Chapter 29

Harry barely had time to collect his thoughts after Colin's departure when the sound of small, hurried footsteps echoed down the hallway. He turned toward the noise, just in time to see Sirius rounding the corner in striped pajamas, his curls a wild halo around his face and a wide grin lighting up his features.

"Harry!" Sirius called, skidding to a halt in front of him. "You're still here!"

Harry smiled despite himself. "I was told you were busy."

Sirius shook his head fervently. "No way! That was hours ago. Father just told me you're here."

"I'm sorry. I was here for business. And I think it's a bit late for me to stay longer." Harry looked pointedly at the pajamas he was wearing. 

Sirius pouted. "Aw, but I wanted to play."

"It's too late for that, son," Riddle's voice came from behind Sirius.

"Can I have one story before bed, then? Please?" he asked, giving his Father his puppy eyes.

The man merely raised an eyebrow. "Only if Mr. Potter agrees." 

The boy's puppy eyes turned to him, his eager expression was impossible to resist. Harry chuckled softly and gestured toward the hallway. "Let's get you to your room, then."

Sirius fell into step beside him, his small hands gesturing animatedly as he started talking about his day. "Etiquette class was boring, as always. But I only spilled tea once this time! Miss Fairchild said I was improving. And I got through all my history reading, but Father says I need to work on my handwriting."

"Sounds like you've been busy," Harry said, glancing down at him with a smile, trying to ignore the fact the Riddle was following them.

"Too busy," Sirius huffed dramatically. "But I'm glad you're here. Father says you'll be spending more time with us now."

Harry nodded as they reached Sirius's room. "Looks like it."

As they entered Sirius's room, Tom's measured footsteps continued behind them, a quiet reminder of his ever-present observation. Sirius scrambled onto his bed, settling cross-legged amidst the plush pillows, his excitement undiminished despite the late hour.

"Father," Sirius piped up, looking at Tom with wide eyes. "What exactly is Harry going to do here? You said he'd be with us more, but what does that mean?"

Tom arched an eyebrow, his expression calm but thoughtful as he leaned casually against the doorframe. "I'm glad you asked, Sirius," he said smoothly, his tone carrying a faint edge of indulgence. His sharp grey eyes shifted to Harry. "Why don't we explain together?"

Harry glanced at Sirius, whose eager gaze darted between the two of them. He sighed and gestured for Tom to continue.

"Mr. Potter will be spending time with you in the afternoons and evenings," Tom began, his voice steady and deliberate. "After your lessons are finished, he'll be here to ensure your safety and provide guidance."

Sirius frowned slightly. "Safety from what?"

Tom's lips curved into a faint smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "You remember the men who tried to harm us, don't you?"

Sirius nodded, his expression growing serious.

"They haven't been caught yet," Tom continued, his tone measured. "I suspect they may have been targeting you, rather than me."

Sirius's eyes widened. "Me? Why?"

"You're my son," Tom said simply, his gaze softening for a moment. "That alone makes you a target for those who wish me harm. But don't worry—Mr. Potter is here to ensure that nothing like that happens again."

Sirius looked at Harry, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "You're going to protect me?"

Harry nodded, crouching slightly to meet Sirius's gaze. "I am. But it's not just about keeping you safe. Your father wants me to be here for the fun stuff, too. Adventures, stories… things like that."

Sirius grinned, some of the worry easing from his face. "Adventures? Really?"

"If we have time and your homework's done," Harry teased, ruffling the boy's curls.

Tom's faint smile deepened. "Mr. Potter is correct. Your education and responsibilities come first, Sirius. But I trust Mr. Potter will also help you balance those duties with your… boundless energy."

Sirius pouted but quickly brightened again. "What about when you're not here, Father? Will Harry still be with me?"

Tom inclined his head. "That's the idea. When I have engagements that take me away, Mr. Potter will accompany you."

"Like my bodyguard?" Sirius asked, tilting his head.

Harry chuckled. "Something like that."

Sirius beamed, leaning back against his pillows. "I like this plan. I think we're going to have fun, Harry."

Tom's gaze flicked to Harry, sharp and assessing. "It's not all fun and games, Sirius. Mr. Potter has a responsibility to ensure your safety and well-being. That is his primary role."

Sirius nodded quickly, but his excitement didn't dim. "I know. But I can still show him the garden, right? And my favorite hiding spots?"

"Within reason," Tom said smoothly. He straightened, his expression carefully neutral as he looked at Harry. "Do you have anything to add, Mr. Potter?"

Harry considered for a moment before speaking. "Just this: Sirius, if there's ever something bothering you, you can tell me. That's part of what I'm here for."

Sirius nodded solemnly. "Okay. But what if it's something small? Like… if I'm bored during lessons?"

Tom's expression flickered with faint amusement, but he didn't interrupt.

