Supplementary Exam

All eyes lock onto the person. He was tall, his skin a warm sun complexion, and his long chestnut brown hair was tied and well kept, his eyes a piercing hazel color. It was as if he was a breed of both wolf and siren. A dangerous yet confident Aura around him that everyone knew too well. It was Lionel Beaumont, but why was he here he was a second grade?

Whispers began filling the classroom, some girls with swooning over him, and his appearance. "I wonder why he's here?" Albert whispered to me. Thomas nodded in agreement. "isn't he a second year?" A boy with dirty blonde hair asked his friend. "Yeah he is, but I've heard that he's coming to do some type of introduction for all of us first years." 

The girls in the back giggled "oh my gosh it's really him is my hair fixed?" One girl with long brown hair said. Really why was he here? Thomas thought. "Ahem, Mr Beaumont what brings you here?" Mr Henry asked a smile plastered on his face Lionel looked the professor as if judging him then put on a smile of his own. "Ah hello Mr Henry. I've just come to introduce myself you know as I am a Student Council Representative." He said it with such pride, and confidence, really which maiden wouldn't fawn over a handsome fella like himself. "Ah then go ahead Mr Beaumont you have the spotlight." 

The teacher back away so all eyes are on him. "Welcome first years to St George's Collegiate Institution." He smiled looking at us, It felt as though he was judging every last one of us as he spoke. "As you know, we are a prestigious school one that requires its students *not* to disappoint. Most of you here were able to join because of nobility or because of your sharp mind." He pauses for a moment then continues "You've all took an entrance exam before you've arrived but." 

He grinned and there was that evil look on his face, that same look people described as disregard for anyone who he thought of as below him… the look of wanting to cause chaos and distraught amongst everything and everyone.

"You'll be taking your Supplementary exam, and this is the exam that will guarantee your stay in this school." 

Everyone shot him a look of confusion and surprise especially the ones who paid to get into the school. "Not to worry we treat everyone fairly." 'What did that mean?' Thomas wondered. Though when he heard Supplementary exam he didn't panic like the most of the kids. Last year when he was walking past the schools area, he witnessed one of the first years fuming in anger with a paper in hand. He wondered why, and saw the noble throw the paper away. Being the curious boy he was at that time he went over and picked it up on to see it said 'Second entrance exam.' 

At that time Everyone only knew of one entrance exam and that was the exam that most people had to take in order to get in, but he never heard of a Supplementary one. And all of the question on the paper was extremely hard you probably had to study 10 hours a day for the next 2 weeks in order to complete the exam. He exclaimed in obvious excitement wondering why someone would ever even throw a paper like this away. And then he ran back home and studied about it. 

Later the next day he went to the library searching for answer on of there was a 

'Supplementary Exam paper in St. George's Collegiate institution.' He wondered and wanted to find information about it. 

When reaching the library, he asked the lady at the front desk for books about the school, and she pointed toward an education area, he quickly went over, and he rummaged through every shelf about the school and read almost every book 

'No not that..not this one either.' He thought in annoyance. 

But each book he found about the school only talked about there being an entrance exam paper. 'Phew, luckily I got information about that second paper.' He sighed in relief knowing the Supplementary exam would probably be a bit different from the one he studied last year, but there was a chance that most of the questions would still be the same, and he was a smart guy, so it shouldn't be that hard with how much studying he did.

A noble man from the back of the class stood up and slammed their hands onto the desk. "This isn't fair, we've all already took the entrance exam, and the contract we've signed didn't mention their being a second exam so we shouldn't have to do this, that would be against the contract!"

Lionel chuckled "Then it seems you didn't read the contract throughly." He said coldly and continued. "let me explain, While the entrance exam was indeed part of the contract, the syllabus that you all also signed stated that supplementary exams might be necessary depending on the course. By signing the syllabus, you implicitly agreed to the additional requirements mentioned within it."

He stopped for a second to see if anyone would object before continuing. "Furthermore, as outlined in the contract and syllabus, not passing the supplementary exam will also indicate that you have not met the necessary standards for the school, which means that you may not be eligible to continue attending here."

"If you had paid attention to what you were agreeing to, maybe then you wouldn't be lashing out at me like a fool as you are now."

That made the boy tense up in frustration, he balled his hands up into fist so hard the his knuckles turned white. It's seems that most of the students hearts dropped at that moment. Some stayed calm and others panicked. 

Lionel began speaking again, something that everyone just wanted him to stop doing at that point. "Everyone here is free to leave if they want, the rest who wish to take this exam can stay." He didn't even bother looking at any of the students anymore. "It's up to you weather or not you choose to be here or fail miserably. 

"Ahem" Mr Henry nudged in "Mr Beaumont, perhaps it's best you not provoke them any further." Mr Henry sighed and looked up at the class. "All who wish to leave them you may go."

End of chapter 4~

Supplementary Exam~