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Venom talking
[Health Bar]
Tarnished Pov.
Afternoon soon turned to tonight with a soft murmur of conversation filling the air. Bell, Hestia, and Lily decide to stay up and enjoy the night with each other. Their voices were better than the silence that used to be over the suit. Hephaestus went back to her forge earlier in the evening.
Due to the mission given by the system, I decided to try and protect the group. This fits who I am more than the battles I've recently been a part of. Killing is something I'm still not use to and I hope to never be used to.
When it comes to the group I feel as if I don't fit in well. I feel Lily is scared of me, and that Bell is very jealous of me. Though I can't prove that last point. If it was my decision, joining another small group would be better for me.
"Remember Oliver, whatever choice you make I'll have your back'" Venom's voice echoed in my mind.
"Yeah, I know thanks buddy", I replied with a warm tone.
"Plus we can steal the name my old host came up with. We called ourselves the lethal protectors,'" Venom said, a teasing tone entering his voice.
A chuckle escaped my lips. "Yeah, I remember that comic run," I replied, a flicker of nostalgia in my voice. "Didn't you have to deal with a bunch of clones back then?"
"Eh, they made children out of pieces of myself I left around. Not my proudest moment," Venom admitted sheepishly, a hint of embarrassment in his tone.
Right when we use webs until they dissolve each piece contains all of Venom's DNA. Since symbiotes have children asexually you can create a whole army from a tiny strand. I have to look into locking down our DNA to prevent that from happening in the future.
Glancing at the notification sign, a small bell icon that had appeared in my peripheral vision, I realized it was time to see what rewards I'd earned for completing the quest. With a tap, a translucent screen materialized before me.
[Side Quest - Save Lily] [Completed] [Reward - Connection To Grace Returned]
[Side Quest - Take Out Soma Family] [Completed] [Reward - 2 Gacha Spins]
[Secret Mission - Disband The Soma Family] [Completed] [Reward - 2 Gacha Spins]
A warm, golden light enveloped my body, fading as quickly as it had appeared. I felt a surge of energy, a familiar strength calling me home. Excitement bubbled within me as I realized I could finally reconnect with Nicole and my clone. I wonder how much XP I'll get once I dismiss my clone.
"Oliver, look, we can teleport again!" Venom shouted, his excitement palpable. I guess he'd been exploring the menu while I was lost in thought.
[Companions]: 3/6
[Journal]: 3 Missions Active
[Gacha]: Spins 5
"Look at that, Venom," I said, a grin spreading across my face. "I guess it was a good thing I decided to complete the mission. I got a lot back, thankfully."
"Oliver, look, the system is updating," Venom alerted me, his voice laced with curiosity.
[Connection Established]
[Secret Mission - Recruit Commander Edgar and his Crew] [Completed] [Reward - 2 Gacha Spins]
"So it wasn't a fluke, my clone and Nicole really did take over Castle Morne," I told Venom, a sense of pride in my voice.
"I see that, they even recruited more people too," Venom murmured. "I bet if you were there, you would've died."
"Oi, you mangy parasite, I'll have you know I would've been very helpful," I retorted, feigning offense.
"Parasite? How dare you call me a parasite!" Venom sputtered indignantly. Instead of replying, I focused on the new notifications popping up.Laughing at all of Venom's grubbling.
[Secret Mission - Save Irina] [Completed] [ Reward - Rolling for reward]
[Roll Complete] [Reward - Mystic Arts]
"Neat, I guess, but I'm not really interested in this, so wanna keep hold of this card for me, Venom?" I asked, already knowing his answer. Without responding, Venom put the card inside of his pocket space.
[Secret Mission - Reunite Irina alive with her Father] [Reward - Rolling for reward]
[Rolling Complete] [ Rewards - Heat Resistant, Portals, The Force]
"Venom, these rolls are-" I began, but was quickly interrupted.
"GIVE ME HEAT RESISTANT!" Venom yelled, his voice booming in my head.
