In Owego, midnight, Shane is searching the computer for his missing daughter, before Maria walks downstairs.

Maria: Daddy? Daddy?

Shane: Huh?

Maria: It's two in the morning....what are you doing?

Shane: Nothing....just seeing if I can find anymore leads into finding your sister....do you think we were rough on her?

Maria: Huh?

Shane: Your sister.....She's an Enhuman now.

Maria: Dad, no she's not...she's just suffering from an affliction.....it'll wear off...

Shane: Yeah, but....what if it doesn't?

Maria: Dad....Trisha is not an Enhuman....she's not one of those freaks.

Shane: Your sister is not a freak....and if she is an Enhuman, do you think she's an evil one? What if us not helping her with her "affliction" drove her away?

Maria: Dad (sighs)

Short pause.

Maria: I'm going to go back to bed....don't stay up to long. The boys are expecting you on time tomorrow.

Maria walks back upstairs as Shane continues searching up on leads. The next morning at the Parker Tower, John is holding a press conference, discussing the U.S.S Raven. James and Eva are present at the meeting.

John: As you know, a group of Enhuman terrorists attacked the U.S.S Raven, which was transporting a precious classified cargo to my building.....

News Reporter # 1: Mr. Parker, it's said by the other crewmen that another group of Enhumans were involved.....some say that they were saved.

John: I wouldn't happen to know anything about that. Whether or not, that there were two Enhuman groups involved is a mystery. Next question.

News Reporter # 2: Mr. Parker, were you aware the Enhuman criminal, Dr. Genesis, was being transported over to the ship?

A short pause.

John: Dr. Genesis is a mad man....with that saying, if I had known about him being held prisoner on the most guarded military aircraft, it would've been the right decision....Thank you. No further questions, please.

John steps down from the stage as he walks up to James and Eva.

James: Snobby reporters. You all right?

John: Yeah, they almost caught me in the act there...Eva, anything?

Eva: Charles still trying his best....even with the Chronicle, Tombs is still a very hard man to track down.

James: So what do you think we should do?

John: We keep the team focused and stay on our toes. Get Trisha prepared.

James: Think the girl's ready?

John: We'll figure that out soon.

Eva: Do you really think any Enhumans are that bold to join him?

John: Those who hate humanity will....

In the lair of the Purifiers, Genesis enters the Purifier base with Scarlett and Axel following. Fellow Purifiers, including, Earthquake, Sharp-spike, Snake-Bite, and the brute, Mongor, approach and bow to him.

Earthquake: Lord Genesis....

Snake-Bite: Lord Genesis...

Sharp-Spike: Lord Genesis...

Mongor: Big Man Genesis is back in town!

Genesis: My fellow Purifiers.

Genesis turns to Scarlett.

Genesis: You've been busy, daughter. You've recruited to the cause very well...

Scarlett: And our numbers are growing, father.....we'll soon outnumber the Supers....

Genesis: Parker....what's he been up to these past few years?

Axel: He and his children been recruiting Enhumans to his cause....trying to make peace between our kind and the humans.

Genesis: Oh, that poor misguided fool....he fails to realize that we are the superiors of the human parasites....and it's up to us to reeducate them.....so who are the new assets?

Earthquake: Name's Donnie Maddox, but my codename...

Earthquake punches into the ground, creating shards of stone that come up from the ground.

Earthquake: Is Earthquake.

Earthquake then creates a rock form over his body.

Genesis: Impressive.

Sharp-Spike generates spikes out of his body.

Sharp-Spike: Sharp-Spike....

Genesis nods his head in improvement.

Snake-Bite: (hissing) Snake-Bite. One bite from me and the human will suffer a painful death....and this brute.--

Mongor: Ah, allow me...

Mongor grabs his mammoth-like helmet and lifts up a boulder, before tossing it across the hall.

Mongor: I am the Mongor.

Genesis: Incredible....our troops are strong and will soon be ready to mobilize.

At the mansion, Trisha is writing in her diary.

