Hey everyone I was so excited for March I released this chapter early. Don't forget to comment on powers, companions or worlds you would like to see Oliver get. Also thank you guys so much for the nice comments it makes me want to keep writing this. I'm already 10 chapters ahead and i'm writing 23 and 24 as we speak :D
Regular text
Venom talking
Oliver Pov.
The sun finally high in the air, shining brightly. A big contrast to the grim scene below. Stormhill, once soaked in blood, was slowly being cleansed by Skullduggery's conjured water. A reminder that even if you win with battle there truly isn't winners only survivors.
"Honestly, I'm surprised how smoothly that went," Nicole's voice cut through the silence breaking from my thoughts of the battle. "Barely an hour, and not a single life lost on our side."
"Honestly I'm shocked we lost no soldiers.," I retorted, my tone light despite the phantom ache of my missing arm. "I guess we were lucky. Even with the element of surprise we were able to wipe out his small forces."
"Still, a victory's a victory," Edgar chimed in, clapping me on my shoulder. A pang of discomfort as the heavy weight made my missing limb ache more.
As the soldiers began to gather the fallen, I wanted to burn the bodies so no sickness could occur. During that time I began to walk over to the injured soliders, a soft golden light enveloping my hand as I knelt beside each of them. A young soldier with a leg twisted at an unnatural angle let out a pained groan as with a gentle touch, the bone snapped back into place, and he sighed with relief.
"Thank you, sir," he mumbled, his eyes wide with awe.
"Rest," I replied, moving on to the next. A deep gash, a broken rib, a shattered shoulder - each injury met with the same gentle touch, the same golden glow.
"Only five with minor injuries? Amateur hour," Venom quipped, his voice a low rumble in my mind. "Back in my old world, battles left people crippled. Many buildings would be destroyed."
I chuckled, "I'm sure they used to, but I'd rather that not happen here. If anything I'd love it if we can mostly rebuild this world."
"Ugh Oliver," Venom whined. "Causing mayhem is fun. Also isn't it amazing to experience a battle with a strong opponent."
"You're not wrong Venom.," I replied, my expression turning serious. "I would enjoy our battles more if it didn't end in death.."
As I moved through the battlefield, I noticed the curious glances, as people looked at my missing limb. While annoying I get why they would be curious, though no one came up to ask me anything,
The bodies of all Margit's soldiers were piled up in a circle before Skullduggery used his flames to burn them. They quickly caught only fire leaving only ashes and the lingering scent of smoke.
"No proper burial?" Nicole asked, her voice laced with concern.
"They all worked for Godrick and Margit.," I said simply. "This is all they deserve for going along with them."
Nicole sighed but didn't argue. She knew the weight of my responsibility, the burden of leadership
After the fire dyed down, I used a Stone Monkey to copy my ability to open portals. With his help we were able to open a large portal for everyone to go through.
"So Oliver, are you ready to go back?"Nicole looked at me worriedly. "You must be in pain with your recent."
"Meh, I'm fine actually the only reason I haven't regenerated my arm is because I wanted this as a reminder of my own weakness", I told replied to her
Skullduggery interjected, "To fight one's weakness, is first by acknowledging it, and then training it."
"They're right, partner," Venom added, his voice resonating in my mind. "We've only had our abilities back for a short time. Gaining experience won't happen overnight."
"Nicole, I trust you to keep command. I'm going to activate the two Sites Of Grace around here and then go back to the other world for a day or so.", I told her.
Nicole's brow furrowed. "Oliver, are you sure about this? Keeping that wound open..."
I met her gaze, my resolve unwavering. "It's a constant reminder, Nicole. Every time I look at it, I remember how easily I can be defeated. It keeps me grounded, focused."
"But won't it hinder your training?" she pressed.
"Perhaps," I conceded, "but the mental fortitude it provides outweighs the physical limitations. Besides," I added with a wry grin, "I've always been better with my right hand anyway."
A flicker of understanding crossed Nicole's face. "Alright, Oliver. I trust you. But promise me you'll be careful."