"Wait, can I even give you certain powers?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Yes, dummy. Any power you don't want, you can give to someone else at any time." Venom replied, a hint of smugness in his tone.
I claimed the reward but didn't instantly use it. In my hands appeared a card that Venom instantly snatched. After that, a connection to the card disappeared, which I assumed meant Venom had used it.
"Haha, yes, one weakness down, and more to go!," Venom gloated.
Ya know, Venom can be like a child sometimes. Instead of dealing with his childish antics. I claimed both Portals and The Force. I hurriedly opened up my status, eager to see how my recent rewards had affected it.
Falna Status
Name: Oliver Kanto
Level: 1
Strength: G 200
Endurance: ∞
Dexterity: H 100
Agility: D 500
Magic: ∞
Developmental Abilities:
Heir of Wukong: ( B)Venom(A)The Force(B)Stone Monkey(C)
Bullseye (A)Hone (C)- can sense people up to 50mHud - (C)Water Rock Smashing Fist(A)
Portal(C)Magnet Release(B)Rika(B)
Interestingly, I lost the Teleport feature kind of. I mean, it's still there on my menu. Now I guess it just helps me remember places I've been so I can always travel back. Neat features, all things told. It'll be useful to bring giant armies, oh I'd be like Dr. Strange.
My Favorite ability I got though was The Force. I've always wanted to be able to use Telekinesis. I've always dreamed about going around force choking people. It's a dream of mine. Oh I wonder if I should choose a Sith name. Actually I'd rather not be evil, hm choice choices.
Now was a good time to use my new skill Meditation. Since it's night time I won't be bothered allowing me to center myself. This will also help me gain a feel for how The Force worked. It was one of the major skills in the star wars even the sith meditated though in a non peaceful manner.
During the process even Venom stayed quiet as I felt a connection to the world around us grow. It was a different feeling, compared to using Spider-Sense and Hone. It was peaceful; I could feel the happiness of my familia talking before they went to sleep. It was hard to explain, but I could simply feel so much more than before.
I could see why the System had given me this skill because my emotions were more negative than I'd realized. I'd let a lot of resentment in, the guilt eating away at me. I guessed that was why they emphasized the balance part. It would take time, but I had to move on.
Night gave way to Morning as I began to open my eyes. I felt a new clarity that I hadn't realized I was missing. The soft morning light filtered through the window, casting a warm glow on the room. Taking a deep breath, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. It was as if the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders.
"Morning, sunshine," Venom's voice echoed in my mind, a playful lilt to his tone. "Feeling refreshed?"
"Surprisingly, yes," I replied, a hint of wonder in my voice. "I feel more at peace."
"Well, that's what happens when you finally connect with your inner self," Venom quipped. "All that meditation and soul-searching must have paid off."
A chuckle escaped my lips. "I guess you're right. Who knew all it took was a good night's sleep and some introspection to fix my existential dread?"
"Don't get too cocky, buddy," Venom warned, his voice laced with amusement. "You've still got a long way to go before you reach enlightenment."
"True," I conceded, a thoughtful expression crossing my face. "But it's a start. And for now, that's enough." As I rose from my bed, I felt a newfound sense of purpose. I really want to go check on Nicole soon.
"So, what's the plan for today, hotshot?" Venom asked, his voice brimming with anticipation.
"First," I declared, stretching my arms above my head, "since I'm not hungry I think overdue we met back up with Nicole. And after that," I paused, a mischievous grin spreading across my face, "Adventures!"
"Sounds good to me," Venom replied, his tone eager. "Let's get this show on the road!
I quickly went through my morning routine before sitting on my bed. I left a note on my nightstand (using a piece of paper I found in the living room), before activating my teleport menu. A orange portal shimmered open, revealing Nicole in her usual attire standing next to what looked like a throne. Looking like she was in the middle of a conversation.
