Rainbow Crossing

The Hills of Lancaster, Pennsylvania held a hue of colors. And beyond reasoning, waterfalls were heard daily during the early morning light. Then a Rainbow appeared over the top of a bridge.

Something unique and charismatic, it kept you right in the moment. The reason why I think this is a special place in the heart of Lancaster. Clouds floating up in the atmosphere, a heaven on Earth.

There is a crossing a bridge only a walking ridge made of wood. High above rocks and water untamed its nature. Water sprays from the lake and bubbles are made in rainbow colors. Nothing like the smell of fresh water.

Singing chrocus, at a high pitch, sometimes may sound like a song. I could have sworn to see large Grasshoppers playing the violin. Flower of Patience, singing to the music, " If I Were a Carpenter."

Flower of Patience, known as Mauna Kea Silversword. A symbol of resilience during all kinds of weather. Its leaves can store lots of water and turn into a gel-like other plant leaves store air.

Farther on the dewy ground, moss so natural you can pull a piece off and eat it. It tastes like a green smoothy. Cup your hands under the spring water from the overpass to drink a sweet honeydew nectar a flavor all its own.

Woody vines hang from trees called lianas and crawl up tree trunks in a curtain-like canopy. Fresh air abounds, you are in Rainbow Crossing.

Hannah and Virginia Peachy, hiking joined by their boyfriends Almonzo Stoltzfus and Isaac Mast. Today an adventure to many heights to conquer hiking. Wearing easy modest clothing, black spandex, and water shoes easy to maneuver around in.

The Peachy Scwesters giggle about being able to climb higher than the guys. All because they weighed less than their counterparts. Our men laughed," Only because you eating Wheaties right? Almonzo teased. " Or how bout this one? Spinach like Popie," Isaac laughed. Climbing right in back of them stopping to set up high in gliders put there purposely for guests. Besides picnic tables and a grill.

Inside Isaacs's backpack, he packed on ice steaks small ones. He fired up the grill and then set seasoned steaks to cook. Almonzo had packed, sliced potatoes with onions, wrapped in foil to bake in the hot coals. Hannah and Virginia set the table with paper plates, and cups of fresh water from the spicket at the picnic sight. Chocolate chip cookies, dried fruit, and oatmeal bread buttered.

Soon the lunch smelled so gut, while waiting

They all put on more sunblock. Smoke on the grill kept bugs at bay. Virginia read aloud parts of the Bible, very relaxing yet brings love in words to touch our hearts.

Then Hannah played her piccolo, a sweet high-pitched sound traveling over air

Of well-watchers and listeners. Small animals

Tiny birds, squirrels, bunnies, and frogs watching nibbling on grass and wildflower seeds.

The food is ready, and the extra time to play over. Hannah and Virginia walk over to sit and

Eat lunch. First things first bow heads in prayer. Tender steak, potatoes yummy, tea packets poured into iced water. Delightful light wheat bread baked this morning, buttered. Yumbly gut. And cookies are gut too.

Afterward packed up to the canoe, and tied up to the lake. Then walked over and piled into it, Isaac and Almonzo paddled them all in a very large wooden canoe.

Looking ahead to paddle down the lake, lines of evergreen trees around the outer banks. A stick of bugs off rolling a smoke resembles an I sense stick. A light breeze blew, while salmon jumped up out of the water, bass, then they stopped suddenly. Setting both canoe paddles up against the sides of the boat. Then swiftly grabbed nets with handles and grabbed with both hands both men swooped in with the strength of many men in two hands. Swooped up a school of salmon. Slowly yet using a swiftness pulled them in.

Almonzo and Isaac both did. Such a sight a feast of fish.

The ladies use fishing gloves to handle fish. Then cleaned and skinned the salmon and threw the waste back into the water so the fish had plenty to eat. Faleighed them after cleaning and cutting their heads off. Wrapped freezer wrap-up to them and put on ice at the next stop.

They pulled in where a young Amishman greeted them and taking the sack of fish put a name on it and they paid a fee to be able to fish. While the fish were out in the freezer, boxed up till time for them to leave and drive a car around to take them home. They got out then and jumped into a Jeep Isaac drove on

Hannah is in front of the passenger seat. In the back Amonzo's arms are up in the air holding onto the roll bar. Virginia, sat hands holding onto her seat. Hair in a bun a black scarf over top tied behind her head. Like Hannah had hers today.

Then off they went wearing sunglasses and all smiles to last a lifetime of happy memories.

All round pretty petrified walls of rock. Around a corner slowly over rougher terrain. They were jeeping, careful, seatbelted in. Laughing, with the ladies screaming.

Then all at once, they saw their car and dropped off the Jeep to go home, yet not before grabbing a freezer box of fish. And headed for home. With the sun going down, over the hills, God's reassurance of another day, and knowledge of an awesome God.

Tomorrow is always a covenant with God, not to mention memories of everlasting life awaits us for we do not die.

Turbulence came up, something different I can't quite describe. The earth moaned a strain of a bow tightened, so it seems. Undoubtedly the earth is made of back dirt, brown dirt, gold, and even red dirt. Where God picked up the earth including its clay. Forming it into a lifeless shape of his image.

God then blew into its nostrils forming man, each culture or color of skin made on that day called us. The us is known for mankind-dwelling, forever to form itself in a culture known as a country. Language is made into linguistics.

The most wonderful thing about life is it belongs to you. Therefore, your destiny starts with you. And culture learned from family and friends.

The sounds of large dogs barking snapped us out of deep thoughts. Hannah felt it, wondering if it was just her thinking about it and hearing Earth moaning. " Anyone here," Virginia called inside the door. " I'm in here it's Hannah, just ready to walk to the horse barn."

Both stepped into the kitchen at once, dressed for working the horse barn. " I feel something different Schwester," Hannah said. " Something as if our earth moaning, sincerely tis true."

" Yes, I hear something unknown to what it is, for you just described it for me, Danke."