"I will," I assured her. With that, I turned to the others. "Everyone, back to Castle Morne. We'll regroup and plan our next move there." I paused, glancing at Skullduggery "Are you with me or heading back?"
Skullduggery's response was characteristically witty. "Where the danger lies, I shall reside"
Venom quipped in my mind, "Looks like we're stuck with him, partner."
As Nicole finally stepped through the portal, I watched it close. My face may be blank but my thoughts are full of conflicting emotions. Fear, determination, vulnerability, strength battling within me.
As the last vestiges of smoke dissipated, I turned my focus to activating the Sites of Grace. "It'll make our official castle invasion a helluva lot easier," I remarked to Skullduggery, striding up the ramp and through the ominous doorway Margit had emerged from.
The passage was a claustrophobic tunnel of cobblestones, devoid of windows and sunlight. I quickened my pace, reaching the first Site of Grace in a matter of seconds. An arrow flickered on my HUD, guiding us towards the hall's end. Leading me to the second Site of Grace around here.
Pushing through the next door revealed a vast chamber with a gaping hole in the roof, where the sky peeked through. The room was full of decay and death; skeletons littered the floor, their forms intertwined with rusted, broken weapons. Dried blood stained the ground, painting a gruesome remembrance of past battles.
"Looks like our friend Margit's been keeping himself busy," Skullduggery drawled, his voice laced with dark amusement.
"Welp Margit's been waging wars for years to kill the Tarnished people". I explained as we walked through the room. Wrinkling my nose with how potent the smell of death was. "Not surprising that this room would be like this".
"Ah, so the big bad gatekeeper is jealous of the Tarnished and hunts them down?" Skullduggery mused, tilting his skeletal head. "Makes sense, I suppose."
I glanced at him before moving forward. "You're not wrong. I have little knowledge about Margit, but I can say a lot of his issues stem from his mother"
"Always family issues that lead to mass death.", He muttered "Another thing are you possessed by something? Since yesterday I've been getting a sense that something is inside of you."
"Ooh, he's got a good nose, doesn't he?" Venom chuckled in my mind.
Ignoring Venom, I didn't answer for a moment as we passed under an arc. Ahead of us we can see a closed gate with a Site Of Grace to the right of it. To the left of the gate was a small building that looked connected to the wall. The building looked like it had seen better days.
"I'm not possessed", I finally answered. "The creature is a symbiote that comes from another world just like you. How you got summoned he did as well. He gives me many new abilities, while also enhancing old ones.".
"Ah, so it is a form of possession, though I do say in this case it's mutual", He asked.
"Yeah, I can honestly say he's been helpful and saved my life a few times. His name is Venom.", I explained
"Welp I assume Venom can hear me tell him, so nice to join you guys on this adventure", Skullduggery stated.
Venom replied "Likewise" I relayed what he said to Skullduggery.
"Margit," I continued, eager to steer the conversation away from my symbiote, "is a puppet of the Golden Order. He guards the path to Stormveil Castle, ensuring only those deemed worthy can challenge Godrick the Grafted."
"Godrick the Grafted?" Skullduggery echoed, his tone dripping with disdain. "Sounds charming. Another tyrant who needs to be dethroned, I presume?"
I grinned. "You catch on quick."
"So," Skullduggery drawled, his bony fingers drumming against his cane, "tell me about this Golden Order. And this... Godrick fellow. What's his deal?"
I paused, considering how best to explain the complex tapestry of the Lands Between. "It's a long story," I began, "One I'm still trying to figure out, though I can answer some questions about the Golden Order."
Skullduggery chuckled, a dry, rattling sound. "Ah, the age-old excuse. But I suppose some answers are better than no answers." He shrugged
I activated the Site of Grace, feeling its power surge through me. "The Golden Order," I began, my voice echoing in the distance. "Is a religious organization that governs the Lands Between. They uphold the laws set forth by their deity, the Greater Will Or at least, they used to."
Skullduggery raised a skeletal brow. "Used to?"