Trisha: Things are really heating up here in the mansion now that Genesis is free. He's recruiting many Enhumans out there that hate humanity. Mr. Parker's spending a lot of time in the Chronicle, James is completely spending his time searching for Genesis and....then there's Josh....the only guy who seems to be there when you feel like something bad is about to happen.....

Trisha walks around, only to find Dominic sitting in the day room, drawing a picture.

Dominic: Hey, Trisha. I see all is well with you?

Trisha: More or less...what are you drawing?

Dominic: Just something to keep me awake...

Trisha: Hmm...that looks like Kumi Yamashia's work.

Dominic: Wow! I'm impressed! Yeah, I draw or read when I feel lost or confusion.

Trisha: You're a Super and yet, you still feel lost?

Dominic: We all do...all this mess with the humans....Enhumans....and Tombs...gives me a headache...it's like the Supers are teachers trying to separate humans and Enhumans from fighting...we keep trying to tell them we can live in peace, but still they think violence is the answer to everything....

Trisha: You draw a lot?

Dominic: Yeah...I'm back home among drawing....you're an artist too, right?

Trisha: Yes....I love art....it says stories in so many ways...with color....with emotion...it just says a lot....it didn't say anything about me getting powers though...

Dominic: maybe, Dave Flavin, an artist in neon, he must predicted you'd get neon powers.

Trisha: (laughs) No, you're making fun of me, jerk.

Dominic: No, no, no...well, maybe a little...I find art as a way to read people...your neon power is an art...and it says you're kind.... outgoing...beautiful...

Trisha blushes for a moment.

Dominic: These powers....they can be a sign of art too...watch...

Dominic demonstrates his smoke powers by creating items such as horses, eagles and puppets, impressing Trisha.

Trisha: Wow!

Trisha and Dominic share a moment, before it appears as if they will kiss, but Trisha holds back.

Trisha: Dominic...I...I'm sorry, but...with me meeting you all and....these powers....I just can't right now....this is all just happening so fast...I-

Dominic: I get it....you need time....

Trisha stands up and walks away, feeling a small amount of guilt, before later bumping into Josh.

Josh: Oh, hey....sorry, Trish...you all right?

Trisha: Yeah, sorry...just a lot on my mind...

Josh: Well, what's up?

Trisha: With that Genesis guy loose, why is everyone acting like it's Alcatraz around here?

Josh: No.....he and Mr. Parker formed the Supers together, but Tombs turned against the Supers, declaring war on the humans....he went insane....killed a lot of humans.

Trisha: You're not scared of him and his people?

Josh: 50% yes and 50% no.....guy's powerful! if any army he's forming, it's just him, his daughter, Xiang, and a bunch of wannabe Enhuman kids who-

Trisha: Wait, daughter? You mean Scarlett?

Josh: Yeah....Scarlett is Genesis' daughter...

Trisha: Sheesh... Do you think we'll beat Genesis?

Josh: I've faced many crazed Enhumans that want to destroy humanity, but none of them have ever declared war on national television.

Trisha walks off as Josh suddenly calls out to her.

Josh: Hey, Trisha! Uh....

Trisha: Yeah....

Josh: (sighs) It's nothing...

Trisha walks away, before Josh begins talking to himself.

Josh: Nice...you blew it again. That's...

Josh uses a short spark to shock himself on the wrist.

Josh: mmm...

Trisha then approaches Arianna, who is watching the news.

Arianna: Hey, Trisha!

Trisha: Hey, Arianna....what are you up to?

Arianna: Waiting for Genesis to see if he's going to pop up on the news again. I bet my bottom dollar that he will. Plus, there's nothing on TV so what's more entertaining than a psychotic Enhuman.

Trisha: It's amazing.

Arianna: What is?

Trisha: He's one of the most powerful Enhumans of all, and yet, he doesn't scare you. Not even a little.

Arianna: Well, okay...maybe just a little...but that's because he's pure crazy....but guy's like this....is what we have a whole team for....to kick ass and take names...so what's the deal with Josh and Dominic? Those two are really getting at each other to get you alone. (laughs)

Trisha: What? Are there rumors?

Arianna: Not rumors....but the great vine tells me everything.

