A Sudden Air Drop

"Idea? What sort?" My mom tilted her head, confused.

"About your family moving to the city, what do you think?" Mr. Haruhiko asked my mother.

I see, so that's why he's here, huh?

"And also, something more important. We're going to arrange your son and my daughters marriage." Mr, Haruhiko said with a genuine warm smile

I almost spit the food in my mouth because of the sudden air drop, but I chewed it as fast as possible I almost choked.

I chugged a glass of water and took a deep breath. I slammed my hands on the table, and asked.

"Wh-what marriage?"

My face was possibly bright red.

"Fufufu, isn't that great, Kuroe?" My mother said with a smile on her face. She looked like she's picturing how it'd go.


When I was a child, I had four childhood friends, every single one of them are Mr. Haruhiko's daughter.

The oldest Himeka, and the triplets Kushina, Tsukino and Dana.

We've played lots together back then, even played family, we even took bath toget---...

"W-wait, wh-why am I having these flashbacks?!" I asked myself.

I hold my head and shake it. "Why am I remembering now, why am I remembering now?" I said to myself.


But nonetheless, I've cherished all those memories we all have created. Every single one, ever since we've made them.

If someone's gonna ask me if I love them, I wouldn't deny it.

I'm not sure if it's love back then, but I now I had the urge to take care of them and love them in the past.

I tried to steel myself and be a man, I'm already 17 years old, and yet I don't have a girlfriend...

I look at my parents and Mr. Haruhiko, they looked like they're enjoying the topic of marriage.

"Uhm, M-mr. Haruhiko." I called.

"Hm? What is it, Kuroe?" He asked as he turn his head to face me.

"Uhm... Wh-which one of them am I going to marry?" I asked.

Himeka-chan was elegant.

Tsukino-chan was cute.

Kuu-chan is beautiful.

And Dana-chan is pretty...

Which one of them am I going to marry? Do I even have the right?

I raised my head to peek, I saw Mr. Haruhiko put a smile on his face.

With eyes closed, smile revealing his teeth, he said. "All of them."


Even before the age of magic, power has always been a thing.

Just like in the old days when nobles, king and queens existed, heir is now needed.

Infants inherits fractions of combined magic of their parents, each one having their own potential.

Power means influence and greater power means greater influence.

So having no heir would be a bad thing for a family.

In order to save houses from that problem, the government issued that having multiple spouses would be allowed, basically polygamy ....................................

But why am I getting trapped into this kind of situation, now?!

I held my head in surprise, I look down and I'm feeling my face heating up.

My family's not at all special, so having a wife more than one shouldn't be a subject at all.

The family of Haruhiko was like in the level of nobles. I'm not in the same league as his daughters, not even close!

I want to know the reason, but I want to process my thoughts first.

After eating, Mr. Haruhiko and Una finally decided to go home.

"Okay. I'll be expecting you to move next week." Mr, Haruhiko said.

"Mhm. We're going." My father said as he waved his hand.

"Then, we'll go ahead." Mr Haruhiko said and get out.

There's so many things that happened to day. Embarrassing moments and then a sudden marriage.

Why did my parents agree so quickly, anyway? Don't they acknowledge my and the others' feelings?

I let out a sigh and stretched my arms upward. "I'm beat." I said and stand up from the floor.

"Make sure to sleep early." My dad turned to leave, but then he hesitated. He looked back at me, his face unusually serious.

"And... don't leave your room until morning, okay? I haven't seen your mom for so long, so we'll have a little... Ahem... Reunion." He said kinda embarrassed.

I'm kind of at lost in here. Why does that "reunion" word sounds different?

I scratched my head because of confusion. "Okay?..." I replied.

I'm not planning to go out anyway so I'll just agree.