"The Elden Ring was shattered," I explained, "and the Lands Between were plunged into chaos. The demigods, once bound by the Ring's power, now war with each other for control. Godrick is descended from one of those demigods. He rules Stormveil Castle with an iron fist, grafting the limbs of his enemies onto his own body. The only way he was able to gain the power he craved."
Skullduggery's expression twisted in disgust. "Charming fellow. And the Golden Order? They just let all of this happen?"
"The Order is a shadow of its former self," I replied. "Fractured, corrupted Some cling to the old ways, while others have succumbed to madness. It's a mess."
"And you, my friend," Skullduggery inquired, his voice taking on a curious tone, "Where do you fit into all of this?"
I met his gaze, my own steely and determined. "Long story, I'm part of the tarnished people," I stated, my voice firm. "Or so they say. I come from a different earth as well.
Skullduggery let out a low whistle. "Ah, weird they're using one so young.
"They don't care for age, truthfully I feel over my head. Also I was summoned here against my will, mind you. But what makes Tarnished so special is that each one has the chance to become Elden Lord", I explained.
"I had a student, now a friend has to deal with something heavy like that at your age. He said looking in the distance before continuing."What does becoming Elden Lord entail, exactly?"
"Restoring the Elden Ring," I replied, "and bringing order back to the Lands Between I would reckon."
"Sounds like a noble goal," Skullduggery remarked, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "But I suspect it won't be easy."
"Not easy at all," I agreed. "But it's necessary. The Lands Between are suffering. And I won't stand by and watch them burn."
A flicker of something akin to admiration crossed Skullduggery's skeletal face. "Well, then," he declared, "let's get to it. We'll see to toppling this, Godrick fellow."
"Meh, future plans involve a bit more training first. I'm thinking two weeks minimum before we tackle Godrick, so I'm counting on you to help me," I said, giving Skullduggery a nonchalant thumbs-up.
"Right on then. Guess I'll have to teach you a thing or two to pass the time. It'll be fun to have a student again," Skullduggery replied with a skeletal grin.
"Don't get your hopes up, bonehead. He's a slow learner," Venom chimed in, his voice laced with amusement even though Skullduggery couldn't hear him.
I rolled my eyes. "So, we have a choice: head back to base, or you can help cause chaos in another world."
"Oh, toying with the unsuspecting? That's always a delight. I vote for chaos," Skullduggery cackled.
With that settled, I opened a portal to where Hestia was located. She was curled up with a book, a picture of serenity until we stepped through.
Hestia shot up, eyes wide with alarm. "Oliver! There's a skeleton behind you!" she shrieked, reaching out to pull me away. Her hand met empty air where my arm should have been screaming. "Oliver! What happened?!"
"First off," I said, holding up my remaining hand for calm, "this is Skullduggery Pleasant, my summon. He's friendly."
"Friendly?!" Hestia squeaked, her eyes darting between the grinning skeleton and my missing arm.. "He's a skeleton! And you're missing part of your arm! What in the Hades happened?!"
Skullduggery gave a dramatic bow. "Charmed,to meet you," he drawled. "And I assure you, my dear goddess, I had nothing to do with the missing limb. Occupational hazard, you see."
"Occupational hazard?!" Hestia's voice hit a new octave. "What kind of occupation involves losing limbs?!"
"The hero business, apparently,"Venom rumbled, a hint of amusement in his tone.
I quickly explained the battle at Stormhill, downplaying the danger and emphasizing our victory. "It's just a temporary setback," I assured her, flexing my remaining hand. "I'll regenerate it soon enough."
Hestia's expression remained a mixture of horror and concern. "But why haven't you already?
"Relax, Hestia," I said, trying to soothe her frayed nerves. "I'm fine. Really." I flexed my remaining hand, demonstrating my control over my body. "See I'm perfectly fine, nothing else is wrong.
"Other than you missing part of your other arm." Venom interjected, his tone dry.
Hestia wrung her hands, her expression a mix of worry and exasperation. "But what if you get hurt again? What if you lose more than just an arm?