Later on, in the Grid room, Josh and Arianna are prepping a scenario as Trisha enters.

Josh: Hey, Trisha.

Trisha: Josh? What are you doing up here? I thought students weren't allowed in the monitor area...

Josh: Well, that's not true...see sometimes...we watch as the scenario goes.

Arianna: You know what's funny...me and Josh were just talking about you.

Trisha: (quietly) shit....(out loud) Sorry....and also I'm really REALLY REALLY sorry about destroying the Grid room.

Josh: Hey, trust me. If I had destroyed the Grid room ten times worse than you did, I wouldn't be saying sorry on a daily basis.

Trisha: Really? You mean that?

Arianna: Yes, Trisha. Part of the reason we use the Grid is so we train how to use and control our powers better...which mostly ends up with the equipment being damaged that can be repaired....sometimes...

Josh: What do you say, Trisha? You want to try it again?

Trisha: I don't know.....I can't...I-

Josh: Trisha...we all have been knocked down on our backs, but the only way we show true strength is to stand right back up on your feet...

A short pause.

Trisha: Okay....I'll give it a try...

Josh: Great...just warn me if you're going to go neon nuclear so I can get out of the way.

Trisha, in her training uniform, enters the Grid as Arianna and Josh change the scenario to the New York after the neon blast of the day when Trisha was attacked by the Purifiers.

Trisha: this-this was the day I destroyed New York....what am I doing here? I-I can't do this....I

Josh: (over speaker) Trisha....it's okay....listen to my voice...you can do it....you can do this...you're strong...we're going to be right here....if you feel anxious at all, I'll pull the plug.

Trisha: You sure about this?

Josh: Cross my heart and hope to die.

Trisha: Okay, let's do this.....God help me...

Trisha progresses forward, before a group of projected W.R.E.X Soldiers step up.

Trisha: Okay...

Trisha attempts to fight off the W.R.E.X Soldiers, but is easily outmatched and overpowered, before being knocked to the ground.

Trisha: (spitting out blood) Hey, Josh....just so you know...why am I fighting W.R.E.X Soldiers?

Arianna: Actually that part was me.....Quantum was fighting through them though....

Trisha: So I'm playing Quantum?

Arianna: Pretty much....thought you could use a little challenge....ohh...you alright, sweetheart? You want to call it quits?

Trisha: No.....no...

Trisha powers up neon energy and shoots neon beams at the W.R.E.X Soldiers, subduing them both.

Trisha: Huh.....well, that worked....

Trisha stands up, before continuing onward, fighting through many W.R.E.X Soldiers with her physical combat and using her neon powers.

Trisha: Hey....Arianna....where exactly am I going?

Arianna: Right....

Suddenly, green markers are shown on the ground, directing Trisha to her destination, eventually leading her to central park.

Trisha: Hey...this looks like Central Park.

Suddenly, a projection of Scarlett jumps down and laughs, projecting an energized blade.

Trisha: Oh, god.....no...not her....

Arianna: Hey, you can win this fight, Trisha....I know you can....

Trisha prepares herself for a fight, before Scarlett advances towards Trisha, who shoots neon beams at Scarlett, but she blocks the neon blasts with her blade, before kicking Trisha back. Scarlett attempts to stab Trisha, who dodges the strike, before she attempts to shoot Scarlett with a neon beam. Scarlett maneuvers the strike and punches Trisha back. Scarlett then grabs Trisha by the throat, before attempting to stab her. Trisha holds back the blade, before head butting Scarlett and punching her twice. Scarlett maneuvers a punch, before punching Trisha in the stomach and throwing her across the ground. Trisha uses her light speed to stand straight back up, before launching herself into Scarlett. Trisha grabs Scarlett and grabs her, before throwing her into the wall. Trisha knees Scarlett, before punching her. However, Scarlett maneuvers and roundhouse kicks Trisha. Scarlett then grabs Trisha and punches her in the face repeatedly, before a final punch knocks her down. After a bleak moment, Trisha stands up and blocks Scarlett's strikes, before punching Scarlett twice and getting a backhand. Scarlett attempts to strike, but Trisha dodges and traps Scarlett's hands and feet with neon ropes, subduing her.

