On the highway under the caves, the team is driving their vehicles through the caves, but later stop to take a rest. Meanwhile, Thermo is looking around in the Eagle as Scarlett approaches him.
Thermo: What do you want?
Scarlett: Just making sure you're alright. Wouldn't want your mommy to clean up your wounds again?
Thermo sighs.
Thermo: For the record, I handled myself just fine. Took down the Atlantean guardian no problem.
Scarlett: With the team, yes. You had help....your mommy's students help at that.
Thermo: What are you getting at?
Scarlett laughs.
Scarlett: I've only known you for a few days and I see how the team treats you. You're new....to the team and to your Enhumanity. You're only on the team, because your mommy recommended.
Thermo's eyes furrow, turning into his flame form. Scarlett's eyes widen.
Scarlett: Oh, guess I hit a nerve.
Scarlett walks off, before Thermo shakes his head. Mother Nature walks up to Thermo.
Arianna: You alright?
Thermo sighs.
Thermo: I'm fine, Mom....I'm just....I don't want any special attention.
Mother Nature: What do you mean?
Thermo: She was saying how I got into the team because....you're my mom and you're looking out for me....
Mother Nature: Sweetheart....I mean...look, Alex, you have a gift....you have power....and—
Thermo: You're not about to pull a "with great power comes great responsibility line" are you? Cause if you are, it's taken.
Mother Nature: No. I'm not....but, son, don't worry about what Scarlett is saying. Mr. Parker and I both noticed your talents. You're a smart boy...you know what's true.
The team later stops at an ancient pillar which Caspian is explaining while the Supers and Purifiers survey.
Caspian: This pillar was built by my great grandfather. It was built almost two miles high. It took thousands of years to carve this magnificent structure.
Suddenly, Mammoth knocks the ancient pillar down, creating a bridge and shocking Caspian.
Caspian: Ah! What have you done?!
Mammoth: Made a bridge.....and it took my about five or six seconds.
Caspian: You've destroyed ancient history!
Mammoth: Now, I'm making history...with a bridge.
The team uses their vehicles to cross over the downed pillar. The team shortly later crosses into the underground caves of the Adriatic Sea, where snow lays on the ground.
Dragonfly: Uh, Arianna?
Mother Nature: Uh-uh. Nope. Don't blame me. I had nothing to do with this.
Caspian: The climate has dropped a few temperatures.
Tremor: Dude, who turned off the damn heat?!
Snake-Bite: Dude, we're in snow.
Tremor: I know, Snake-Bite. I was being sarcastic. I obviously have eyes.
Power Surge: Please tell me someone packed up some snow gear.
Thermo: I don't think so, but....
Thermo uses his fire powers to create a fire to warm the team up.
Mammoth: Well, I guess it's good you have the power of both fire and ice, kid.
Quantum: Okay, Caspian. We are in the right location, right?
Caspian: Yes, we are.....we're right under the Adriatic sea.
Sun Sorceress: Right and I'm going to bet my money that our third piece of the Heart of the Ocean is down this scary looking tunnel in the shape of a mouth.
Caspian: Correct.
Mother Nature: So, we have to go down this guy's throat?
Caspian: Yep....I know. Don't worry. He's not gonna come to life and eat you....least not this second.
The Supers and Purifiers look at Caspian.
Caspian: Sorry. Bad joke.
Quantum: alright. James, Eva, Charles, Arianna, you're with me.
Genesis: I'm going with you.
Scarlett: So are me and Red Dragon.
Quantum: Okay....fine...just stay close and listen to my instructions.
Power Surge: What about the rest of us?
Quantum: You guys have earned a break after the Mediterranean Sea.
Thermo: A break? With all due respect, sir, that Mediterranean guard was nothing compared to this one. Who knows? You might need our help.
Arianna: Alex, don't worry. We've got this.
Scarlett: Yeah, rookie, maybe you can help keep the team warm and sing campfire songs.
Scarlett laughs. Thermo growls, before Phantom, Neon Crane and Power Surge walk up to him.
Power Surge: Don't worry about her, Alex.
Neon Crane: Yeah, you did great back at Mediterranean Sea.
Phantom: Yes, you really did. You saved my life and I am grateful.
Thermo turns and smiles at Phantom.
Thermo: Thank you, Jessica.
Mammoth: Aw....so cute.
Snake-Bite and Sharp-Spike laugh.
Tremor: Thermo boy and ghost girl sitting in a tree. Thermo boy wishing they could be!
