First Meeting

Taiyo stretches over to grab the food that was made for him. In his mind starts pondering about the "dream" that he had

"What was that, matter of fact, who was that? what was that place anyways?"

Taiyo starts questioning and remembering things that happened during the battle. And then he realized.

"Wait...where's Kinishi?"

Taiyo starts to look around the tournament building. He looks everywhere he could imagine that Kinishi would be. Taiyo arrives at the arena and looks around for Kinishi.

"Where could he be?! wait... he should still be in the Nursery department. I have to go back." Taiyo says

When Taiyo turns around, he bumps into a gray-haired man.

"Ahh," the man says.

"Sorry I didn't see you there," Taiyo says.

"It's okay, but dang you have quite the hard head," the man said.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Taiyo asked.

"Well, not everyone has a hard head like you, it could be put into good use when used right" the man said.

"okay... my name is Taiyo" Taiyo said

"My name is Komainu and this guy right here is Daibutsu." Komainu said.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Komainu," Taiyo said.

"Same here," Komainu said.

After that Taiyo ran back to the nursery department, looking for Kinishi. Taiyo arrives at the front desk and asks for Kinishi.

"Excuse me, Ma'am do you know which room the patient Kinishi is in?" Taiyo said.

"In room 304, also this is not a hospital," the woman said.

"oh... ok" Taiyo said

As Taiyo walks away from the front desk he searches for Kinishi's place. When he arrives at the door he opens it and finds Kinishi sitting and looking at the current match on the tv.

"Hey, how are you shaping up?" Taiyo said

"I'm still extremely fatigued but I restored like some of my ki." Kinishi said.

"Ok... I have to tell you something, Kinishi," Taiyo said

"What is it?" Kinishi says.

"While I was unconscious in my nursery bed, I saw a shadowy figure." Taiyo said "It was talking about how I was only using from about 3-9% of his power and that it was my first time there so I barely had enough time to talk with him and I was confused."

"Hmm... maybe it's your fighting spirit," Kinishi said.

"What's that?" Taiyo said

"So basically your fighting spirit or fs, to abbreviate, is what compels you to keep on fighting and never giving up." Kinshi said "Well... to be honest It depends on your clan and your parents etc, etc"

"Oh ok," Taiyo said taking a seat on the bed next to Kinishi.

As the two of them watch in silence, Taiyo can't help but wonder what the figure was.