"So you think the throne will be comfortable?", I asked Venom, amused.
"Could be," Venom replied, sounding equally intrigued.
Nodding to his reply, I stepped through the portal, surprised by the sensation. It felt different compared to the last two portals I'd taken. My body didn't feel weak at all. Actually, it just felt like I was walking down a road.
Appearing right next to a throne, I took in the surprisingly well lit room. It was adorned with rich tapestries, gleaming chandeliers, and polished marble floors.
"Kiddo," a blur ran into me, hugging me tightly. "You're back! How are you?" Nicole asked, excitement evident in her voice.
"Great, honestly way better than before," I replied, gently breaking the hug.
"I assume Venom kept you out of trouble," Nicole asked, raising an eyebrow with a playful grin.
"More like he caused even the most trouble," I replied with a chuckle.
"I resent that," Venom said, muttering in my mind.
I repeated his words to Nicole, and we both laughed about it. Venom was pouting like a child in my head. It felt good to be back with Nicole, I've missed her over the couple of days I was gone.
Before I could ask more about this throne room, a deep voice cut in, "So tarnished, why are there two of you?" A Wolf-Man, who was way taller than me, asked, looking thoroughly perplexed.
"Better question is why is there a wolf-man here?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. My clone was trying to stifle a laugh while Nicole looked exasperated.
"Ah, yes, forgive my manners and allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Blaidd," Blaidd started, bowing slightly.
"Sup, names Oliver Kanto, Tarnished extraordinaire," I replied with a casual wave.
"Wait, we have a name now, Boss?" My clone stated, feigning surprise.
"More like I got my memories back," I countered, smirking.
"Well someone's full of himself," Venom quipped in my mind.
I chuckled, "Oh hush, you."
"Hmm, Oliver, I like it!" Nicole cheered. "It's better than calling you kiddo all the time."
"Aww, but kiddo is fun," My Clone and I said at the same time, grinning at Nicole.
Nicole just shook her head at us, smiling fondly. "You seem different now, Oliver," Nicole stated, studying me carefully. "You're making jokes now.."
"Yes, that's a story for a different day," I chuckled, the amusement tinged with a hint of weariness.
"Um, Oliver, not to be rude, but I still came here for your help," Blaidd cut in, looking slightly uncomfortable.
Wolf-Man say what now?" I shouted loudly, dramatically placing a hand to my ear.
Before he could say anything, the door burst open with a man rushing in. He was wearing armor distinguished from others by the lack of ornamental horns that were typically found on the others I'd seen.
"My Lord, I heard loud voices, is everything okay?" He asked before looking at me, then my clone sitting in the chair. We both gave a little wave, his face growing full of confusion. "Why are there two of you? Is there some kind of trouble?"
"Nope, no trouble, um, I don't know your name actually, but I'll stop goofing off with my clone," I said, chuckling. Before waving my hand, the clone turned to gold dust before flying at me, growing into another dread in my hair. "There, much better. Oh, and you guys have been busy since I've been gone."
"My Lord, is everything okay? I'm actually very confused at the moment," Edgar stated, lowering his halberd, his brow furrowed.
"I can also admit, I'm confused as well," Blaidd admitted, scratching his head.
Nicole giggled, "Don't worry, it's just Oliver being Oliver. He has a flair for the dramatic, and apparently, for clones too."
"Okay, long story short, I left a clone here to help Nicole. I can see through their eyes, though this time I was too far away to do that. I also gain all of their memories and experience, so whatever they go through, I do as well. Okay, good, okay," I explained, trying to keep it concise.
Edgar looked even more bewildered, while Blaidd seemed to be slowly piecing it together. Nicole patiently elaborated on certain points, filling in the gaps for them.
"Right, my lord, um, then I'll leave you to the meeting," Edgar said, still slightly confused, before walking back out the door and closing it behind him.