"Hestia," I interrupted gently, "I can handle myself. I'm not the same helpless kid I was when I first arrived. I've grown stronger, more capable." I placed my hand on her shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "Trust me."
She looked at me, her eyes searching mine for reassurance. After a moment, she let out a shaky sigh. "I do trust you, Oliver," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But please... be careful."
"I will," I promised. "I'll be back before you know it. I just to explore around here"
Hestia's eyes narrowed. "That's what you said two days ago, Oliver! Two days!nAll I got was a note saying you were going training'!"
I winced. "Sorry about that, Hestia. Things got a little complicated."
"Complicated? You lost an arm, brought home a skeleton, and disappeared for two days, and you call that complicated'?" Hestia's voice rose again, her cheeks flushed with anger. "I was worried sick!"
Hestia," I interrupted gently, "I can handle myself. I'm not the same helpless kid I was when I first arrived. I've grown stronger, more capable." I placed my hand on her shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "Trust me."
She looked at me, her eyes searching mine for reassurance. After a moment, she let out a shaky sigh. "I do trust you, Oliver," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But please... be careful."
"I promise," I said earnestly. "Scout's honor."
Hestia's expression softened slightly. "Fine," she relented, but her tone still held a hint of exasperation. "But if you pull a stunt like that again, I'm coming after you myself."
With that, I turned to Skullduggery. "Ready to explore?"
"Always," he replied with a grin."Lead the way, oh brave adventurer."
Try not to get us all killed," Venom added helpfully.
Chuckling, I opened another portal, this time Bell. As we stepped through, the cool, damp air of the dungeon washed over us, a stark contrast to the warmth of the apartment Hestia was in. The flickering torch light illuminated the rough-hewn walls, casting long, dancing shadows that seemed to have a life of their own.
"So, where are we ?" Skullduggery asked, his voice echoing in the cavernous space
"This is the dungeon where adventurers go to gain money and power. It's located right next to a giant building called the Tower of Babel," I explained, "and it's full of all sorts of nasty creatures. Goblins, kobolds, minotaurs, you name it, it's probably lurking in here somewhere. Though it's weird it didn't summon us exactly to where Bell was."
"Ah, I see a versatile playground of peril," Skullduggery said with a delighted chuckle. "I do love a good dungeon crawl."
"YES MORE BATTLES" Venom shouted , his voice laced with excitement. I could only shake me head t his child-like glee.
As we ventured deeper into the Tower of Babel, the labyrinthine corridors seemed to twist and turn with a malevolent sentience. The air grew heavy, thick with the musk of monsters and the dampness of the dungeon's depths.
7th Floor - The Goblin Gauntlet
The seventh floor was a sprawling cavern, its ceiling dripping with stalactites that cast eerie shadows on the swarming mass of goblins below. Bell, Welf, and Lily were in the thick of it, their movements not getting in each other's way.
A testament of the many battles they have fought together. Bell's swift strikes killed goblins left and right, Welf's axe cleaved through their ranks, and Lily, with her uncanny agility, darted between the monsters, her daggers flashing.
Our arrival was met with startled cries and the sudden end of combat. Bell, Welf, and Lily stood frozen, their eyes wide with a mixture of shock and awe.
"Oliver!" Bell exclaimed, his voice tinged with relief. "And a Skeleton?" His gaze flickered to the skeleton, then to my missing arm, his expression morphing into one of concern. "Your arm..."
"Occupational hazard," Skullduggery drawled, his skeletal grin unwavering.
Lily's eyes narrowed, suspicion etched on her face as she stared at Skullduggery. " Hello Lord Oliver, but what is this skeleton following you around for?"
"We were looking for Bell to tell him I'm back in town and the portal led me. ," I assured them, my remaining hand raised in a gesture of peace. "Also this is my summon." I said pointing at Skullduggery as he did a little wave.
Welf grunted. "Can't hurt to have more firepower," he admitted, eyeing Skullduggery's imposing figure.
