Garrett woke up extra early. After climbing Watchtower Thirty Eight's steps, he chatted with the guards who were about to go off shift. In between chatting (which may have involved flirtation), Garrett looked across the wilderness – and also into Old Keep Ward.
When looking into Old Keep, he flirted more vivaciously. According to Garrett's training, creating false impressions helped establish tactical advantages over opponents in stronger positions. His fellow Guardsmen had stronger positions because Garrett was trying to look in an unusual direction. They qualified as opponents because their presence prevented him from satisfying his mission objectives.
Illusion techniques excelled at false impressions. Some transmutation techniques also performed well. If Garrett could vanish from sight, or become a bird, he could look into Old Keep Ward indefinitely. The Royal Guard's Jade Wall Iron Fist style had no illusion techniques. It did employ transmutation techniques, but they were to toughen the body – not obscure it. Yes, subterfuge was invaluable for military applications.
The Royal Guard's purpose, however, was to intimidate through visibility.
"We stand in the light and do not fear shadows because we are strong."
But Garrett could still create false impressions through playful words and body language. He wasn't good at wiggling seductively. He was good at striking poses, however. Tai chi stances were poses in sequence, after all, and Garrett understood which poses flattered his assets best. In this way, he presented spying on Old Keep Ward as cover for flirting; rather than flirting as cover for spying.
He couldn't keep it up for long, however.
If Resk saw him behaving promiscuously, the dirty old corporal's ability to open buttons on a whim would become a real problem. Garrett couldn't spot anything in Old Keep while simultaneously blocking fingers and tongues. Despite his best efforts, he saw nothing unusual in Old Keep's courtyards. There was no sign of Princess Iba Algi, but what kind of princess would get herself up at that unreasonable hour?
Corporal Resk arrived. He behaved for most of the morning. When the spook failed to appear, however, the corporal went back to his old tricks. Garrett rebuked the old pervert less frequently than usual, instead taking opportunities to play coy.
He couldn't overdo it, or Resk would get suspicious. Garrett presented his newfound versatility as an apology for losing his temper. After all, the corporal would be one of the people who contributed most to Garrett's evaluation. While sex remained off the table, Garrett could allow the firmness of his muscles tested for quality control purposes. If any were unexpectedly weak, Garrett would have to revise his personal fitness routine. Resk had an incredibly strong grip. When he squeezed, well, that was kind of invigorating. However….
"Come on!" Garrett protested. "It's so creepy when you smell your fingers like that!"
Resk put one finger in his mouth. Garrett moved to the other side of the platform. That allowed Resk to prove that he could control Garrett's movements – and frustrate his objectives. Garrett folded his arms and scowled. Was Resk hiding lecherous behavior behind teachable moments; or, teachable moments behind lecherous behavior?
Garrett got up early again the next day and went through his routine all over again. He was no longer interested in the whole of Old Keep, just the Princess's courtyard. It was close enough for him to see what was going on without using his looking glasses. The Princess came out to play in the early afternoon. At that same moment, Resk grabbed Garrett from behind and walked him back to a less politically sensitive view.
A runner reached the top platform.
"The captain wants to see you," he said. "Button up your pants."
Garrett buttoned up his pants and went down to the Captain.
"Someone asked," said Sennue after Garrett entered his office and closed the door.
The Captain looked happy. Garrett felt tightening anxiety. Anyone asking about the nobility was playing politics – and politics was a foul game. Garrett could only come out ahead if the party who wasn't angered by his testimony felt grateful. Politicians were quick to feel angry and slow to feel grateful, however. Captain Sennue slapped Garrett on the back.
"Your instincts say keep your head down," he said.
"They do," agreed Garrett.
"If you were the type to keep your head down," said Sennue, "why didn't you keep your head down in the tower?"
"It's complicated," mumbled Garrett.
"If you keep your head down now, it'll come off as hiding and you'll be tortured."
"So don't keep your head down."
The captain chuckled.
They reached the Resonating Hall of Meritorious Service. It was an enormous building full of politicians, bureaucrats, and noise. Taking Sennue's advice to heart, Garrett tried to march down the hallways like a veteran and not the shapely son of a prosperous winemaker.
He and Sennue entered a big room.
Some people inside looked important. Others looked like people trying to look important. Flanked by flunkies, a man who probably was important sat behind a desk on a raised dais. His robes and cap identified him as a minister. Garrett wasn't sure of the rank. Garrett and Sennue took seats to one side of the gallery. Garrett wondered why he had been asked to discuss sensitive information in front of a crowd.
"In politics," said Sennue, "there's always at least three reasons for everything."
The chamber's business proceeded some time before Garrett was asked to come forward.
A flunky verified that the young man had been the one to report observing a "restricted individual." The flunky then asked Garrett to describe what he observed. Trying to keep his head up, Garrett began to narrate the day's events. He omitted the thing with his buttons, then worried the minister would know about the thing with the buttons and order Garrett tortured.
Fortunately, the minister didn't care about buttons or how the day started.
"Regarding the restricted individual," he prompted.
Garrett advanced the timeline eagerly.
"After observing a young lady for several minutes…," said Garrett.
"Which young lady?"
"Princess Iba Algi," said Captain Sennue.
"I was not asking you, Captain."
"My recruit identified the princess as 'young lady' because he was worried that identifying her by name might get him tortured. I therefore identified her to save the August Gentleman's time."
The chamber chuckled. "August Gentleman," people whispered.
"After a few minutes," said Garrett, "a young man entered my field of view. I determined that he was the Fourth Prince and stopped observing."
"Have you seen the Fourth Prince before?" asked the minister.
"From a distance," said Garrett. "At official functions. Furthermore, the Royal Guards are provided with portraits of the royal family."
"Why is that?" asked the minister.
"So that we know who we are guarding," said Captain Sennue.
"I apologize if my approach offends you, Captain," said the minister. "The purpose of asking simple questions is to put the witness at ease, and to help inform us of the witness's credibility. If it is your intention to continue interrupting me, I will remove you."
"My recruits go where I go."
"Is that so?"
"If the August Gentleman would care to ask the Royal Guards guarding him now," said Sennue, "they can confirm how we operate."
That caused a stir. The minister appeared taken aback by the Sennue's aggression. Garrett smiled to himself. The Captain was demonstrating what "not keeping your head down" meant. The minister regained his composure quickly, but the huge room took longer to settle down. In fact, Garrett felt a bigger disturbance brewing in the corridors behind him.
"This is a routine inquiry, Captain," said the minister. "There is no need for hostility."
"This is a transparent attempt to embroil the Guard in politics,"replied Sennue.
"I'm sorry you have come to that conclusion," said the minister.
"I have also come to that conclusion," said a bright young voice.