I quickly walked and sat on the throne the clone previously occupied. It was interesting so Nicole took over the castle without my clone's help. It makes the most sense without me, ND the system being active, the only way she'd stay out if my Clone was fine
Another interesting thing to note the soldiers on the bridge being killed by the Misbegotten. In the game there were alot of troops and more patrolling around the area. I swear at some point, during the night there was a Night's Calvary around here. Though it makes more sense seeing how far the Misbegotten spread, even attacking Irina's traveling companions.
Welp besides taking the castle and cleaning, not much important occurred. Our troops mostly took over the Weeping Peninsula either recruiting the many soldiers or killing them. We have also established a throne room which we are sitting in now. I learned Weeping Peninsula as well as Mistwood is a part of Limegrave.
Limegrave is just that big, which makes sense why so many troops were spread out. Adding in the fact Godrick stopped caring, and weak communication. The soldiers having no hope spelt off and did their own thing.
From the memories gained I learned I've been gone for almost 8 days in this world. Even though in Danmachi I was only there for four days. So one day here is like 12 hours there. I feel I can abuse that in the future if I need time to train or something.
Interrupting my train of thoughts, Blaidd finally spoke up, "So, Oliver, about that help, I'm looking for a man who goes by Darriwil. He fled somewhere in Limegrave and I have yet to find him.
"So what's the question then", I interrupted my tone laced with a hint of impatience.
"Yes", he started as he cleared his throat. "I request if you lend me a couple troops to help look through the lower part of Mistwood where he said to have run, in turn I'll pay you for the services".
"Hmm, how about this?" I countered, leaning forward with a glint in my eye. "I'll personally assist you in locating this Darriwil fellow. In exchange, you speak to your leader about the possibility of forging an alliance."
"Smooth, very smooth," Venom purred in my mind, amusement evident in his tone. "I'm almost impressed."
Blaidd hesitated, considering the offer, "I cannot guarantee that she will agree to an alliance, but I can certainly inquire about an audience."
"Perfect," I clapped my hands together, a wide grin spreading across my face. "Let's depart immediately, I happen to know where he is."
Blaidd's eyes widened, "Wait, how could you possibly know his location?" A low growl rumbled in his chest, a hint of suspicion in his voice.
"Careful, now," Venom cautioned, his voice a low hiss in my mind. "It seems he's very angry about this"
I chuckled inwardly at Venom's concern, "I have numerous troops at my disposal," I lied smoothly, "they tend to hear things. In this particular instance, my clone overheard a conversation mentioning the man and his whereabouts
Blaidd didn't like my response as he walked closer to my throne, "If you had helped him in anyway-"
"Enough", Nicole cut in stepping in front of Blaidd stopping him walking towards the throne. "Blaidd you go step outside for a second and cool off. When Oliver is ready he sends for you", Nicole commanded glare at him.
Blaidd looked at me as I sent him a wave and he kept glaring at me. Finally he listened to Nicole turning with a huff and stepped outside. The door closed behind him with a soft thud. Looking at the menu no matter what I'll still complete this quest, I'm itching to roll the gacha to see what I can get.
"Well, that was... unexpected," Venom mused, his tone laced with curiosity.
"Indeed," I agreed, a thoughtful look crossing my face. "But it seems we have a new quest on our hands.
"So Oliver, do you actually know where Darriwill is?"Nicole asked, standing next to the throne.
"Yes, actually he's in an evergoal located next to the Site of Grace right before the Bridge of Sacrifice", I replied. Casually leaning back on the throne which was surprisingly comfortable. "Part of getting my memory back was remembering certain parts of this world.
" I see, welp you shouldn't keep him waiting", Nicole said
I agreed with her and stood up from the seat. Nicole behind me as I made a quick exit from the throne room. I was taken back from what the next room looked like. The room had a long table with food on it, a big chair overlooking the entire room. Similar to something I've once seen in Skyrim.
"My lord do I need to gather troops to join you", Edgar asked as walked up to me with Blaidd following.