With introductions out of the way, we fell into an easy rhythm. The goblins didn't stand a chance against our combined might. Skullduggery's magic scythed through their ranks, Venom's tendrils ensnared and crushed, disabled. Bell, Welf, and Lily, bolstered by our presence, fought with renewed vigor
8th Floor - The Kobold Caverns
The eighth floor was a network of winding tunnels, the air thick with the stench of damp earth and the chittering of kobolds. These reptilian creatures, armed with crude spears and shields, were no match for our coordinated assault. Bell's speed and agility proved invaluable in navigating the tight spaces, while Welf and I held the line, our weapons a bulwark against the kobold horde.
9th Floor - The Minotaur's Maze
The ninth floor was a disorienting maze, its walls shifting and changing, designed to confuse and trap unsuspecting adventurers. But with Lily's keen sense of direction and Skullduggery's ability to phase through walls, we navigated the labyrinth with ease. The Minotaur at its heart, a hulking beast with a bloodlust for battle, fell to our combined assault, its roars of rage silenced by the cold steel of Welf's axe.
10th Floor - The Undead Horde
The tenth floor was a chilling spectacle, its air thick with the stench of decay and the moans of the undead. Skeletons, zombies, and ghouls shambled towards us, their hollow eyes glowing with an eerie light. Skullduggery, in his element, commanded the shadows to ensnare and bind the undead, while Bell and Welf cut them down with ruthless efficiency.
11th Floor - The Spider's Lair
The eleventh floor was a sticky, silken nightmare, its walls and ceilings coated in webs spun by monstrous arachnids. The scuttling of countless legs and the chittering of the spiders sent shivers down our spines. But fire was the bane of these eight-legged horrors, and Welf's magic-infused axe, blazing with heat, turned the spider's lair into a fiery inferno.
12th Floor - The Resting Grounds
The twelfth floor was a welcome respite, a chamber of relative calm amidst the dungeon's chaos. We collapsed onto the cool stone floor, our breaths ragged, our bodies aching.
"I've never seen anyone fight like that," Bell breathed, his eyes wide with awe as he looked at Skullduggery. "It's like... magic."
"It is magic, Mr.Bell," Lily retorted, rolling her eyes. "And quite impressive magic at that."
Welf, wiping the sweat from his brow, let out a grunt of agreement. "Never seen anything like it."
Skullduggery merely chuckled, his bony fingers drumming against his cane. "Just a few tricks I've picked up over the years," he said with a dismissive wave.
As we rested, Bell explained the dungeon's layout, the monsters they had encountered, and the challenges they had faced. "We've never made it past the thirteenth floor," he admitted, a hint of frustration in his voice. "The monsters there are just too strong."
13th Floor - The Warped Wood
The thirteenth floor was a stark contrast to the previous levels. Twisted trees with gnarled branches reached towards the ceiling, their leaves a sickly green. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the skittering of unseen creatures sent shivers down our spines.
"Killer plants," I explained, my voice low. "Watch your step."
The plants attacked with surprising speed, their thorny vines lashing out, and their gaping maws dripping with corrosive sap. But Bell's agility and Welf's fire magic kept them at bay, while Skullduggery's necromantic energy withered the monstrous flora from the inside out.
14th Floor - The Crystal Cavern
The fourteenth floor was a breathtaking spectacle, its walls and ceiling glittering with crystalline formations that refracted the torchlight into a dazzling display. But beauty was a deceptive mask; the crystals pulsed with magical energy, and the monsters that lurked within were imbued with their power.
It was here that Lily's unique skills came to the fore. With a swift flick of her dagger, she expertly dissected the fallen monsters, extracting the magic crystals embedded within their flesh. "We'll get a good price for these," she remarked, her voice laced with satisfaction.
15th Floor - The Molten Core
The fifteenth floor was a fiery hellscape, its air thick with the acrid scent of sulfur and the heat of molten lava that flowed through channels in the floor. Fire-breathing salamanders and heat-resistant golems patrolled the area, their forms shimmering with intense heat.
