Immortal
Skin Color: White/tan
Ages: got the powers by the age of 14 , recent age, 123 (this age will change the more chapters there are)
Hair color: dark brown/silver
Eye color: Silver/blue/gold
Eye symbol: eagle badge
Goal: to stop evil entirely and stop devil from being focused on getting the power that the officers hold, and to protect the ancient power at all costs.
Personality: funny, silly, crazy, has ADHD, has OCD, has intense bravery, has courage, has hope, believes even evil can change to something good.
Weaknesses: brother turning evil again, being distracted, being hit on the weak spot on my back, being hit with a powerful blast, my very own emotions, illusions, nightmares.
Status: Alive
2- Johnnis: A older brother of officer john and intends to become easily jealous that officer john was chosen and not him, johnnis has a evil side of himself that caused a chaotic rampage but was brought back to the good sideeeeeeee .. -.. .-. .- .-- -.-. .-.. --- ... . .-. - --- -- -.-- .-. . - ..- .-. -.
Powers obtained: flight, see through walls, super hearing, invisibility, super speed, charge up/power up, blast beams out of his hands, teleport, read minds, super strength, dark sword wielding, shapeshift, casting evil spells.
Ancient names: The dark lord, Evil johnnis, Evil john, Officer johnnis, johnnis, master of darkness, the first evil mastermind
Religious: Christian
Gender: Male/Immortal
Skin color: white/purple/tan
Age: Showing signs of pure evil at the age of 5, recent age, (ERROR UNKNOWN) .. -. ..-. .. -. .. - -. -- (this age will change the more chapters there are)
Hair Color: Purple/Blue/White/gold
Eye Color: Purple/silver
Goal: To Help his brother end this once and for all'll -. .- .-. -- -.-- -... .-. --- - .... . .-. ... ..-. .-.. . ... .... .- .--. .- .-. -
Personality: Part pure evil, flooded by negativity, never gives up on making things change for the better, following the deadly sin of greed, following deadly sin of pride, following deadly sin of envy, following the deadly sin of wrath
Weaknesses: Shrunken, being healed, realizing on what he has done, manipulation, being distracted, being hit on his weak spot on his foot, being hit with a powerful blast, very own emotions, illusions, nightmares.
3- Boss: Boss of officer john and the whole alliance does anything possible to protect everyone, dedicates his life to this alliance, boss is also the very first person to hold such ancient power.
Powers obtained: flight, see through walls, super hearing, invisibility, super speed, charge up/power up, blast beams out of his hands, teleport, read minds, super strength, angelic wings, angelic sword wielding, grow to any size, shapeshift, abilities of an eagle, feathers of an eagle.
Ancient Names: The true chosen one, Father of 2, Boss, Master of all reality.
Religious: Christian
Gender: Male/Eagle
Skin color: White
Age: Alive since the beginning of time
Hair color: silver/gold
Eye color: Silver/gold
Goal: to help officer john stop this war, to be officer john's teacher to learn to control his power
Personality: has a dark secret but doesn't show it, given this high responsibility, a great father
Weaknesses: UNKNOWN???
4- Evil much: The second evil mastermind to be encountered, pulled off a prison escape successfully.
Powers obtained: flight, see through walls, super hearing, invisibility, super speed, charge up/power up, blast beams out of his hands, teleport, read minds, super strength, dark sword wielding, shapeshift, casting evil spells.
Ancient names: The second coming of evil, leader of his evil trio
Religious: Christian
Gender: Trans/cat
Skin color: white/tan
Age: 583 (this age will change the more chapters there are)
Hair color: purple/gold
Eye color: Purple/brown
Goal: To finish his plan, take revenge for evil johnnis death, to kill officer john and retrieve his power, eager to obtain absolute power
Personality: Pure evil, flooded by negativity, Following deadly sin of greed
Weaknesses: being healed, manipulation, being distracted, being hit on his weak spot on his ankle, being hit with a powerful blast
Status: Killed by a large energy blast by officer john
5- Evil evidence: The second most dangerous evil mastermind to encounter in the story with intense destructive powers and holds the energy to create nuclear technologies and is the first evil mastermind to declare an intense nuclear war!
Powers obtained: flight, see through walls, super hearing, invisibility, super speed, charge up/power up, blast beams out of his hands, teleport, read minds, super strength, dark dual katanas wielding, manipulations, reality illusions casting evil spells, ability to summon powerful nukes.
