In the aftermath on Earth, a new broadcast is show, regarding of the actions of the Supers.

New Reporter: Welcome to RDA World News. I'm Keera Chang. The Enhuman Leader known as Dr. Genesis has been apprehended, leading to his cease at all terrorist activities. In New York, cleanup is almost complete after damage caused by a giant Meteor like machine during its plummet towards Earth. Some sources say that many humans are congratulating the actions of an Enhuman group known as the Supers. This is largely due to large amounts of security tapes and leaks to the media, showing footage of the riots of Boston. The Supers also showed illegal experimentation on humans and Enhumans at a Catalyst Factory in New Jersey. This resulted in a shutdown of the factory and the termination of the W.R.E.X corporation, due to the death of General Gerard Tarmac. The President gave a speech, commending the Supers efforts to bring both communities, human and Enhuman alike, to live peacefully together.

During the news broadcast, Kala, who is living in an apartment, watches the footage featuring Neon Crane and smiles.

Kala: Nice job, kid.

Sam arrives.

Sam: Mom, it's that other Neon Woman!

Kala: Yeah....she's a friend of mine, Sam.

Scarlett, Axel, Snake-Bite, Rhyolite and Mammoth are in an Enhuman prison called Jupiter Dimension while Quantum is speaking with Genesis, who is in a prison uniform.

Genesis: You fortunately know this prison can't hold me, John.....you may have brought peace now....but this (using fingers for sarcasm) "peace"...it won't last....the war is coming...and I intend to lead it...our race....our species....into conquering...and not even you can stop me.

Quantum: I'll be waiting for you....my friend....

Meanwhile, in the Owego Hospital, Trisha is visiting Maria, who is laying down on the bed with her wounded leg wrapped in a cast.

Maria: So now what? You get powers? You're in awesome armor? and now you think you're some type of bad-ass superhero?

Trisha: Well, when you put it like that.....yeah, pretty much...so when will you be getting out of this cast and putting your sheriff's badge again?

Maria: No time soon....I'm kind of enjoying the special treatment while I'm on bed rest....

The sisters laugh.

Maria: Two more weeks...

Trisha: Ah...

Maria: So when am I "properly" meeting your new boyfriend?

Trisha: Well, when I can bring him around, promise me you won't tase him....he's kind of immune to that...(stands up) Get better soon, sis..

Trisha walks to the door, before Maria calls to her.

Maria: Trisha...(Trisha turns her head to Maria) Dad would've been proud of you.

Trisha warmly smiles, before she exits. In her room in the mansion, Trisha paints a memorial of Shane, before she nods.

Trisha: I love you, Daddy.

Josh walks in and puts her hand around Trisha's shoulder.

Josh: I think it's your best work yet....he would've loved it.

Trisha: Do you think so?

Josh: Yeah...he loved you.....more than any father could love his child.

Trisha turns to Josh, before the two share a kiss. John walks in and clears his throat, disrupting their kiss.

Josh: Um....Doc! We...We weren't....we were just...uh...flirting...

John: Son, if it's one thing I'm immune to, it's bullshit...I'm happy for you two though really.

Josh and Trisha laugh.

John: Could I have a moment of your time, Trisha?

Trisha: Sure....

Josh walks outside, before John speaks to Trisha.

John: First off; I am sorry for the loss of your father, but I also wanted to say how proud I am of you.....Josh told me of how you spared Kala...even though she mislead you.

Trisha: Kala was just following Tarmac's orders....he used her....like he used my family against me.

John: Sometimes the people we love can be used against us or to inspire us to fight for what they thought of you...good or bad.....you've done an amazing job....in stopping the Meteor of Babylon from destroying New York, you not only saved the city, but you prevented a war....a war that would've destroyed the lives on both sides...your actions and your courage in the face of impossible odds...has proven that you truly are a Super.

Trisha: I'm honored, Mr. Parker.....and thank you....thank you for bringing me here...and thank you for the friends and new family you've given me....and thank you for believing in me.

Suddenly, the alarm rings as Quantum calls the team to assemble.

Trisha: Well, John....I guess that's me.

John: That's us.....Neon Crane.

As the team is suiting up and entering the Eagle, John narrates.

John: There is a question...in what makes a hero....is it the uniform? Is it the power? It is neither....it is to have the courage to fight the evil that the innocent fear....the stand up for those who cannot....the give the entire world....a sign of hope.