Chapter 36 – Excellence Camp XVI

Ashern City - Reinhart Institute of War, 2nd of Brightforge, year 315 UC

Gloria stepped into the testing area as a holographic figure materialized before her.

"Combat assessment tests your ability to identify and eliminate threats quickly and efficiently." 

She struck the red marker on the hologram's chest, causing it to dissolve. Another appeared this one with the marker on its back. 

"Each target has a designated weak point marked in red."

She sidestepped a burst of fire from the new hologram, circling behind it to strike the marker. 

"The marker's placement is random—front, back, or top of the head. These holograms are indestructible except at the marked point."

Two more holograms spawned, one humanoid and one resembling a wolf. Both launched attacks—the humanoid casting a water spell while the wolf lunged. Gloria weaved between them, touching the marker on the wolf's head before spinning to catch the humanoid's marker on its shoulder.

"They use both physical and magical attacks. The spells are basic, but—" 

She paused as a lightning bolt struck her arm. 

"—the pain is real."

Four targets appeared now, a mix of creatures and humanoids. Gloria dispatched them quickly, each dissolving as she found its marker.

"The more targets you eliminate, the more will appear. Your goal is to neutralize as many as possible within three minutes." 

She finished the demonstration by catching the final hologram's marker at the base of its neck. 


Alessia raised her hand, trembling visibly. Bryan glanced at her, noting how the tremors seemed to worsen as she held her arm up.

"Yes, Hayes?" 

Gloria said.

"Could I... skip this test?"

"Why would you want that?"

Alessia's fingers curled inward. 

"These gloves were made to suppress my power. Using magic might have the opposite effect."

"How much are they suppressing?"

"Eighty percent."

Gloria crossed her arms. 

"And you think using your magic for three minutes will somehow cause the gloves to malfunction?"

Alessia fell silent, her gaze dropping to the floor.

"If that's your concern, simply remove the gloves and take the test."

"That's not—" 

Alessia's head snapped up. 

"The others would be in danger."

"I doubt anything you could put out would be harmful to me." 

Gloria raised her hand, and a barrier materialized around Alessia, separating her from the group. 

"Remove one glove. Let's see if your magic is stronger than my barrier."

Alessia stared at her gloved hands, her breathing quickening. The other students watched intently, especially Bryan, who noted how her anxiety seemed to spike at Gloria's challenge.


Alessia swallowed hard. 

"I really shouldn't."


Gloria's tone shifted slightly. 

"Your file indicates excellent control before the gloves. What changed?"

Alessia's fingers brushed against the edge of her right glove. 

"There was an... incident. Things decay faster now. More aggressively."

"Show me."

With trembling fingers, Alessia slowly pulled off her right glove. The air around her seemed to waver the moment it came free, like heat rising from hot pavement. A small patch of floor near her feet began to darken and crack.

Gloria's barrier flickered briefly where the erosion magic touched it, but held firm. "Control it. Direct it at the barrier—one spot only."

Alessia closed her eyes, concentrating. The random decay stopped, focusing on a single point on Gloria's barrier. The spot where her magic hit began to discolor but spread no further.

"Better than you thought, isn't it?" 

Gloria said. 

"Put your glove back on. You'll take the combat test with the others."

The erosion magic ceased the instant Alessia slipped her glove back on. She nodded once, though Bryan noticed her hands were still shaking.

"Anyone else?" 

Gloria asked, dispersing the barrier.

Bryan raised his hand.

Gloria sighed. 

"What is it, Blackwood?"

"Do the targets simply grow in number while their strength remains the same, or do they grow stronger as their numbers increase?"

Gloria nodded. 

"Good question. Like every test so far, there will be a spike in difficulty when a certain number is passed. As for how much..." 

A slight pause. 

"I'll leave that for you to figure out."

"Evans, you're up."

Sarah stepped into the testing area, her water magic forming around her hands. A single humanoid target materialized. Its red marker was clearly visible on its chest.

She launched a water crescent, striking the marker directly. The hologram dissolved, and two more appeared—one behind her, one to her left. Sarah spun, barely avoiding a fire spell from the rear target. She created another water blade, which went wide, missing the marker on the target's shoulder.

