
Chapter 2- The Note

At that moment, they had been released and were hiding behind the tree where they had been tied. Now what? Both fellows thought that way and mystery guy started to whisper. "Now follow me quietly, try not to make a sound. We don't want them to capture us again. Follow my steps and watch out." and then he moved forward as they followed quietly. Until she stepped a crunchy branch, made a sound. They froze and held their breath. The guard was turned the other side but he didn't wake up fortunately. Luckily, the other ruffians didn't come to check on them either.

They tiptoed to avoid making any sound. They got into forest to try to cover their tracks when they heard the ruffians yelling at each other. They realized that three of them had been escaped. Now it's time to run. She was hungry, angry at many things, desperately needed sleep. It had been over a day, precisely one and a half days without sleep. At that time they couldn't feed their horses, it was cruel. When she thought about their horses her heart had twisted, but she had no choice. But the time she gained without resting even for feeding the horses, would fly by after this chase ended. She was running out of her breakfast as her last meal was on the horse. Quite a table, she thought mockingly. She couldn't eat at the inn, because chaos broke out before the innkeeper could bring their meal. Now her blood sugar was dropping, her pace was slowing down.

Our mystery guy noticed, that she was about to collapsed, he took her hand to pull her to run fast. After quarter hour she couldn't bear anymore she let herself fall, but before she hit the ground, he pulled her into his arms. She had been carried in his arms all along. After a while finally they took some distance between ruffians. They tried to find some shelter so they could rest. Andy saw a cave, they got in the cave. He moved a little further to see if there is any animal or creature in there. The cave seemed empty. The mystery guy gently put her down on the ground so she could get some sleep, they sat for a few breath. And he went out for find some dry branches to start to fire. Andy stayed with her to protect her. He came with lots of branches but only a few of them actually dry. He didn't even understand the difference between dry and fresh branches? Andy thought with examining glance on his face, but put it for later to ask. Instead of that asked, "Hey! That was a good job, how did you get rid of this rope. That was smooth.. And what was your name man? I didn't catch up. You seem a handyman, aren't you?" Andy kept going, but the mysterious guy interrupted. "Wow, wow okay. You're welcome. What can I do, I am skilled." Said to the cut out the chase. Andy didn't let it go, "Come on brother, how did you? Teach me. Can I be your apprentice?" He completely forgot what he was thinking about mystery guy. So much wolves or big brother.

Andy always like that he was so naive he forgets easily, he never grudge, almost forgive everything and get along with everyone. Other hand Yolanda, who has been waking up when he came back with so called dry branches, still curious about him. Why did he help them? He didn't seem that he was chatty. There was a few thing as a hint she couldn't make sense. She asked what happened after her collapsed, and Andy spilled out that the mysterious man carried her in his arms -but Andy emphasized arms- until they found a cave. She thanked him with embarrassment. That intimacy with a stranger savior, thought of being carried by him that was a lot... She started to blushing. But they didn't see, thanks for dimness of flickering fire.

Now everyone was being quiet, boys only wanted to sleep even for a short time. They called it a night and fell asleep quickly after silence. She had rest a while during his arms. That's why she couldn't sleep easily. She started thinking about how things got so far.. Not too much only a week ago she was sleeping in her bed with her brothers and sister. But now she was sleeping with a complete stranger savior and her best friend. It was too hard to think of about her family, not entire family but her sister. She couldn't even revive in her mind what happened to her... It was a disaster that tore her family apart. She remembered her family's face when she left; her mother Gabriella was sobbing. She was always kind to her, loved her little pumpkin. She didn't want to let her go but there was no choice. Her father had some affection her either but he was the authority of the house that's why he didn't show his feelings too often. But nonetheless Zane, her father was a generous man, with good heart. Her brothers.. Zack, her big brother was totally pain in the ass, he was always made her life difficult. Once she started to complaining or thinking about Zack's mischievous behaviors, she couldn't stop all night. But this disaster wasn't about him, he broke his legs that's why he couldn't make it here.

This was about her lovely brother who has been accused by stealing a golden necklace with a ruby pendant. But she knew that he didn't steal it, Fairclough's could be needy but they never steal anything from anyone that's what they learned from her parents. Brother Frederick, he could never do that. He was so honored man and proud even for a flawed person. It was obvious lie. But there was no way to prove until find necklace somewhere. Now he is at cell, she has to do whatever it takes to get out of him there. There was only her little sister remain to recall, she pushed herself to think about her. She had a lump in her throat and struggled to swallow. A few tears dropped find way to the her chin, thinking about her was so hard, so painful.