Harry smirked. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

Sirius grinned and looked back at his father. "Can I have a story now? Just one before bed?"

Tom sighed, the faintest trace of fondness slipping into his otherwise composed demeanor. "One story, Sirius. Then lights out."

Sirius turned to Harry, his grey eyes wide with anticipation. "Make it a good one!"

"A good one, eh?"

"Yes, can it be a story with a magical creature?" he asked, his grey eyes wide with excitement.

Harry leaned against the edge of the bed, his gaze thoughtful. "How about a story about a hippogriff?"

Sirius's grey eyes widened with curiosity as he sat up straighter, clutching a pillow to his chest. "A hippogriff? What's that?"

Smiling, Harry raised his hand, letting a faint shimmer of magic gather at his fingertips. With a small flourish, he conjured an ethereal image of a hippogriff mid-air. The creature was magnificent, with the hindquarters of a horse and the forequarters of a giant eagle, complete with razor-sharp talons and a proud, curved beak.

Sirius gasped in awe, his eyes glued to the magical apparition. "It's amazing! Did you really see one in real life?"

"I did," Harry said, settling into a chair beside the bed. "His name was Buckbeak. He was a proud, noble creature—not the type to take kindly to disrespect. You had to show him you were polite and trustworthy before he'd even look at you."

"Did you ride him?" Sirius asked, his voice filled with excitement.

Harry chuckled. "I did, but it wasn't easy getting to that point. You see, there was this boy in my class. He wasn't very good at respecting others, not even animals. Buckbeak didn't take kindly to him, and… well, let's just say he ended up with a little scratch that he turned into the biggest drama imaginable."

Sirius giggled. "What do you mean? Like when people fake being hurt to get out of work?"

"Exactly like that," Harry said, his grin widening. "Draco made it seem like Buckbeak had nearly taken his arm off. Of course, that wasn't true, but it caused such a fuss that they decided Buckbeak had to be punished."

"That's not fair!" Sirius exclaimed, his brow furrowing. "It wasn't Buckbeak's fault."

Harry nodded. "You're absolutely right. My friend Hermione thought so, too. She and I couldn't let Buckbeak get hurt for something that wasn't his fault. So we came up with a plan to save him."

"What did you do?" Sirius asked, leaning forward eagerly.

"Remember the time-turner I spoke before? The one my friend Hermione had to go to all her classes?" Harry said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone.

"Yes, I do!" Sirius smiled, jumping a little.

"Well, we used it to go back and save Buckbeak before anyone could hurt him." Harry grinned, raising a hand to create a glowing, golden hourglass in the air, its sand swirling as though caught in a magical current.

Sirius stared at the glowing hourglass, his mouth slightly open. "You went back in time to save Buckbeak? Really?"

"Really," Harry confirmed. "Hermione and I had to be very careful. We couldn't let anyone see us, especially ourselves from the past. But we managed to sneak into the courtyard where Buckbeak was tied up, and we set him free."

"What happened after that?" Sirius asked, his eyes wide.

"We hid with him in the forest," Harry said, letting the golden hourglass dissolve into the air. "When the coast was clear, we climbed onto his back, and I guided him to safety. He flew like the wind, faster and freer than I'd ever felt before."

Sirius let out a long breath, clearly impressed. "You're so lucky, Harry. I wish I could've been there."

Harry smiled, reaching out to ruffle the boy's curls. "Maybe one day, you'll get to meet a hippogriff yourself. But remember, you have to bow first. They won't trust you otherwise."

Sirius nodded solemnly, as though committing the lesson to memory. Then his expression turned thoughtful. "How does the time-turner work? Does it hurt? Is it scary?"

Harry shook his head. "It doesn't hurt, but it is strange. When you turn the hourglass, it feels like the world is spinning backward, and then you're just… there. Back in the moment, you wanted to go to. But you have to be careful. Messing with time is tricky business. You cannot meet your past-self or, well, let's just say it's not fun for anyone."

"Sounds dangerous. And Hermione used it for her classes?" Sirius looked fascinated. "I'd love to try one! Just think of all the adventures you could have!"

"Adventures are fun," Harry said, his smile softening, "but sometimes they come with a lot of responsibility. You have to be sure you're doing the right thing."

Sirius nodded slowly, his excitement tempered by Harry's words. "I think I'd be good at it."

Harry chuckled. "I'm sure you would."

Sirius yawned suddenly, his small body sagging against the pillows. "That was a good story, Harry. Thank you."

"Anytime," Harry said, standing and dimming the lights with a wave of his hand.

As Sirius curled up beneath his blankets, his grey eyes fluttered closed, and Harry watched for a moment, a faint smile lingering on his face.

"Goodnight, Sirius," he murmured, stepping quietly out of the room.



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