Kyusoku and Taiyo goes head to head

Dobutsu appears from the foam with a cheetah like print and a little bit of baggy legs.

*I know it's his strongest form but that look ugly as hell!* Kyusoku said with a shocked but blank look.

Dobutsu leans forward.

"Is he go-" Kyusoku started in a low voice but was cut off because Dobutsu's fist was just one inch away.

As the punch neared his face, Kyusoku had one idea in his: Use Black Lightning to reduce damage.

Kyusoku goes flying in the air.

Dobutsu charges after Kyusoku.

"Asaltul lui Thor." (Thor's Assault)

Kyusoku slides on the arena, backwards, and launches two thunderbolts at Dobutsu.

Dobutsu blocks the bolts mid-charge.

He looks up to see Kyusoku gone.

Kyusoku punches Dobutsu on his back.

Lightning sparks from his hands as he punches and then a large beam of lightning sends Dobutsu on the very edge of the arena.

Dobutsu grabs the beam and slams it out of existence.

"gg's bro, I've seen enough." Taiyo said.

*Well damn! he really about to rock ma shi-* Kyusoku thought right before getting pummeled to the ground.

Dobutsu grabbed and threw Kyusoku into the air.

"fulger negru." (Black Lightning)

Dobutsu went through Kyusoku.

Dobutsu slams Kyusoku onto the ground.

Dobutsu goes on a rampaging onslaught of combos.

Dobutsu lifts up a chunk of the arena and breaks through it.

He punches Kyusoku in the gut and gets out of the way of the rubble from the chunk of the arena ,he had lifted up, and it slashes Kyusoku.

Kyusoku kneels on one knee and looks up to see Dobutsu in the air ready to slam him in the ground.

Kyusoku just barely manages to get out of the way.

Dobutsu realizes that Kyusoku dodged the attack and that the only thing left at that place is a puddle of blood.

*WAIT A MINUTE!!* Dobutsu turns around.

Kyusoku is shown holding his hands together and letting the blood drip from them onto the ground.

"you fool! Did you really think I would lose to some amatuer moves like this??*" Kyusoku said then laughs "You have got to be messin with me."

(E/N: *=Meant as a Jujutsu Kaisen reference.)

"Atacul EMP" (EMP attack)

Lightning sparks from the blood and travels to the puddle of blood around Dobutsu.

Kyusoku holds out his hands and smiles.

*Witness my Peak Ability* Kyusoku thought *You fool.*

A large blast of lightning explodes from the ground and electrifies Dobutsu.

The blast of lightning dissipates and Dobutsu is shown on the ground, unconscious.

"WE HAVE A WINNER!! AND IN UNDER 8 MINUTES!!!" the announcer said.

The battle of Hitsugaya and Hirumi went pretty much like Kinishi's and Aika's battle.

(E/N: I am NOT writing allat)

Hirumi won at the end

The day after the semi-finals started.

Semi-Finals Line up:

1st: Kinishi vs Hirumi

2nd: Taiyo vs Kyusoku.

Kinishi and Hirumi's fight flies by pretty quickly.

But Kinishi wins with low difficulty.

Kyusoku and Taiyo walk up on the arena floor.

"Don't blink, or you'll miss the part where you'll go slamming on the arena wall." Kyusoku said with a smirk.

"The hands will do my talking." Taiyo said nonchalantly and puts his hands up.

Kyusoku scuffs and then bursts into laughter.

"What's wrong?? why so calm." Kyusoku said with smiling.

Taiyo cracks a smile for a sec but then looks away and looks back with a serious face.

"Don't try to hide that smile from me boy." Kyusoku said.

Taiyo looks away and smiles.

"I swear i can never be serious in front of you." Taiyo said frustrated but smiling.

Kyusoku starts laughing.

"Let's just start fighting! It's been a while since the match started." Taiyo said out loud.

"Ok." Kyusoku said smiling.

Kyusoku runs up and punches Taiyo in the face.

*Oh shoot! I blinked!!* Taiyo thought surprised.

Taiyo regains balance almost immediately.

Due to a bad habit of Taiyo's , which biting his nails after every fight to lower the adrenaline in his body, Taiyo had nothing to use to cling onto the arena so he digged his fingers into the ground, which slashed and bruised all of them.

(E/N: Taiyo's body lowers adrenaline at a lower rate than normal, therefore, he has a hard time sleeping late at night, so he exhausts his Ki so that he can sleep.)

Taiyo looks up.

Kyusoku appears in the air.

*Ah hell nah! I knew that the level of speed I have right now is lower than Kyusoku's but this is outrageous!!* Taiyo thought to himself just before Kyusoku kick him.

Taiyo plants his hand perfectly on the ground.

He then uses the momentum to kick Kyusoku, that dashed after him, on the face.

Mid-air, Kyusoku stuck out his hand with his hand laid out flat.

"Fulger." (Lightning Bolt)

When he clenched his hand, a thunderbolt appeared in his hand.

Kyusoku throws the thunderbolt at Taiyo.

Taiyo tanks the bolt.

Taiyo jumps in the air.

"I got a little surprise for you!" Taiyo said with a big smile on his face.

"Pięść wiatru słonecznego." (Solar Wind Fist)

(E/N: A solar wind is a blast from the sun which, with the help of some space particles or, in this case, the help of lightning, can trigger Lightning.)

Taiyo punches Kyusoku.

The strong combination of lightning and solar powers flowing together, with an unstable amount of energy, causes a huge explosion of energy to happen.

The large explosion slams him to the ground.