Just a Fragment

Taiyo wakes up on a smooth rock slab.

"That nap felt a little bit more draining then usual." Taiyo said while rubbing his left eye with the bottom of his palm.

"Took you a while." Yami said.

"Oh, you guy have been waiting for me? but why?" Taiyo said

"To reconstruct positions." Futen said in the corner.

Taiyo looks at Futen and sees all of the bandages covering him is everywhere, excluding his left eye.

"I-" Taiyo wanted to speak but he noticed that right now is the right moment.

"You what?" Kyusoku said looking at him.

"I still have the radio to my coat." Taiyo said holding out his radio, thats in perfect condition, and opens it.

All that is heard is feedback.

"I," is heard

Static covers the sound.

"Wher" is heard on the second time.

Static continues but this time feedback blares loudly.

"Can you hear me *buzz* guys?*buzz* I'm somewhere *buzz* I'm nearby a large crystal or marble as it may seem *buzz* I'm holding Hanage in my arm *buzz* Oh shoot we gotta go. *buzz buzz buzz*

*You have been disconnected from this radio station temporarily.*

"We have to go get Kinishi and Hanage." Taiyo said as he stands up.

"Go ahead." Kyusoku said "but I doubt you'll make it past 5 steps, matter of fact, it would be a miracle if you passed 3 steps."

Taiyo takes one step and suddenly the whole room starts to swirl and and he starts to become dizzy.

Taiyo falls backwards and sits back down on the slab he was on.

"What just happened??" Taiyo said in confusing.

"Your body is experiencing backlash from your fight against.... uhh.... whoever you were fighting." Kyusoku said looking at Taiyo.

"Oh welp, I don't care about that right now. I have to go." Taiyo said walking forward ten steps.

"Wow, you made to four steps, nice but how are you gonna walk now?" Kyusoku said.

Taiyo looks at his shadow and sees Yami in it.

"Don't go, it's a suicide mission." Yami said.

"Futen will go." Kyusoku said.

"What?? why not me." Taiyo said with slight rage

"Shadow Chains." Yami said as 5 chains appears and hold Taiyo's arm just as Taiyo nearly punches Kyusoku.

"You've been passed out for about 3 days and Futen has made a full recovery unlike you." Kyusoku said "If you go now you'll just be dead weight."

"Well...when you put it like that." Taiyo said dropping his hand and putting back on his usual chipper mood. "I guess your right, sorry for lashing out on you like that... it's just that I haven't seen you in a while so I was just kinda... I was experiencing mixed emotions."

"Well, if I were you I would be surprised to." Kyusoku said with a shrug.

3 days earlier, while Futen and Taiyo distracted Yuki,what really happened to Kinishi and Hanage

Kinishi runs out of the building as fast he could to get Hanage, whom is covered in blood and a few icicles

"Hanage, stay with me." Kinishi yelled.

Hanage coughs and breathes deep and heavily.

"Ugh, I don't know what happened." Hanage said "One moment, I was on the radio station. The next I was getting attacked by this bluish-silvered haired dude. So obviously I tried to use my metal configuration on each body part he tried to hit but he found out my weakness quickly and attacked me vigorously and froze the air. I went out cold and feel to the ground and when I came to I heard you guys fighting so I tried to warn you but...my lungs were nearly frozen. Luckily, though, I hardened my lungs at the last second."

"I can't do anything to burn the ice but I think i might know just the trick." Kinishi said with a smirk.

Whilst Taiyo fought Yuki, Kinishi started a fire and burnt off all the ice in Hanage's body.

"You should be fine now." Kinishi said.

"Thanks." Hanage said.

"Don't sweat it, we are on the same team." Kinishi said "Plus it our job to look out for one another."

"I guess your right." Hanage said "Welp, imma go to sleep."

"Same here."



As Kinishi and Hanage fell asleep, Taiyo and Yuki clashed their most powerful attacks.

Kinishi and Hanage woke up the very next day and they sparred with each other ever since then.

Yuki rests in his room remembering past memories.

Yuki gets a memory from the past with two young boys running next to each other. A tear falls down from his face.

*It's been about 12 years since I last saw him.* Yuki thought as a smirk runs across his face.