Chapter 02

If there was one thing Michael was confident about, it was his ability to remain inconspicuous, blending into the background without being noticed.

As an assistant, there was an almost mandatory need to never draw attention to himself.

The spotlight should be left to the stars.

That said, after leaving his personal room, he surprisingly managed to sneak into the vicinity of the elevator without being noticed.

"It seems the Antimatter Legion hasn't arrived here yet..."

This was fortunate indeed, if he were to come face to face with any of the Antimatter Legion soldiers, he would have no way of defending himself.

Michael approached the elevator cautiously, there was a golden panel in front of the elevator passage.

Michael tried to manipulate the panel to make the elevator work, but it was blocked.


Michael only then remembered some details from the game's first mission, apparently the elevator was blocked and he would need to find Arlan to be able to use it.

He couldn't be blamed for that, no matter how much he had played the game, it had been two or three years since he played the tutorial in version 1.1, he didn't remember the exact details.

Furthermore, the game map was too compressed to suit players' needs.

In reality, the Herta Space Station was a ship almost as large as a minor planet; he wouldn't dream of crossing from one end to the other on foot. He had no way of knowing where Arlan was...

Michael rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Should I go back to my room...?"

It was too dangerous to stay outside with the Antimatter Legion invading the Space Station, he had no ability to defend himself either.

Just as Michael decided to return to his room and remain safe, however, he heard a metallic, rhythmic sound echoing behind him.

Cautiously turning around, he saw a group of humanoid metal carcasses approaching. When they saw him from far, the pace of their steps only increased.

It was a group of Voidrangers.

"I'm f*cked..."

Michael took a step back, but there was nowhere to run, his back was firmly pressed against the elevator door, and he swallowed hard.

He had just transmigrated to the beginner map, but he was already about to die?

At that moment, Michael's senses were brought back to him by the system's bell sound.


[Host, this is such an opportunity!]

"Opportunity? What are you talking about? I don't know if you can see, but I'm about to die miserably at the hands of some beginner mobs..."

Michael was confused, and showed it on his face.

[Host, weren't you looking for an audience and a performance venue? Coincidentally, this plataform seems perfect, and you have an eager audience right in front of you!]

"...System, are you listening to what you're saying? Those are Voidrangers..."

[Host, even Voidrangers can appreciate music!]

[Please, Host, trust me! Either way, you're going to die if you don't do anything, aren't you?]


Well, the system was somewhat right in that regard.

"Okay, how do I do this?"

[Host, you just need to think about it and the system will do the rest!]


Michael wasn't too confident about this, but it was the only way. The Voidrangers were already dangerously close.

Closing his eyes, Michael thought.

He wanted that plataform as a stage.

And those Voidrangers as an audience...


[Mission #1 conditions have been met!]

[Rewards are being distributed!]

[100 Star Points have been acquired!]

[The music track Nithglow has been added to the Host's music repertoire!]

[Please don't keep your audience waiting, Host!]

Michael opened his eyes after that series of notifications, staring confusedly at the Voidrangers who had slowed down their movements.

They were still moving, however, just more slowly, as if hesitant.

Was this the system's doing? It was probably a consequence of having set those Voidrangers as his audience.

Now that the audience was decided and the stage was ready, he had to make his presentation.

But what should he do...? Sing? Dance?

Suddenly, Michael noticed a strange streak of newly added memories in his mind.

It was a series of memories that recorded the musical track [Nightglow — Tanya Chua]. He felt that he could sing it without any problem.

Taking a deep breath, Michael realized what he had to do. Clearing his throat, he stepped in front of the ever-increasing Voidrangers and opened his mouth.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀— POV Change, Express Astral Crew.

March 7th: "Despite appearances, you're surprisingly quite a fighter, aren't you?"

March stared at the amnesiac girl she and Dan Heng had encountered just a few minutes ago with a surprised expression.

Apparently her name was Stelle, but she didn't seem to remember anything beyond that.

March 7th: "Now that I think about it, you're not wearing a Space Station uniform, are you really a researcher?"

March asked doubtfully, but the gray-haired girl, Stelle, responded by shaking her head.

Stelle: "I don't remember anything from before I woke up here."

For now, she decided to keep Kafka's existence a secret. She didn't know what was happening, or where she was.

March 7th: "You don't remember... I see, it must be quite painful for you to lose your memories out of nowhere, right?"

March could sympathize, as she herself was going through something similar.

Before being defrosted on the Astral Express, she didn't remember anything, not even her own name, and so she was called March 7th, which was the date she had woken up.

Stelle didn't answer, looking thoughtful, and March 7th didn't say much more about it.

Sometimes, not remembering anything could be particularly painful, she understood that better than anyone.

As they approached the route leading to the main elevator, March and Stelle could hear a faint sound echoing from the platform.

March 7th: "Uh? Is anyone still here?"

Stelle: "There seems to be someone... Singing..."

Stelle tilted her head, slightly confused, and March quickened her pace.

March 7th: "Let's check, if this person attracts the attention of the Antimatter Legion soldiers, it could be a disaster!"

March was more concerned about the person's safety than the fact that there was someone singing on the elevator platform in the midst of an Antimatter Legion invasion.

Stelle wasted no time in following her, and as she approached the platform, she could see a group of Legion soldiers standing in front of a blond man wearing extravagant clothings.

At the same time, that voice became clearer, and she could hear the song he was singing more precisely.

"Never let you go"

"It's why I did them all"

"For a chance at least"

"To live in your way"

"Love of you"

"Is my most cherished thing"

"So stay alive, bravely..."

Stelle: "How strange..."

Stelle muttered, feeling what should have been her heart beat a little anxiously.

That man's clear voice resonated deeply, it didn't seem to reach his ears, but his own heart.

She felt an unfamiliar pain in her chest, and her vision was subtly blurry.

Stelle's hand reached her cheeks lightly, and she suddenly realized.

Stelle: "Why... am I crying?"

There was no one to answer her questions at that moment. Looking at March 7th next to her, Stelle realized that tears were also rolling down her eyes.

For a moment Stelle sighed in relief, she wasn't the only one to react like that at least...

Turning her gaze to the man at the front of the platform, Stelle noticed that he was looking at them from behind the Voidrangers. His expression was bright, as if he had found the salvation of his life.

Stelle twisted her lips slightly, tugging on March 7th's sleeve, who was still distracted by the singing.

Stelle: "We need to help him..."

March 7th: "... Uh? Oh! Yeah, sorry, I got a little distracted..."

March quickly regained his senses, wiping the tears that were rolling from his eyes with the sleeve of his clothes before patting her own face a few times.

March 7th: "What a shame, why was I crying...?"

Grumbling, March took out her bow and began shooting as Stelle ran forward, ambushing the Voidrangers from behind.

Of course, with the two's skills, dispatching this group of beginner mobs was easy.

Soon, they took down the Antimatter Legion soldiers, while Michael had hidden behind a nearby column, only coming out when the group of Voidrangers were kicked aside like dogs.

"Nice to meet you, you really saved me back there. May I know your names? By the way, I'm Michael."

March 7th: "I'm March 7th, this one next to me is Stelle, we were coming to take the elevator when we heard your singing and came to help."

Stelle: "By the way, why were you singing for the Voidrangers?"

Michael scratched the back of his neck lightly at Stelle's question.

"Well, it's a long story..."

He started to explain.