Bell, with his nimble footwork, dodged the geysers of lava and the golem's fiery fists, while Skullduggery's bone-chilling magic provided a welcome respite from the oppressive heat.
16th Floor - The Hall of Illusions
The sixteenth floor was a disorienting realm of illusions, where reality twisted and warped, and the line between truth and deception blurred. We were assailed by phantasmal creatures and spectral traps, our senses bombarded by a symphony of sights and sounds designed to drive us mad.
But Skullduggery, with his unwavering logic and keen perception, saw through the illusions, guiding us through the maze of deception. My shadow magic, ever responsive to my will, dispelled the phantoms and revealed the path forward.
17th Floor - The Unexpected Threat
As we reached the seventeenth floor, a sense of unease settled over us. The air crackled with tension, and the silence was broken only by the sound of our own ragged breaths. A tremor shook the ground, sending dust and debris raining down from the ceiling. A monstrous roar echoed through the chamber, a sound that chilled us to the bone.
From the depths of the dungeon emerged a creature of nightmares - the Floor Boss, a massive, humanoid creature known as the Goliath. Its eyes burned with an unholy fire as it glared at us.
"It wasn't supposed to be here," Bell stammered, his voice laced with fear. "The Goliath isn't due to respawn for another week!"
This isn't good," I muttered, my voice grim. "We're not prepared for this."
"Then we'll have to improvise," Skullduggery declared, his bony grin unwavering. "Let's show this grotesque creature what we are made of.
The Goliath lunged, its punching snapping out with a deafening crack that reverberated through the chamber. Bell, his reflexes honed by countless battles, narrowly dodged the attack, his heart pounding against his ribs.
But the beast's speed was overwhelming; a leg lashed out, catching Bell off guard. He was sent flying, his small frame slamming against the cavern wall with a sickening thud.
Lily, her eyes wide with terror, screamed. Welf roared in defiance, charging the beast with his axe raised high. But the Goliath was a force of nature, deflecting the blow as if it were nothing. A swipe of its massive his had sent Welf crashing into a pillar, his body limp and lifeless.
"No!" I bellowed, my voice raw with anguish.
With a surge of adrenaline, I threw myself into the fray. The Force crackled around me, a desperate shield against the monster's fury. I deflected a fiery blast with a wave of my hand, the heat singeing my skin.
Venom's tendrils erupted from my stump, lashing out at the Goliath with ferocious speed. They coiled around its limbs, a desperate attempt to restrain the beast, but its strength was overwhelming.
Skullduggery, his skeletal form a blur, darted around the creature, his gun a whirlwind of death as he struck at its vulnerable points. Yet the monster's regeneration was too fast. Every wound closed almost as soon as it was inflicted.
The battle raged on, a desperate dance of life and death. The chamber shook with the force of our blows, and the air was thick with the stench of blood, the acrid tang of magic, and the metallic scent of my own blood.
We were outmatched. The Goliath was a force of nature, its power dwarfing our own. Each attack left us battered and bruised, our energy reserves dwindling with every passing second. Despair gnawed at my heart. Were we going to die here? Was this how it ended?
But then I saw it. A flicker of hope amidst the chaos. The Goliath, for all its power, was not invincible. Its movements, though swift, were predictable. Its attacks, though devastating, left it momentarily vulnerable.
"Skullduggery!" I shouted over the din of battle, my voice barely audible above the creature's roars. "Distract it!"
Skullduggery, ever the reliable partner, didn't hesitate. He unleashed a torrent of fire magic, his skeletal form a beacon of defiance as he drew the creature's attention.
I took a deep breath, focusing my mind and summoning the last vestiges of my strength. The Force flowed through me, a river of pure energy. Metal spikes erupted from my remaining hand, transforming it into a weapon of vengeance.
With a roar that echoed through the chamber, I charged.
I channeled the Force, augmenting my speed and strength. With a burst of blinding velocity, I closed the distance between myself and the monstrous giant. The Goliath, its attention momentarily diverted by Skullduggery's onslaught of fire magic, turned its massive head towards me, surprise flashing in its eyes.