The three Purifiers laugh as the young adults scold and shake their heads.
Power Surge: Really? Are you five?
Tremor: Four, actually.
Snake-Bite laughs.
Power Surge: It's cool, Alex. Cause we got something they don't.
Thermo: And that is?
Power Surge: Fans....and a lot of hot ladies thirsting over Superheroes....
Neon Crane: Ahem.....
Power Surge: Well, of course, I'd tell all those thirsty women that I'm taken...
Quantum, Dragonfly, Sun Sorceress, The Owl, Caspian, Scarlett, Red Dragon, and Genesis walk down the tunnel while the others wait. Travelling through the tunnel, the team finally walks into a temple, where they notice many statues.
The Owl: Whoa, this is freaking amazing! If only we have time to study all these! I wonder who built all these statues! It's amazing!
Caspian: We fortunately don't have time to study them, son.
Quantum: Yeah, if you forget, we only have four days.
Caspian: three....three days.
Sun Sorceress: The suspense that we have to save the world from flooding in three days.....it's really scary.
Genesis: Yes, it is, my dear.
Quantum: Think that our team can save the world from being flooded in three days? More or less.
Quantum uses his enhanced vision to scope out the shard of the Heart of the Sea, locating it below the ground.
Dragonfly: Well, good news. It's right below our feet.
Genesis: and the bad news?
The Owl: we'll have to dig.
Sun Sorceress: No problem. We could just blast through the ground.
Caspian: No...this is sacred ground, Eva. Any use of energized power could destroy the shard.
Dragonfly: Exactly. We have to bring the shard to us.....so with that saying.
Dragonfly turns to Mother Nature and Arachnica.
Dragonfly: You two want to combine your powers?
Arachnica: What do you say, greenie?
Mother Nature: Sure...as long as you get your webs out of my vines.
Caspian looks around the area, surveying for danger.
Caspian: It's strange.
Sun Sorceress: What is?
Caspian: Usually, I can sense when there's a guardian nearby....Atlanteans have a somewhat neural bond with the DNA of the guardians....I'm having trouble sensing the Adriatic guardian.
The Owl: So, what are you saying?
Caspian: He's here.....just having trouble locating where's he is going to attack from.
Dragonfly: The shard is right below us.
Dragonfly points to the ground. Mother Nature eyes green.
Mother Nature: Leave it to me.
With her nature powers, Arianna controls the vines to dig into the ground.
The Owl: Arachnica, you want to tell your spiders to dig into the ground and create webbing around the shard to make sure it doesn't get damaged.
Arachnica: I can try.
Arachnica uses her powers to conjure up spiders from her body as the spiders crawl out and dig into the ground. Underground, the spiders locate the shard and wrap webbing around it as Arianna's vine wraps around the webbed shard. Meanwhile, the Adriatic Sea Guardian, Sobek, is using his camouflage powers to gap across the statues. Mother Nature's vines bring up the webbed-up shard is the vines place the gem in Mother Nature's hand.
Mother Nature: You know; this kind of reminds me of my first prom date. Sorry bastard game me a diamond necklace.....thought he was going to be getting lucky, before he got a good kick to the nuts.
Caspian, finally tracking down Sobek, tosses his trident at his position, hitting Sobek in the shoulder and causing him to turn visible, before falling off the statue. Sobek recovers and pulls the trident out.
Sobek: Caspian....
Caspian: Sobek. Guardian of the Adriatic Sea.
Sobek: What are you doing allowing Enhumans into the sacred ground?
Caspian: We need to gather up the pieces of the Heart of the Sea.
Sobek: Why? Tarnak knows what the Heart of the Sea is capable of.
Caspian: My father is dead.....and Ramses is now King of Atlantis. He's declaring war on the surface and I need it to keep him from using the Rings of the Ocean.
Sobek: Sorry, Caspian, but your brother sounds like a genius. The surface is polluting our oceans. Both humans and Enhumans....and if Ramses is declaring war with the surface, humans and Enhumans alike.....then who am I to not side with him!
Sobek arms Caspian's trident and prepares to strike, but Arachnica steps up and webs Sobek in place. Mother Nature uses her vines and wraps the around Sobek.
Quantum: Nice work, Lily...
Caspian: It seems Sobek chose the wrong side.
Xiang: Well, either way, at least this shard was easy to grab. That's three down.....and four to go.
Caspian: Then let's keep moving. Next is the Aegean Sea.
The team leaves while Sobek begins to slowly break out of his ice stasis.