Trisha: Holy....I did it! Did you see that?! I beat Scarlett!

Joseph: Nice! Now, you have to save yourself from Red Dragon.

Trisha: Oh, right...almost forgot.

Trisha leaves the scenery of Central Park, before Quantum and Dragonfly join her.

Trisha: Mr. Parker? James? What are you two doing here?

Quantum: We want to see this up-close and personal.

Dragonfly: You ready to fight with us, kid?

Trisha: (laughs) Okay...

Quantum, Dragonfly and Trisha run to the alley, where they find Axel, who is carrying an unconscious Trisha, who is starting to wake up. She then begins to jerk around, hitting Red Dragon in the back.

Projection Trisha: Hey! Hey! Put me down! Put me down!

After a struggle, Red Dragon sets Trisha down hard.

Projection Trisha: Excuse me! You don't have to throw me! I'm a lady!

Trisha looks up to notice Red Dragon.

Projection Trisha: You! You stay away from me! What-what the hell are you?

Red Dragon: All right, girl.....you're obviously scared....but you have nothing to be frightened about...and to answer your question, I'm an Enhuman.....just like you.

Quantum: Red Dragon!

Quantum, Dragonfly and Trisha arrive on the scene, shocking Trisha.

Trisha: Hey! That's me!

With Quantum, Dragonfly and Trisha distracting Axel, projection Trisha kicks Red Dragon in the groin, before she runs away in the corner.

Red Dragon: You little bitch!

Red Dragon advances towards projection Trisha, but Quantum prepares to use his laser vision, but Trisha stops him.

Trisha: Quantum, I got this!

Trisha fires a neon beam, halting Red Dragon.

Trisha: Hold it right there.....you red samurai dragon fiend!

Quantum: (clears throat) Uh...Trisha...I-I didn't say that.

Trisha: I thought you heroes said things like that. You know; cool catch phrases.

Red Dragon: (scoffs) Or what?

Dragonfly: You know how this is going to end....

Red Dragon: Do I.....human lover?

Trisha: Yeah, with all three of us kicking your armored-

After a tense moment, Red Dragon tranforms into his dragon form before he kicks a nearby garbage container at Quantum and Dragonfly, who dodge.

Quantum: Hard way it is. Dragonfly!

Dragonfly uses his boosters to blast himself into the sky, before slamming down his fist into Red Dragon. Quantum blasts Red Dragon in the chest with his laser vision, before Trisha blinds Red Dragon temporarily with her light speed as Dragonfly punches Red Dragon, who blocks the next strike and tosses Dragonfly into the wall. Trisha shoots neon beams at Red Dragon, who flips and dodges before Quantum sprints at Red Dragon and roundhouse kicks him. Red Dragon breathes fire at Trisha, knocking her down, before Red Dragon dodges another kick by Quantum and attempts to backhand Quantum, who ducks and then punches Red Dragon. Quantum dodges another attack as Red Dragon arms his claws and starts to slash at Quantum, who blocks and holds the attack for a while. Quantum disarms Red Dragon, who powers up then punches Sonic in the chest, knocking him into the wall. Dragonfly flies down and punches Red Dragon, leading sword and claw fight. Quantum recovers, before Red Dragon tosses Dragonfly into the wall. Quantum flies up and round house kicks Red Dragon, before Red Dragon blocks Quantum's backhand. Quantum punches Red Dragon twice, before Axel blocks two attacks and attempts to elbow Sonic, but Quantum blocks the strike. Quantum then attempts to use his laser vision, but Red Dragon punches Quantum, causing him to misfire around the environment, hitting Dragonfly, before Red Dragon tosses Quantum.

Quantum: Jeez, guys! A little hard, aren't ya?!

Arianna: well, this is a test for the girl....can't let you two boys get all the fun.

Red Dragon then approaches Trisha, who is catching her breathe. As Red Dragon prepares to deliver a finishing blow with his fire breath, Trisha conjures up a neon staff, before she trips Red Dragon and traps him in a neon bubble, subduing Red Dragon.