'Her aim is poor under pressure, and she's not watching her surroundings.'

Bryan observed.

The left target closed in while she was distracted, its marker glowing on its back. Sarah backed away, throwing another water crescent at the rear target. This time, she hit the marker, but the effort left her open. The remaining hologram's punch caught her in the side.

Sarah stumbled, gasping. With one target still active, two more spawned—a wolf and a humanoid. She managed to tag the remaining original target's marker, but her next spell fizzled as she tried to cast too quickly at the new arrivals.

'Already running low on ether. Three targets in, and she's struggling to maintain spell strength.'

Bryan thought to himself.

The wolf lunged. Sarah dropped and rolled, more by accident than skill, and found herself facing its marker. A hasty water blade dissolved it, but the humanoid target's lightning spell struck her back. She cried out, her next spell dispersing harmlessly.

When another target appeared, joining the one still active, Sarah's shoulders slumped. Her next water crescent was barely more than a splash, missing both targets. The timer buzzed before she could eliminate either one.

"Four targets. Reflect on your performance and think of how you could have done better." 

Gloria announced as Sarah rejoined the group, breathing heavily.

Bryan noted how she favored her right side where she'd taken the hit. 

'Poor stamina, inadequate situational awareness, and no backup strategy when her magic started failing.'

There would be a few ways to deal with her in a fight. Her water crescent might be a problem for the others in his team to deal with, but she couldn't use it that much.

If they were paired up for the team battle tomorrow, he would know how to take her out, especially when she could barely protect herself using her barrier.

"Blackwood, you're up. Let's see a better showing than how Evans performed."

Gloria said.

Bryan stepped forward, drawing a small knife from his belt. The others watched as he made a shallow cut across his palm. The blood rose from the wound, forming crimson crescents surrounding him.

Five of them were enough for what he wanted to accomplish.

A humanoid target appeared with a marker centered on its chest. Bryan's blood blade struck, instantly dissolving the hologram. Two more materialized: a wolf with a marker on its head and a humanoid with one on its back.

The humanoid launched a fire spell. Bryan raised a barrier, the flames dispersing harmlessly. His blood crescent caught the wolf's marker as it tried to circle behind him.

He heard Sarah gasp as he redirected his blood to catch the humanoid's back marker. Kevin muttered something under his breath, taking a small step backward.

Three targets spawned. Bryan maintained his steady pace, neither rushing nor showing off. A lightning spell from one target forced another barrier, but his counter-strike eliminated two markers in quick succession.

'There's the pattern—they coordinate attacks when outnumbering you three to one.'

Alessia watched intently, her gloved hands clasped tightly. Julius' eyes tracked every movement of Bryan's blood magic.

The difficulty spiked at ten eliminations. Five targets appeared simultaneously, their attacks more synchronized. They were faster and stronger than the previous holograms, and he found himself using a bit more ether in his spell. Bryan's barrier blocked a combined fire and lightning assault while his blood crescents picked off markers with mechanical precision.

"Time. Impressive skills Blackwood, you've set the bar, let's see if the others can keep up. Fifteen targets eliminated." 

Gloria said.

He did not realize how much time had passed, but three minutes was short. He expected to eliminate one every couple of seconds and, when the time was up, have a score well into the thirties.

'Tsk. This ones a fail, I should have used eight blades instead and stopped trying to find a pattern. Wasted too much time trying to figure out when the difficulty would spike and if anything would change. Won't happen again.'

Bryan rejoined the group, noting how Sarah and Kevin subtly adjusted their positions to maintain distance. Julius held his ground, meeting Bryan's eyes with what might have been a challenge. A smirk crossed the boy's face.

'Does he think we're rivals or something?'

Bryan thought, watching his palm heal.

"Chen, let's see what you're made of."

Gloria called.

Kevin stepped into the testing area, and a blue barrier formed. 

Bryan wondered what his game plan was, using a barrier right off the bat. It was a waste of ether, and it would only block spells, not physical attacks.

The first target appeared, with a marker visible on its shoulder. He took his stance and launched a lightning strike that connected with the marker. The hologram dissolved, and two more spawned.

