Unleashed By The Voice

After the kings had returned to their daily duties, Zara decided to take a walk around the castle. She wears a beautiful purple shade full length gown, and braids her hair to loose waves. She looks so glowing and healthy after her encounter with her mates last night. Their closeness indeed helped her to heal faster.

Her intention, at least outwardly, was to reacquaint herself with the surroundings she had missed during her time away. But deep down, she had another purpose. a far more pressing one.

She wanted to make her way to the dungeons.

Though Lilly had told her much, Zara knew there were gaps in the story, questions left unanswered. She couldn't shake the feeling that Jennifer might hold the key to at least some of those answers. And then there was the matter of Ezra. his absence was impossible to ignore. Whispers about him floated through the halls like an unspoken secret, and Zara's curiosity only grew.