Trisha: I did it! I did it! and I didn't destroy the Grid this time! (laughs)

Quantum and Dragonfly stand up as the scenery changes back to the original grid room. Later, Trisha is in the Grid control room with Quantum, who has his mask off, Dragonfly, who has his helmet off, Arianna, and Josh.

Arianna: Trisha, that was bloody amazing! You were magnificent!

Quantum: You did an outstanding performance. You didn't hold back, Trisha. You've already shown your ability to control your powers. Therefore, I believe we should lend you more further responsibility.

Dragonfly: Dad, with all due respect, her exercise was very impressive, but it doesn't mean she's ready for field operations.....No offense to you, Trisha, but if you have to face Scarlett or Axel for real or God forbid, Genesis....it won't be like in the Grid.

Josh: Oh, c'mon, James! She was awesome in there! Did you not see her?! You and Mr. Parker were with her! She's ready.

James: Josh, may I remind you, you're a student....not a teacher.

John: I agree with James....but Josh also makes a reasonable point....which is why we must allow Trisha to grow at her own pace....and I believe with proper supervision and with the right team, she will make a valuable asset to our team.

Trisha: Me? A Super? I don't freakin believe it!

John: What do you say, Trisha? Will you consider joining our team?

Trisha: Hell yes! Sorry...I mean, yes! Yes, I'd love to! Do I get a code name like you guys?!

Josh: I was thinking "Light Girl".

Arianna: Oh, Josh.

Trisha: Nah....

Quantum: "the Neon Artist"?

Dragonfly: Ohh....how about the "Neon Falcon"?

Trisha: Those are all very....good names, but...I kinda already thought of something....

Dragonfly: Really?

Josh: Well, let's hear it!

Trisha: How about.... the Neon Crane?

John: The Neon Crane! I like it! Welcome to the Supers, Neon Crane.

Trisha: What about the costume? I mean uniform. What about the uniform?! Do I get to wear my uniform?!

Arianna: Follow me.

Arianna leads Trisha to the uniform holdings where Trisha notices the other Super Uniforms, before Trisha is shown her uniform (a pink suit with the exposed muscle, leg and torso area made up of a liquid body armor. The mask symbolizes the face of a crane).

Trisha: Holy effing shit! This is cool!

Trisha tries on her "Neon Crane" uniform as Arianna is behind her, before her mask automatically seals Trisha's face.

Arianna: Do not ever lose this mask....your identity is your most important piece of being a superhero....protect it....no matter what. The mask allows you to see light points in a room....seeing as how you have neon powers, James thought that would be useful....You like it?

Trisha: I love it! Thank you for this!

Trisha hugs Arianna.

Arianna: Okay....okay...you're welcome, kid!

Joseph walks into the room, before Trisha notices him.

Joseph: Wow....now you look like you're about to whoop some ass with that uniform.

Trisha: more or less...

Arianna: Well, Trisha.....I'll leave you guys to it....remember; locker A5 is yours. Just put the suit back when you're done with it.

Trisha: Sure...

Arianna leaves as Josh and Trisha begin talking.

Josh: So I guess you're going with Neon Crane, huh?

Trisha's crane mask automatically unseals itself from Trisha's face.

Trisha: Yep...

Josh: Still think "Light Girl" suits you.

Trisha: (laughs) I never did thank you for being so encouraging to help get back into the Grid...even after I destroyed it.

Josh: Hey, you're like a walking light show...uh...no offence...you just need to learn how to control your powers more, which you've gotten down....it's because two years ago, I was in your shoes....

Trisha: You're a man of mystery, Josh....

Josh: I'm a damn mystery by myself...hey, it's getting dark....did you happen to bring swimming trunks?

Trisha: Yeah, why?

Josh: You a good swimmer?

Trisha: Uh....I'm descent.....you never answered why?

Later that night, Josh and Trisha sneak out to the pool on the roof.

Trisha: Uh....are we allowed to do this?

Josh: Hey, I'm asking myself the same damn question....don't worry; the pool alligator mostly comes out on week days....luckily, today's a Sunday...

a moment, before Trisha looks into the pool.

Josh: That was a joke.

