The Bakugo's

The scent of burnt curry wafted through the air, usually a comforting aroma that signaled a rare, peaceful evening at the Bakugo household. But tonight, it felt heavy, tinged with a strange unease. Katsuki, fresh off a grueling training session at the agency, slammed the door behind him. He was already on edge, his usual scowl deepening when he noticed the extra shoes by the genkan.

He rounded the corner into the living room, fists involuntarily clenching. There, perched on the edges of the usually occupied couch sat two women. One had striking red eyes that glinted with an almost feral energy, framed by a cascade of long, brown curls. The other, with a calmer demeanor, had warm brown eyes magnified by a pair of thin, gold-rimmed glasses, and her blonde hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail. They both looked… out of place, yet strangely familiar.

His parents, Mitsuki and Masaru, sat opposite them, their expressions a strange mix of relief and nervousness. Mitsuki, surprisingly, wasn't yelling. That alone set off alarm bells in Katsuki's head.

"Oi, old hag, what the hell is going on here?" he barked, the question laced with the usual Bakugo aggression, but a flicker of genuine curiosity underlying it.

Mitsuki, surprisingly, didn't snap back. She simply pointed towards the cushion next to their table. "Katsuki, sit. We need to talk."

He did as he was told, suspicion swirling in his chest. He eyed the two women again. Who were they? Why were they here? This wasn't one of his mother's usual social gatherings.

"These," Mitsuki began, her voice uncharacteristically subdued, "are Mia and Mya. Your sisters."

The words hit Katsuki like a physical blow. He stared at his mother, his mouth agape. He had no sisters. He would know if he had siblings! He looked back at the two women, searching for some family resemblance he'd never noticed before.

"What?" he rasped, his voice barely a whisper. He glanced at his father, silently pleading for an explanation.

Masaru, his gentle face etched with a sorrow he rarely displayed, squeezed his wife's hand. "It's true, Katsuki. Mia and Mya were taken many years ago. When they were very young."

"Kidnapped," Mitsuki corrected, her voice hardening with a familiar venom. "By villains."

The room fell silent. The two women, Mia and Mya, watched him with a quiet intensity. Katsuki's mind raced. Kidnapped? Sisters? Memories he didn't even know he had tried to swim to the surface, only to be pushed back by the confusion.

Mia, the one with the red eyes, spoke first, her voice a low, almost husky murmur. "It's a… a lot to take in, I know. It's been a long time."

"Yeah," Mya added, adjusting her glasses nervously. "We... we barely remember anything about when we were little, either. It's all fuzzy."

Katsuki looked between his parents and his newly discovered sisters, his mind struggling to catch up. This was like something out of a bad dream. He'd never even considered the possibility of siblings. And now, these two women, strangers yet familiar, were sitting in his living room, claiming to be his sisters who were ripped away from them when they were kids.

"How… How did you come back?" he asked, the question a little less aggressive than usual.

Mitsuki sighed. "They managed to escape. A couple of weeks ago. It took a while for the police to track them, and then..." she glanced at the two women, her expression softening, "and then we found each other again."

"They... they had a lot of recovering to do," Mya explained, her voice softening. "They kept us… under heavy drugs. We barely had any time until now to do anything."

A wave of something unfamiliar washed over Katsuki. Not anger, not exactly. It was more like a hollow ache, a sense of loss and grief for a past he never knew existed. He saw the vulnerability in Mya's eyes, the hardened weariness in Mia's. These weren't just strangers. These were his sisters, victims of a cruelty he was familiar with, only now he saw it in a different light, the light of family.

"So, what do you two do?" he asked, trying to keep the confusion from his voice, hoping they would not see how out of place he felt still.

"I'm a doctor," Mya responded with a small smile. "I'm specializing in therapy."

"And I… I work as a blacksmith," Mia said, showing a small proud smile. "I always dreamed of working with metal. I think part of me was trying to get back to you know, home."

He remembered those dreams, that he had when he was younger. He barely remembered them but now he knew where they came from.

The silence that followed wasn't tense, but thoughtful. Katsuki looked at his sisters again. They were his flesh and blood. They had been through hell, and somehow, they were here, with them. He knew, deep down, that this was just the beginning. There were years of lost time to make up for, wounds to heal, and a new family dynamic to navigate. He had to learn who they were, and they had to learn who he had become.

For the first time that night, Katsuki felt a flicker of something other than confusion. It was curiosity, a strange mix of trepidation and a profound sense of purpose. He had always been alone in this fight, against villains and against the world. But now… now he had two sisters, two allies. And he knew, with a certainty that surprised him, that he would be damned if he let anything hurt them again.

He took a deep breath. "Alright then," he said. "Tell me everything."