Part 16. Trapped with a traitor

Julian took his cell phone and typed on his cell phone. Finished typing, Julian gave the writing to Julia. "The bodyguard who made this mess. It could be that all the bodyguards guarding Lucas are our enemies."

After reading Julian's typing, Julia now looked at her husband with rounded eyeballs. Julia then called her son, but he didn't pick up. Julia continued to call the son's cell phone number but still did not pick up at all.

Now Julia looked at the bodyguards who were carrying the helicopter. If the bodyguards were betrayed, wouldn't the bodyguards who were currently carrying the helicopter also be working with the bodyguards guarding Lucas? Because the bodyguards guarding Lucas were the bodyguards who always followed her.

Julia chose not to say anything else. Her eyes were now staring at her husband. It seemed like he had been trapped by his enemy. I don't know how she could be missed like this. Suddenly her bodyguards became enemies in her blanket. Even though she had ensured herself that her men were clean people. Especially with Hercules, the man who became her right-hand man since she took care of her family business.

Hercules was not only her right-hand man but also her best friend. In front of people, he would call Julia madam, but if it was just the two of them or Julian, he would only call Julia by her name.

Hercules also has his own family, Julia knows Hercules' wife and children very well. It is impossible, isn't it, if Hercules betrayed? If indeed Hercules betrayed, what made him betray?

Julia kept quiet until the helicopter arrived at her private island. There was no chaos here, everything looked fine. Julia walked towards the house, looking for traces of Haisley's abduction. Was there anything that could be used to get clues? The lighting was dim because it was still early in the morning, not even the sun had appeared yet.

Julian and Julia both checked inside the house to see what clues they could find. "Honey, why don't we go to the docks? Can't you contact Lucas?" asked Julian.

"You're right, we should go to the docks. But what about them?" asked Julia. "And how do we get there if these bodyguards turn out to be the same as the other bodyguards? The bodyguards I sent along with Lucas and Haisley, they're my bodyguards, not the same bodyguards as Lucas' bodyguards. We seem to have the wrong person," Julia said.

"True, but why don't we just try whether they are on our side or not, because during the trip from home to here, there were no obstacles at all? They didn't do anything suspicious. So, let's find Lucas at the dock first. It is feared that not only Haisley was kidnapped, but Lucas was also kidnapped," said Julian.

"You're right, I can't contact Lucas at all. Is it possible that he was kidnapped?" asked Julia as she looked at her husband with rounded eyeballs.

Their eyes met, and soon they were out of the house. They boarded the helicopter and left on their own, unfortunately, it was the wrong choice because it turned out that everything had been sabotaged. The helicopter began to malfunction when they were in the middle of the sea.

"They sabotaged the helicopter," said Julian who started trying to do everything possible to keep the helicopter flying until he found a place to land.

"Damn it!" cursed Julia who then looked for a guidebook, what she should do if the helicopter was like this. Unfortunately, she couldn't find the manual at all.

"Argh! Damn it!" Julia yelled angrily.

Julian tried to calm down to control the helicopter, he tried to find a way to land on the water. He also looked for a small piece of land where it would be possible to land. Unfortunately, there was no small piece of land that he could land on.

The helicopter became more and more unstable until finally Julian landed on the sea. Unfortunately, when the helicopter landed on the sea and they both jumped out, the helicopter exploded, and their bodies were hit by the explosion. There was no chance of survival, Julian and Julia died on the spot from the powerful explosion.

A man watching from his speed boat just stared at the burning helicopter. He wanted to make sure before leaving whether Julia and Julian were dead or alive. After the flames were extinguished, two speedboats now approached the helicopter that had been extinguished.

Checking to see if Julia and Julian were really dead. They found Julia and Julian's floating bodies with wounds in several areas of their bodies. They lifted Julia and Julian's bodies. Further confirming if the two of them were really dead. They took Julia and Julian's bodies away from there.

One of the bodyguards called someone when they reached the dock. "Everyone is dead, sir," the bodyguard said.

"Okay, I'll report their deaths and make Lucas and his woman the murder suspects," said the person on the other end of the line, then he disconnected the call.

They immediately took the bodies of Julia and Julian back to their home. On the other hand, Lucas and Haisley were still taken by them to a place far away from people so that they would not be found by the police and Julia's family. Lucas had started to wake up, but he fainted again because he was injected with anesthetic.

They had arrived at a house that looked like it had been burned down, but the roof had been renewed, and only the traces of the burnt building remained. "Take care of them, don't let them escape!" ordered one of the bodyguards, who was followed by his bodyguard.

They stood guard around the house and near the door of the room where Lucas and Haisley were staying. Lucas and Haisley were not put in the same room on purpose, so that Lucas would think Haisley was not with him.