"Nope, it's been awhile since I've been around, so I'll take care of this personally", I answered
"Are you sure sir?"Edgar questioned. "I can have a squadron ready to accompany you in a moment.
"Yes I'm sure. It won't be long for us to take care of these matters", I replied. I clapped my hands together and turned to Blaidd "Sir Wolf-Man are you ready".
Without waiting for him to answer I opened a portal right next to the South of Lake, Site of Grace and pushed him in. Nicole looked interested in my new ability as glanced at the portal watching Blaidd get to his feet.
With that, I stepped through the portal myself, ensuring it closed seamlessly behind me. Blaidd shot me a look that I interpreted as mild annoyance, but I paid it no mind. Through the Force, I could sense his eagerness to conclude his pursuit of Darriwil. With a determined stride, I began ascending the hill towards the evergaol, Blaidd keeping pace close behind.
"Let the hunt begin," Venom hissed, his voice filled with anticipation. I couldn't agree more.
As we approached the evergaol, the air grew heavy with a sense of foreboding. The massive stone structure loomed ominously, its entrance shrouded in an ethereal mist. Blaidd's hand rested on the hilt of his greatsword, his posture tense with anticipation.
"Smells like trouble," Venom remarked, his voice laced with a predatory edge. "I can practically taste the anger in the air."
"Let's get this over with," I muttered, stepping forward in the center of a stone circle.
Soon I was teleported inside along with Blaidd. The interior of the evergaol was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from flickering torches lining the walls. In the center of the chamber stood a lone figure, his back turned towards us.
"Darriwil," Blaidd growled, his voice echoing through the chamber.
The figure turned, revealing a tall, gaunt man with a cruel sneer etched on his face. His eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and his skin was pale and almost translucent. He wore a tattered cloak that barely concealed the mutations that was shown across his body.
"Blaidd," Darriwil hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "I've been expecting you."
Without replying, Blaidd charged, his greatsword cleaving through the air. Darriwil met his attack with surprising agility, his movements blurring as he dodged and weaved through Blaidd's onslaught.
"This one's fast," Venom observed, impressed. "The way he fights reminds me of a animal."
I grinned, activating The Force. With a flick of my wrist, I sent a blast of telekinetic energy hurtling towards Darriwil, knocking him off balance. Blaidd seized the opportunity, his greatsword slamming into Darriwil's chest, sending him sprawling to the ground.
Darriwil roared in pain and fury, his body convulsing as he unleashed a torrent of dark energy. The evergaol shook violently, cracks appearing in the stone walls.
"Incoming!" Venom shouted.
I reacted instinctively, summoning a Rika barrier just in time to deflect the blast of dark energy. Blaidd, meanwhile, pressed his attack, his greatsword a whirlwind of steel.
The battle raged on, a chaotic dance of blades and magic. Darriwil was a formidable opponent, his speed and power a testament to his corruption. But with Blaidd's relentless assault and my own Force-enhanced abilities, we slowly gained the upper hand.
Darriwil, battered and bleeding, unleashed a flurry of attacks, his movements a blur as he darted around the chamber. Blaidd met his aggression with unwavering resolve, his greatsword parrying each blow with a clang of metal. I, meanwhile, used The Force to manipulate the environment, sending debris flying and disorienting Darriwil with bursts of telekinetic force.
"He's getting desperate," Venom observed, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Time to finish this."
With a roar, Darriwil leaped into the air, his body enveloped in a swirling vortex of dark energy. He descended upon Blaidd with incredible speed, his claws aimed at the wolf knight's throat.
"Blaidd, look out!" I shouted, my voice barely audible over the din of battle.
But Blaidd was already moving, his greatsword flashing upward in a desperate parry. The clash of steel against claws sent sparks flying, illuminating the evergaol with a blinding light.
Seizing the moment, I channeled The Force, gathering a surge of energy in my hands. With a focused push, I unleashed a powerful wave of telekinetic force, slamming into Darriwil's back and sending him hurtling across the chamber. He crashed into the stone wall, the impact sending tremors through the evergaol.