Trisha: Right.

Trisha dips her toe into the pool.

Trisha: Is the water-

Josh: Cannon ball!

Josh bolt speeds and then jumps into the pool, splashing water onto Trisha.

Trisha: You're crazy, bolt boy!

Josh: Hey! That's what I'm mostly called for, but it's worth it! Hey, you made your name today. The moon's glowing....I'm down for a pool picnic....I know where Dominic keeps the desert, but....first; you've got to do one more thing, before you earn the name "hero"....I dare you to jump in...

Trisha: (laughs) Are you sure about this?

Josh: Hmmm....

Josh dives into the water, before unleashing a burst of electricity around the pool.

Trisha: Whoa! Now, I'm definitely not jumping in! I so do not want to get electroshocked in a pool.

Josh: Oh, c'mon! I've done this before with people inside! It's completely safe!

Trisha: You're going to have to try harder!

Josh: Hmm...harder, huh?

Josh unleashes another burst of electricity into the pool that causes a short power outage. After the shock, Josh is apparently unconscious.

Trisha: Oh, ha ha ha! What is this? The fake drowning damsel and distress act....(laughs)

A short pause.

Trisha: Okay, Josh....wake up! Hey! C'mon! It's not funny anymore! Josh! Josh! Guys! Help! Parker! Charles! ! James! Eva! Somebody! Damn it!

Trisha suddenly light speeds into the pool, before attempting to revive Josh.

Trisha: Josh! Josh! Wake up! Josh! Oh, god!

Suddenly, Josh awakens, laughing.

Josh: Oh, Light Girl, you're my hero!

Trisha: Are you kidding me?!

Josh: (laughs)

Trisha: You asshole! That's not funny! I'm so going to make you pay for that!

Josh: All right...now that you're in.....let's see how far you can swim....

Josh and Trisha dive under water, before using their bolt and lightning speed to swim faster.

Trisha: Wow! I didn't know I could do that under water!

Josh: Yeah, it helps....I want to show you something...watch this...

Josh performs electricity into the sky that spreads like a bolt of lightning.

Trisha: Wow.....that's incredible.

Trisha suddenly stares at her hand, before she shoots a neon beam into the wall, drawing a crane silhouette.

Josh: Where did you learn how to do that?

Trisha: It comes with being an artist.

Josh: You into birds?

Trisha: Cranes....my Mom's favorite bird was a Crane....she'd be amazed or at least, I'm hoping she would be...I think out of my sister and my father, if she were here, she'd understand...

Suddenly, wolves are heard howling at night.

Josh: You here that? Wolves...

Trisha: Yeah, I do...what do you think that is?

Josh: One of two guesses is one...their mating call..

Trisha: Ew (laughs)....

Josh: Or their call for their lover....I'm glad you decided to stick around....now, you're one of us....you're family now...

Josh and Trisha share a moment, where they nearly kiss, before John walks up to them.

John: You know with my super hearing senses, I thought I heard Trisha yelling "help!", which could mean Josh's pulling another "I'm drowning" stunt.

Trisha: This isn't the first time he's done this?

Josh: Mr. Parker, this was not her idea. This was mine. I-

John: I don't care about that right now.....we've got an emergency.

In the S room, Quantum, Dragonfly, Sun Sorceress, Mother Nature, and the Owl are explaining their mission to Power Surge, Neon Crane, and Ember.

Ember: What's up, Doc?

Quantum: The Chronicle has discovered where our foes are on the move again. This time to a potential catastrophic location....the Abraham Nuclear Plant in Australia.

Dragonfly: Is Genesis with them?

Quantum: According to the Chronicle, no.

The Owl: They have access to Enhuman grade plutonium?...this is not good.

Quantum: Agreed. Whatever they are planning, the results would be disastrous. The Purifiers must be stopped. Otherwise, you will have to contain a nuclear meltdown.

Power Surge: are they insane? Do you know how many people would die?

Neon Crane: Oh my god.....they wouldn't....

Dragonfly: Oh, they would, Trisha...without blinking. We must stop them.

Quantum: Very well, Supers. Let's be on our way.