Its reaction was a fraction too slow. I twisted my body, dodging a swipe of its razor-sharp claws, and slammed my metal-clad fist into its exposed underbelly. The impact reverberated through my arm, a jarring reminder of the beast's immense strength.
The Goliath roared in pain, its body convulsing. But it was far from defeated. With a swiftness that belied its size, it whipped its hand round, aiming for my head.
Time seemed to slow as I felt the rush of wind against my skin. Venom reacted instinctively, his tendrils shooting out to intercept the blow. The impact sent shockwaves through my body, but Venom's resilience absorbed the brunt of the attack.
"Thanks, buddy," I grunted, my voice strained.
"Don't mention it," Venom replied, his tone a mix of concern and grim determination. "Just keep your head in the game, partner. We're not out of this yet."
With a guttural cry, I pushed past the pain and exhaustion, tapping into a wellspring of power I didn't know I possessed. The Force surged through me, its energy intertwining with Venom's symbiotic strength.
My metal fist glowed with an otherworldly light, and Venom's tendrils crackled with dark energy. With a final, desperate roar, I unleashed a fury of blows, each strike imbued with the combined might of the Force and the symbiote.
The Goliath staggered, its roars turning into gurgles of pain. Its massive body, once a symbol of invincible strength, now trembled with each strike. And then, with a final, earth-shattering crash, the Goliath fell. The body disappears since I accidentally destroyed the magic stone.
Silence descended upon the chamber, broken only by our ragged breaths and the groans of our fallen comrades. The echoes of Goliath's final roar still seemed to linger in the air, a haunting reminder of the battle we had just endured.
Suddenly, a sound of clapping echoed through the dungeon, coming from the direction of the 18th floor entrance. We all turned, our bodies tense, ready for another attack. But instead of a monster, a group of adventurers emerged from the shadows, their faces a mixture of surprise and admiration.
At the forefront was a short, but imposing figure with blonde hair and a boyish grin. "Well, well," he drawled, his voice carrying through the chamber, "Looks like someone's been having fun."
Beside him stood a girl with long golden hair and piercing blue eyes. Her expression was stoic, but her gaze immediately fell upon Bell's prone form, a flicker of concern crossing her features.
"Finn, Ais," I greeted, recognizing the captain of the Loki Familia and his famed swordswoman. "Didn't expect to see you down here."
"We could say the same for you," Finn replied, his grin widening. "Though I must say, that was quite the performance.
Ais, however, brushed past the pleasantries, kneeling beside Bell and checking his pulse. "He's alive," she announced, her voice clipped, "but he needs to get healing."
"We can help with that," Finn offered, gesturing to his companions. "We have a camp set up on the 18th floor. We can carry your friends there."
Relief washed over me. "Thank you," I said, my voice thick with gratitude.
As the Loki Familia members carefully lifted Bell, Welf, and Lily, I couldn't help but feel a surge of respect for these seasoned adventurers. Despite the initial surprise and the obvious difference in our power levels, they had offered aid without hesitation.
Among them were Tiona and Tione, their presence a surprise, and Riveria, her elven features etched with concern as she examined the fallen adventurers. The dwarf Gareth nodded in acknowledgement, while Bete, his usual brashness evident, scoffed before ignoring us.
I bristled at the insult, my hand instinctively clenching. Before I could retort, Finn raised a placating hand. "Bete," he chided, his tone firm but gentle, "They just defeated a Floor Boss. Show some respect."
Bete grumbled under his breath but fell silent. Riveria, her voice calm and soothing, inquired, "How did you manage it? And what level are you weakling"
"Level one," I replied, and the shock on their faces was almost comical.
"Level one?!" Bete exclaimed, his voice incredulous. "You're joking!"
"I assure you, I'm not," I said, a wry smile playing on my lips. "It's a long story."
Finn's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "A story for another time, perhaps?" he suggested, his tone diplomatic. "For now, let's get your friends to safety. We can talk later."
I nodded, grateful for his understanding. As we made our way to the Loki Familia's safe zone