Chapter 5: A good man

Author's note (This chapter contains disturbing pedophile display. I don't write about this to encourage this behavior. This is the work of fiction, don't try this at all, it is not the best behavior for a human being and avoid it at all costs. You can skip to the next chapter if you are not comfortable with this)


"Step right up. Step right up. New labor troops have arrived from the southern continent. War prisoners become slaves for the victors. "I give you the Southerners," the big man shouted, drawing the crowd's attention as whispers approached a tiny wooden stage that displayed chained captives.

As many people purchased slaves, including children and an adult who would help raise them to be future helpers when the older ones died out or retired, the alley's afternoon activities were teeming with discussions and negotiations.

The sales were so successful that the big man ran out of supplies in just one day. Onskeard was where the wealthy prospered the most, and they needed to spend their money or invest in their future livelihoods, including their children, who would inherit their fortune for the foreseeable future.

And slaves were the most sought-after goods to make their lives simpler; slaves with desirable features were sold to the wealthy at auction, while slaves with unattractive traits were sold for a low price in the markets.

Thus, the obese man was ecstatic and pulsing with joy as he weighed the coin bag in his hands and grinned at the item he didn't sell. He had used every swindling tactic in his armory to ensure that the unnamed youngster would not be sold.

He chuckled and muttered inwardly:

'When presented with a golden opportunity, a merchant like me must not pass it up. "That boy will be something I will enjoy until the day he dies; the things I can do to him will be so…"

"Excuse me," murmured a voice from behind the obese man.

His thoughts were briefly interrupted when he cleared his throat and turned to welcome the stranger.

"Afternoon sir, what can I help you with?"

The gentleman in question was tall, had short brown hair, a shaven jawline that made him quite gorgeous, blue eyes that resembled the ocean, and wore a toga that was white most of the time but somewhat yellow when the sun was shining.

"Hello merchant, I would like to buy a slave"

His thoughts were briefly interrupted when he cleared his throat and turned to welcome the stranger.

"Afternoon sir, what can I help you with?"

The gentleman in question was tall, had short brown hair, a shaven jawline that made him quite gorgeous, blue eyes that resembled the ocean, and wore a toga that was white most of the time but somewhat yellow when the sun was shining.

"Hello merchant, I would like to buy a slave"

The chubby man paused his stroking to add:

"That one is a premium slave ordered by one of my regular customers. He was able to attend today, so I saved him one. Sir, would you like to order one next time?"

The tall man considered for a bit before asking:

"Order from whom and how much is he willing to pay for the slave?"

The overweight man responded with a tinge of pride in his voice.

"Approximately two thousand Pcells for the price of one"

The tall man then lowered his face and spoke:

"I see"

The big man was overjoyed in his head because he thought he would be able to escape with the slave he saved for himself. He had sold the slaves that were handed to him today for between 300 and 1500 Pcells. He wanted to sell all of his stock since he needed the money from his side business of slavery to support himself. However, he did not anticipate the man to say this.

"Good here you go, I added 500 Pcells just to sooth the trouble of stealing your customer's slave"

He pulled out a bag of coins and placed them in the overweight man's hand before calling to a man in the corner to approach. When the man approached, the tall man told him:

"Quinn, will you be a dear and take the slave to my carriage?"

"Yes, sir," Quinn responded as he moved toward the slave. He wore a black, worn-out toga and carried a sword sheath.

Quinn was abruptly blocked by the slave merchant, whose countenance was dropped in a hint of repressed rage.

"Excuse me, sir; I never stated I would sell the slave to you. I explained that this was a customer order. Sorry, he's not for sale.

The tall man then spoke:

"You never answered my first query"

"Which query was that sir if I may ask"

"To whom did you sell the slave to?"

The slave merchant had little time to think of a name, but now he was a little tongue-tied as he said the first name that sprang to mind.

"Gregor of the sea's north"

"Oh," the tall guy responded, surprised. "The loan shark, sea's north."

"Yes, that person," the slave merchant smiled, masking his terror as his thoughts raced around. He didn't want to use that name to conceal his personal activities, but the loan shark of the sea's north was a regular customer of his when he ran his main company.

Therefore, he was not lying about him being a customer, but he lied about the sea's north placing an order for a slave, which he did not do. He knew just by saying the name, people will tremble and not talk about anything and just leave. He had his eye on the slave and he was not going to let go of him at all.

His thoughts were going to run about, when suddenly the tall man said:

"Quinn sent a message to the sea's north that he owes me that favor immediately and I will take it by taking the slave"

The slave merchant was panicking inwardly. He had to come up with something because his card was rigged from the begin, the moment this man asked for a slave. 


After an hour, the tall guy and Quinn departed the slave market with their bag of money and a modest commission for their efforts. The unnamed youngster was still in shackles and barefoot as Quinn led him to a wooden cart loaded with hay and other stuff wrapped in brown paper that appeared to be heavy as they weighted the vehicle.

The nameless youngster was told and led to a seat on the hay; at the corner of the marketplace, the slave dealer saw the tall man leave the child he had desired for himself, his face flushed with rage.

"Damnit," he cursed as he repeatedly struck the wall, then jumped in pain as his body sensed the emotional and physical anguish.

"Who does he think he is, knowing the sea's north? Only I know him; I gave him women, and I wonder what he gives him. I'll ask some of my boys to figure out who this guy is. "If he tricked me, he'll pay for it."


The carriage traveled on a paved road, which made the trip to their home easy for the unnamed child as the sun began to slowly shift west, marking the onset of darkness. He was still in shackles, but the fresh air blowing on his face and shaved head made him feel free, and he knew it was the only time he would ever feel that way.


"Yes sir, do you know that slave merchant?"

"Yes, I am familiar with him sir, he is brothel owner that lives in the middle section of the Onskeard"

"So, he is rich"

"More or less, he just hosts the big personalities in this city. But largely those who operate in the shadows.

"Is he in favour with some of them to ask for favours?"

"Not that I saw, so no sir"

"Good I don't need any more excuses to ask the sea's north for the courtesy he owes me. I'll inform him that a slave merchant is using his name to achieve what he wants.

"Yes sir"

"By the way Quinn can you speak southerner's language?"

"No, sir; I'm not fluent in it. I can speak some and translate as best as I can if you want to talk with the slave."

The tall man smiled and shook his head.

"No. Not yet. We will have to feed him first when we arrive home and assign him responsibilities for tomorrow; he must work the farm for us to continue living in the middle area of the Onskeard; otherwise, we may end up like those 'people from the high up'."

"You mean the family that had the scandal with the emperor's daughter?"

"Exactly, his family was punished for his crime against the royal family, and they now live in those slums. God forbid my wife would kill me if I did something like that"

Quinn smiled at the nameless youngster who was fast sleeping on the hay and told the tall man:

"The boy looks to be tired, he sleeps"

The tall man continued to lead the horses dragging the wagon while saying:

"We will wake him when he needs to eat, but I'm afraid he was fed as little as possible on his travel. "A poor child caught in the greed of those seeking riches made the hills of the people they slaughtered."