Kevin created a static field between himself and the targets, forcing them to move around the electrified zone. The strategy worked—one target stepped into his field, slowing enough for him to land a clean lightning strike on its marker. The remaining target's water spell splashed against his barrier, cracking one section.

Three new targets appeared. Kevin maintained his static field, using it to funnel the targets' movements. Another lightning strike eliminated one, but Bryan noticed the spell's intensity had already decreased.

'Three strikes in, and his power's dropping. He might have had more if he hadn't insisted on keeping the barrier going. His strike seems to pack a decent punch, but the static field might become a problem to get around.'

Bryan started analyzing Kevin's performance in case they fought tomorrow during the team match. He wished he could see what the other students in the other groups were doing and how they handled combat. If he took his eyes off Kevin or any of the others, he might miss something important.

A weakness, a spell, something that might help.

Although, he could be putting in a lot of effort for nothing. It never hurt to have data to go on for the future.

The difficulty spike at ten targets proved challenging. Kevin's barrier shattered under a combined assault, and his next lightning strike barely had enough power to trigger the marker. His static field flickered and died as his ether reserves depleted.

"Ten targets. Good try, Chen." 

Gloria said as Kevin rejoined the group, his uniform damp with sweat.

Bryan noticed Kevin glancing his way. He shook his head twice and clicked his tongue as he took his spot in line.

Did everyone here see Bryan as a rival? What did he do to them?

Whatever, the next person up was Alessia, and he would pay extra attention to her. She was his mission priority, after all.

"Hayes, your turn."

Gloria called.

Alessia went forward and as she did a red barrier enclosed the entire testing area. Separating Alessia from the rest of the group.

There were numerous sections to it. Bryan would get lost if he tried to count them all. There were probably well over five hundred sections to her barrier.

Alessia hesitated before removing her right glove. Immediately, green and black smoke rose from her bare hand, wisping into the air like toxic fumes.

The first target materialized, a marker gleaming on its chest. Alessia lunged forward, her bare hand brushing the hologram—green cracks spread from her touch, darkening to black before the target dissolved.

'Well, that's interesting. It didn't even make a direct hit, and the hologram still decayed instantly. Thought these things were supposed to be indestructible?'

Bryan thought.

Two more targets appeared. Alessia touched one's arm, missing the marker, but green fractures still spread across its surface. The second target's fire spell forced her to dodge, but her bare hand grazed the floor as she moved. The impact point immediately began deteriorating, spreading outward in a web of decay.

Three targets spawned. Alessia moved faster now, seemingly more confident, but the decay spread with each movement. Her touch quickly dissolved two targets, but the floor beneath her feet was turning black, crumbling away in patches.

'Her power is growing. Even the areas she is touching with her feet are being affected. She can't control it, and although she's being contained inside the barrier, it can only take so much. That's some firepower, more than enough to kill a person.'

A thin crack appeared in Gloria's barrier where some of the decay energy had splashed against it. Four more targets materialized, and Alessia's power flared. The green and black smoke from her hand intensified, curling around her arm like a serpent.

She eliminated three more targets before the difficulty spike hit. Five appeared simultaneously, and their coordinated attacks forced her to move more erratically. Each dodge left trails of decay, the testing area becoming a maze of deteriorating surfaces.

The timer sounded after she claimed one final target. The floor around her resembled a crumbling ruin. Some areas completely disintegrated, while others bore spreading fractures of green and black.

"Twelve targets eliminated, not bad, Hayes. I'd recommend you put that glove back on and go see the nurse. Stay off to the side for now in case your power flares up." 

Gloria announced, maintaining the barrier as Alessia quickly pulled her glove back on.

Alessia stepped to the side, far away from the others, and tightened her hands. The gloves contained her power, but that was like trying to keep a wild predator in a cage. You could only hold it back for so long.

Without proper guidance it would not be long before an accident took place.

Bryan would not be surprised if she killed someone before this camp was over.

"Reinhart, your turn." 

Gloria called.

Julius stepped into the testing area. The first target appeared, and Julius launched a fire burst—three precise bolts from his fingertips that struck the marker dead center—the hologram dissolved in a flash of light.

Two targets materialized, one to each side. Julius maintained his distance, shifting his position slightly to keep both in his field of view. Another series of fire bursts eliminated the targets in rapid succession, each bolt finding its mark.