Ancient names: God of nuclear technology, king of mass illusions
Religious: Misotheism
Gender: Male
Skin color: Silver/green
Age: 290 (this age will change the more chapters there are)
Hair color: Silver/green
Eye color: Silver/yellow
Eye symbol: nuclear symbol
Goal: to destroy officer john, steal his power and make his life a living hell
Personality: Pure evil, flooded by negativity, Following all 7 deadly sins
Weaknesses: Being defeated by his own weapons or being destroyed by a very powerful energy blast
Status: Killed by officer john using nuclear weapons against him
6- Evil weather: One of the least threatened evil masterminds encountered in the story but can still be annoying if his powers are used for distraction or just want to always attack but never succeeds much.
Powers obtained: The ability to control weather, flight, super hearing, super speed, charge up/power up, super strength, wielding a dark evil staff that summons weather events.
Ancient names: Low threat evil mastermind
Religious: Christian
Gender: Male
Skin color: grey/yellow
Age: 387 (this age will change the more chapters there are)
Hair color: Grey/White/gold
Eye color: grey/gold
Eye symbol: bolts of lightning
Goal: to always help other evil masterminds by distracting and finally being able to annoy officer john to a point he gets his guard down due to exhaustion from being so stressed out by the annoyance.
Personality: Loves to be the weather, likes to tease most of the time, but feels useless sometimes, possesses low level evil energy
Weaknesses: Being controlled by the alliance
Status: Alive
7- Evil speed: one of the least threatened evil masterminds encountered in the story but can still be annoying if his powers are used, and is always full of insanity always smoking weed, stims, and steroids to be as annoying and fast possible, his car is the main vehicle that does the most damage.
Powers obtained: Super speed, being an absolute crackhead.
Ancient names: the speed demon, the crackhead, the meth addicted whore
Religious: Norse mythology
Gender: Male/rabbit
Skin color: Green/white/tan
Age: 89 (this age will change the more chapters there are)
Hair color: Green/Black/yellow
Eye color: dilated green/bloodshot red
Goal: to kill officer john just for fun and does not care about his power
Personality: always high, likes to use his speed so much
Weaknesses: N/A
Status: Alive
8- Evil forever: One of the biggest threats of them all, the leader of the evil masterminds and is God but corrupted, has been corrupted like this for so long it's hard to tell if that's god anymore
Powers obtained: corrupted powers of God, flight, see through walls, super hearing, invisibility, super speed, charge up/power up, blast beams out of his hands, teleport, read minds, super strength, corrupted angelic wings, corrupted angelic sword wielding, grow to any size, shapeshift,
Ancient names: Our new corrupt god, the leader of the evil masterminds
Religious: Christian
Skin color: Purple
Hair color: White/gold/purple
Eye color: purple
Goal: to reawaken his creator, and to destroy officer john and steal the unlimited power officer john holds
Personality: entirely corrupted and controlled, fully lost his personality of being God
Weaknesses: RANDOM
Status: Defeated by himself and returning on being God once more
9- Evil time: One of the next gen evil mastermind's to appear in the storyline, these types show no mercy and are a larger threat then other evil masterminds officer john fought, and oppose stronger tactics and abilities like this evil mastermind, evil time has the given power to control time, space, and reality itself, but instead of using that for good and being careful of changing the timeline he does the opposite by almost tricking officer john to give up and making the worst choice possible by bringing back the devil himself
Powers obtained: time control, reality shifting, fight, time weapons wielding, see through walls, super hearing, invisibility, super speed, charge up/power up, blast beams out of his hands, teleport, read minds, super strength.
Ancient names: the evil time god, next generation evil mastermind
Religious: Christian
Skin color: silver/gold
Hair color: black/silver
Eye color: silver/gold
Eye symbol: spiral clock
Goal: to corrupt all of time, to be devils new assistant, to destroy officer john and obtain the power officer john holds
Personality: likes messing around in time, holds all 7 deadly sins, loves to help and serve any master
Weaknesses: power being susspeded, struck by a powerful blast, being betrayed, being distracted, being manipulated
Status: Alive
10- Devil: The one and only, the main person that caused this universe and its timeline a living hell, the main creator of evil forever the devil that gets to rule this universe without anything stopping him, the angelic alliances main enemy and the biggest one to fear out of anyone else, the largest threat out of all
Powers obtained: Possesses all.
Ancient names: Satan, lucifer, Morningstar, king of darkness
Religious: follows all
Gender: male/goat
Skin color: red/black/gold
Hair color: red/black/gold
Eye color: red/black/gold
Eye symbol: crucifix
Goal: to kill officer john and the alliance to steal their power and rule over the whole multiverse and the real universe that devil was unable to conquer
Personality: likes to be the boss of everything and create a lot of ideas, has all 7 deadly sins, and likes being evil
Weaknesses: RANDOM
Status: Revived by evil time