She, -Irene was her younger sister, she is two years younger than her, they grow up together. She was beautiful like a glowing sun, dazzling. With long golden hair, emerald green eyes. She looks like a fairy as described it in the tales. It didn't mean that Yolanda wasn't beautiful, she has clear skin like a porcelain and have steel blue eyes with red hair but she can not race with Irene's beauty; Yolanda was just a normal girl. When Yolanda left her, she was at death bed almost. Leech, herbalist even physician couldn't find cure for her. They didn't know what was the matter of her, what was her illness. So that's why she had to go this quest, save her brother and sister. She has to find 3 item including one talisman for her. After thinking about her family she started to fall a sleep.

She was on a path, surrounded by flowers and blossoming trees, their branches meeting about two meters overhead on the path. Everywhere colorful like rainbow. "Yolanda!" someone calling her, the voice was crystal-clear, high-pitched but yet calling her softly, like a mother call her daughter. She had urge to go her. She speeded up her pace to reach to calling person, but the path seemed getting longer more. It was like a nightmare. She saw a brightness at the end of road it was hard to look at, like a white sun. Yolanda shielded her eyes with her hands. What was it? Is there a person behind this glow? She felt joy and cheer somehow, these feelings were intensified as she approached to the brightness. It was like being a child again and like she was getting a present. She was excited with full of joy and some pure emotions flooding to her. There has to be something good at the end, waiting for her. Maybe it was a surprise? She almost got there only a few more steps but someone nudge her to wake up.

It was Andy. She got up and looked around to understand where she was, after realized everything her shoulders sank. But she couldn't have time to think she lost too much time. She focused on packing and felt something was missing, her eyes scanned everywhere. There was no sign about mysterious stranger. Where did he go? Was he left them without notice? She rummaged through her bag even if anything disappeared with him.. But no, he didn't steal anything. Then why he left without notice, they didn't know even his name. She always addressed him as mystery guy. He didn't let them know his name. She talked about it with Andy, he told her their conversation that he asked twice but that fellow didn't gave his name. So he didn't insist. But there was something odd about him. He wasn't quite normal if consider all this situation. As if he must be so naive to help strangers, without expecting anything in return. He was giving uncontrollable mixed signals. She thought, he was act like a white knight but what about this arrogant behavior? What was he said, yes remembered, she has to consider the situation that she in it... He obviously didn't like her. She felt some bitterness in her chest. She shook her head to pull herself together. She didn't have time for think about him.

"Andy.. We have to go." She said quickly and added, 'We have to find a way to get our horses back and be cautious not to get caught by those ruffians again' hurried to entrance of cave, Andy called her "Yolanda" she turned to him, raised her left eyebrow as if asking what's the matter. But then turn back to entrance of cave to check she saw right.

There was again. Flowers. Lots of flowers. Like garden, given a colorful visual spectacle... Was it possible to she couldn't realize at dark? But still it doesn't explain how they arranged like that way, like flower bed, some gardener had to work out here but why? "Maybe before we off to road we could eat a bit?" asked subtly Andy. Yolanda turned back her glance to him and ask, "Was there a flower bed at entrance before?" Andy puzzled, "What? What do you mean flower bed?"

He came quickly to see what she talking about. Andy shocked, "When I woke up that wasn't there. Impossible to miss to see. I don't know Yolanda. Something is not right about this forest. We should eat and hit the road." said and went to fire pit, that they started yesterday. Yolanda was surprised about eating, at the same time her stomach rumbled Andy laughed and continued, "we should eat." Pissed off because of embarrassment, "Of what?" snapped at him. They consumed all their food in the last week at road until the day before they captured. They had to hunt now but neither Yolanda nor Andy had guts for it and she couldn't kill anything not only because she was afraid but it is not who she was, she wasn't capable of it. She has mercy on the other living things even more than mercy on herself. Just thinking of killing something innocent was irritating enough to make her lost her appetite.

In the mean time Andy started to fire to heat up some meat. She couldn't believe what she saw. Was she dreaming yet? Andy who was coward enough to hide behind curtains, went hunt before she wakes up even plucks its feathers? She pinched herself that wasn't a dream. "What is that? How did you get this?" asked as she got closer to food. "I believe it was a goose once and no I didn't, our mystery guy is left us this with note." He replied with full mouth. "Note." She murmured, as if enchanted, so hungry that she couldn't focus on either the mystery guy or the note. She lunged at him and took some meat. She felt pure joy at her first bite. After a few bites, she was full. Now she could think clearly that what was he said... Note!

"Where is the note?" She asked without show any expression on her face. She doesn't let Andy understand her feelings about this stranger mystery guy. Even she didn't understand though. It is ridiculous, she shouldn't have any feelings for him she just ... wondering. Yes it was the most reasonable and rational explanation. She couldn't have feelings for him because she didn't know him. She had respect to him because he saved her life even he turned himself in for it. "Here" he handed her the note. She read and started to feel angry. Was he kidding with her? She snapped at Andy too.