'Keeps about forty to fifty feet between himself and the targets. Must be his effective range.'

Three targets appeared in a triangular formation. Julius's fire bursts picked off the first two, but Bryan caught the brief pause before he could attack the third—a consistent gap in his offense. The remaining target launched a water spell, which Julius sidestepped without breaking his stance.

Two more targets spawned while the third still lived. Julius eliminated them methodically, and his rhythm of attack-pause-attack became more apparent. Each burst consisted of three precisely aimed bolts, no more, no less.

The difficulty spiked at ten targets. Five holograms materialized simultaneously, their attacks more coordinated. A combined assault of lightning and ice finally forced Julius to move from his position. His barrier absorbed the attack's brunt while establishing a new firing line.

Julius seemed to have the most experience out of all those in this group.

Julius adjusted his strategy, reducing his burst count from three bolts to two. The smaller volleys allowed him to target more opponents before pausing, though each attack was equally precise.

'Reduces output instead of power when pressured. Prioritizes accuracy over overwhelming force.'

The next wave brought four targets, followed quickly by three more as he eliminated the first group. Julius's expression remained neutral, almost bored, as he systematically picked off markers. His movements were minimal to maintain his preferred fighting distance.

A final wave of three targets appeared just before the timer.

"Eighteen targets, not bad, Reinhart."

Gloria announced.

Bryan watched Julius return to the group, noting that his breathing remained steady and that he showed little sign of exertion. His strategy had been clear: maintain distance and use minimal power.

Bryan felt like he had another spell up his sleeve, but not everyone wanted to show all their hands at the start. Julius showed him enough, as the pause between attacks could be exploited, and as long as one stayed out of his firing range, then he wouldn't be much of a problem.

'A Reinhart indeed,' Bryan thought. 'But that pause between attacks... that's something to remember.'

Gloria turned to face the group. 

"Today was merely to establish your baseline, so we better understand your strengths and weaknesses. This means nothing to all of you; we'll just have to cater our training regime to fit the average student better. For those who are better than average, we also have something in store for you. You should eliminate at least twenty-five targets each by the semester's end. Some of you should aim higher." 

Her gaze swept across Julius and Bryan as she said the last sentence.

She pulled out her academic card and looked it over. 

"You'll each receive a detailed report on your performance, including areas for improvement and recommended training regimens. Study them carefully. Tomorrow morning, team combat matches begin. Get some rest—you'll need your full strength." 

She paused, her expression hardening slightly. 

"We'll conduct another assessment to measure your progress in two weeks. I expect significant improvement."

The silence stretched as Gloria's words sank in. Twenty targets seemed a distant goal for some.


When no one spoke, she nodded sharply. 


The students began to leave the training area. As Bryan headed for the exit, Alexander rushed to catch up.

"Hey, hold up!"

Bryan paused, turning slightly. 

"Need something?"

"No, I just..." 

Alexander shifted his weight. 

"Wanted to know how you thought you did on the test."

Bryan's glare made Alexander take a small step back. 

"The better question is how you did on the test?"


Alexander rubbed the back of his head. 

"Not too good, honestly. Feel like I could've done better."

"Then do better."

Bryan told him feeling that this was a waste of time.

Christopher appeared beside them, hands in his pockets. 

"You guys heading to get some food?"

"Yeah, I could eat." 

Alexander nodded.

"I'll pass." 

Bryan said, turning to leave.

"Why are you so unfriendly?" 

Christopher called after him. 

"Team match is tomorrow. Least you could do is have a meal with us."

Bryan stopped. 

"And what would that accomplish?"

"It's fine." 

Alexander interjected, waving a hand. 

"No need to join us if you don't want to."

Bryan continued walking, leaving his teammates to watch him retreat.

"Geez, it's like someone shoved their foot up his ass." 

Christopher muttered, watching Bryan's retreating form.

"Come on." 

Alexander said. 

"He just doesn't seem like the type to talk much."

"Yeah, or play nice." 

Christopher crossed his arms. 

"Bet he thinks he's better than everyone here."


Alexander nodded slowly.

"That might be true." 

He glanced around the corridor. 

"We should invite Farrah and Sabrina too. Have you seen them?"