Blaidd, capitalizing on the opening, charged forward, his greatsword raised high. With a mighty roar, he brought the blade down, cleaving through Darriwil's defenses and piercing his heart.
Darriwil's eyes widened in shock, his body going limp as the life drained from him. With a final shudder, he collapsed to the ground, his form dissolving into a cloud of black smoke.
Silence descended upon the evergaol, broken only by the sound of Blaidd's heavy breathing. He stood over Darriwil's remains, his chest heaving as he caught his breath.
"It is done," Blaidd said, his voice hoarse.
"Indeed," I replied, a sense of satisfaction mingled with relief washing over me. "Now, about that alliance."
Blaidd nodded, a grim smile on his face. "I will speak to Ranni at once."
"One down, many more missions to go.," Venom chuckled darkly. I couldn't help but agree.
Watching Blaidd walk away, I stretched, feeling the muscles in my back pop satisfyingly. "Well, that was certainly eventful," I remarked, a hint of amusement in my voice.
"You could say that again," Venom chuckled, his tone laced with dry wit. "I swear, every time we turn around, there's another crisis brewing."
"Such is the life of an adventurer" I replied with a shrug. "Always something to slay, some maiden to rescue, some abomination to vanquish..."
"Don't forget the occasional existential crisis," Venom added, his voice taking on a mock-serious tone. "Those are always fun."
I rolled my eyes, "Oh, hush you." A comfortable silence settled between us as I made a portal. Stepping through, I found myself back in the throne room, Nicole and Edgar waiting expectantly.
"So, how did it go?" Nicole asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"Darriwil's been dealt with," I replied with a casual shrug. "Blaidd's gone to talk to his mistress about an alliance. And I," I paused dramatically, "am going to do a gacha pull."
Edgar raised an eyebrow, "A gacha pull, sir?"
"It's a long story," I chuckled, waving a dismissive hand. "It's just a way for me to gain new abilities"
I opened the gacha menu, my finger hovering over the spin button. "Let's see what fate has in store for us today," I murmured, a thrill of anticipation running through me.
The wheel spun, a blur of colors and symbols flashing before my eyes. It slowed gradually, finally coming to a stop on a picture of a skeleton dressed in a dapper suit, holding a book and a cane.
[Skeleton Gentleman in a Suit (S)]
Name: Skullduggery Pleasant
MagicNecromancySkilled CombatantElemental magic
"Well, this is certainly... different," Venom remarked, his tone a mix of surprise and intrigue. "I wasn't expecting a skeleton minion today."
"I have to agree," I chuckled, studying the image of the skeletal figure. "Hopefully he offers something fun to the team"
Suddenly, the air crackled with magic, and the skeletal figure materialized in front of us, a wry grin on his bony face.
"Well, this is a novel experience," he drawled, his voice surprisingly smooth for a skeleton. "Summoned from my world into another? I do hope you have a good reason for interrupting my afternoon nap"
I stumbled back, my eyes wide with surprise. "Holy SHIT you can talk!" I blurted out, pointing at the skeleton with a trembling finger.
Venom chuckled darkly, "Told you he was different."
Skullduggery raised a skeletal eyebrow, "Most sentient beings are capable of speech, young man. Unless you hail from a particularly primitive realm?"
Recovering my composure, I cleared my throat and extended a hand, "Apologies for my outburst, Mr. Pleasant. My name is Oliver,welcome to Castle Mourne"
He studied me for a moment, his eye sockets gleaming with an otherworldly light. "Very well Oliver, it seems you need my assistance. Welp I'm not one to turn down an good adventure." He glanced around the room, taking in the opulent surroundings. "Though I must say, this place could use a touch more... ambiance."
"We're working on it," Nicole piped up, a hint of amusement in her voice. "But first, Have a mission to plan.