New Beginnings

It was a sunny day on Monday, September 1, the year 1877, and Thomas 'Tom' Jones could barely contain his excitement as he approached the gates of a school so privileged that only the best of the best were able to attend. He had pushed himself to the limits, not missing a single day of study time, all in an effort to gain entry into the damned school.

As Tom approached the school, he couldn't help but be awestruck by the breathtaking sight before him. The outside of the school was undeniably spectacular, with beautiful architecture and landscaping that would have been well out of his reach had it not been for the single-minded determination he had poured into his studies.

Tom took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of pride and determination in his heart. He thought back to his mother, who had been crying and cooking all of his favorite meals before he left. It seemed silly, but he also understood that he was her only son after all, and she had three girls to take care of. The memories of his mother's love and support fueled his determination even more, as he walked forward and into the school's impressive front doors.

Tom looked around at the chaotic scene in front of him. Everyone seemed so polished and confident, talking in their high-class voices. There were girls giggling and swooning over their crushes or discussing the latest fashion trends. It was all so foreign and different from what Tom was used to. For a moment, he felt like he didn't belong in such a place and sophisticated environment.

Tom's eyes focused on a group of people gathered around a boy in the hallway. From his reputation alone, he knew it was Lionel Beaumont, also known as 'Leo,' the son of the school's operator. 'Augustus Beaumont,' Tom had heard that Leo's father had many other businesses in the palm of his hand, Leo was a ruthless person, making him a person to avoid. Even in the past, he knew well to steered clear of any talk or involvement with Leo, and he intended to keep it that way.

Tom nodded to himself, deciding that the best course of action would be to keep a low profile until he graduated from the school. He wasn't interested in getting involved in any of the other things Leo and his crowd were into. He knew there were others like himself who had been fortunate enough to attend, and he thought it shouldn't be too

difficult to make friends with them.

Tom steeled himself, determined to make the most of his time at St. George's Collegiate Institution. He had worked hard to get into this prestigious school, and he was determined to be the best of the best while he was there. The world was his oyster, and he was ready to take advantage of every opportunity that came his way.

"Time to make this year count!"

Tom blushed as he realized he had said his internal thoughts out loud, causing a few people to glance his way before returning to their own conversations. 'How embarrassing!'

He had been careless and had ended up drawing unnecessary attention to himself.

He shook his head, trying to brush off the feeling of self-consciousness that was creeping up on him. He needed to keep his emotions and thoughts under control if he wanted to make a good impression here.

End of chapter 1~

New Beginnings ~